I know that at some point in time everybody has gotten one of those surveys that ask you all kinds of stupid questions. You know like your favorite color, what you like better, coke or pepsi, favorite foods... the list is endless. THen your supposed to fill in your answers and send it to your friends so they can get to know you better. Well, I am making a web page with all kinds of different stuff on it. (g-rated of course) Like a daily comic and daily jokes and links to online games, things of that sort. I was bound and determined to make a "dedication to USM" page and then decided why not give USM it's own little section. I want to create a survey with all those off the wall questions (nothing personal) and have all willing USM members fill it out. Then I will put the answers on my site. Its a good way to get to know each other better, alot of "useless" information, but fun none the less. What do you think? Any opinions? I'd like to have the list made up soon. Sometime within the next day or so I'll update this page with my list of "questions" I don't want to go overboard, I think about 20 should be enough. If you have a suggestion for a question post it as well. When the list is up I'll let you know how to contact me with your answers.
*Updated July 1st*
OKay, So I have a list of the questions. DON'T REPLY TO THEM YET. Look over them and see if I should add or remove any. There are 25 questions total.
FAVORITES 1-What is your Favorite color?
2-What is your Favorite movie?
3-What is your Favorite TV show?
4-What is your Favorite actor/actress?
5-What is your Favorite song?
6-Who is your Favorite band?
7-What is your Favorite book?
8-What is your Favorite video game?
9-What is your Favorite resteraunt?
10-What is your Favorite holiday?
11-What is your favorite food?
12- What is your favorite season?
13- What is your favorite sport?
14- Pepsi or Coke?
15- Chocolate or vanilla?
16- Chocolate chip or oatmeal rasin?
17- Cats or Dogs?
18- Hotdogs or Hamburgers?
19- Popcorn or chips?
20- Mashed potatoes, Baked potato or French Fries?
21- How did you find USM?
22- What is your Favorite USM section?
23- Is your pic on the Junkies site? (If so then I'll make a link to that pic on the Junkies site)
24- As of (date of survey) how many comments have you given?
25- As of (date of survey) how many posts have you made?
I was thinking of maybe letting each person put the link to the favorite post they have made.
I thought this would be a good way to maybe strike new friendships, you could find somebody who has the same intrests as you.
Any suggestions, comments? Let me know.
And once again, PLEASE DON'T answer these questions yet. I will let you know how to contact me with your answers later.
*`Frosty Angel`*
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