I don't believe I have ever understood what motivates people to hurt others. What is even more weird to me is how people can do these horrible things and then say they only want the best for the person they are doing it to.
My friend recently came out as being a lesbian. Well, actually, she's been out for a while, but she finally told her family about it and things just collapsed from there. During dinner, I got a phone call from her. She was sobbing, almost hysterical by what her parents were doing to her.
I had gotten calls like this before from her, although I hadn't heard her cry so badly. I had to ask her a few times to restate what she had said because it was almost incoherent. I felt a rush of tears fill up in me because here was someone who had taken me in as a friend for who I was and she was in complete misery.
Her parents sit there telling her lies about her girlfriend's mother, about things that have been said, and then blame her for lying about it. I talked with her girlfriend earlier, and her girlfriend was upset because *Sasha's parents sent her mom a horrible email, saying how they couldn't see each other at all, even in groups. They sat saying how the girlfriend ruined their perfect daughter, and ruined her love for life.
Sasha, being reasonable, wrote them a very long letter while we were still in school, trying to be reasonable and explain everything in a very calm manner. I had been telling her to do something like that, so I was glad to see that she was finally doing it. But I didn't expect to see such imaturity come from her parents.
They said they understood, then turned around and did all of this. They sent the email that I was talking about earlier on Sasha's birthday, which made Sasha hurt even worse.
She has pretty much given up hope, and after what has happened, i don't blame her. I've watched and friends turned on her, as her family turned on her, her heart breaking every minute. And I don't understand it. Her girlfriend obeys the rules now, and I don't get that either. This is a fight worth fighting, isn't it?
They don't even realize it, but they are pushing their daughter to her grave, making her turn away and not care anymore. It's being very unproductive, if you ask me.
Why would anyone treat their child this way?
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