Date: 6/30/2003 4:58:00 PM
From Authorid: 29532
I would like to be well off financially. I would like to never have expirienced my home burning down and almost dying in it. I would like to have all my friends back that have passed away. I would like to meet my husband's family. I would like to have a NORMAL family. I want a dog. I would like to have another car and the one we own now to be fixed. AND MOST IMPOTANTLY I want my son to grow up well, be good, be responsible, taken care of, happy and never make some of the mistakes I have made.  |
Date: 6/30/2003 5:26:00 PM
From Authorid: 48689
I want to grow up, be a photographer, get married, and be happy. But for right now I would like to find a wonderful guy to be called my boyfriend...  |
Date: 6/30/2003 6:04:00 PM
From Authorid: 27705
hmm write about anything happiness, love, hate, terror, mystery, a life that you would find to be perfect just use your imagination and your creativity i know you have plenty of it peace and love regina  |