A muvva was washing 'er bibey one night...the youngest of ten & a delicate mite. The muvva was pwah and the bibey was fin twas not but a skellington covered wif skin. The muvva turned round for the soap off the rack...she was only a moment but when she turned back, 'er bibey 'ad gone and in anguish she cried, "oh where is my bibey gone...the aingels replied. Oh your bibey 'as gone down the plug hole, oh your bibey has gone down the plug...the poor lttle fing was so skinny & thin, he should of been washed in a jug...in a jug. Oh your bibey is perfectly 'appy he won't need a bath any more...he's a mockin' about wif the aingels above...da..da..da..da..da..da.
This is not a poem of mine, but rather it is an old traditional English song, and I have tried to remember as much of it as possible.
Can any of you tell me the name of the group that did this song?
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .