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Date: 6/29/2003 10:57:00 AM
From Authorid: 24732
I side with Kazaa's users, despite that they should have choosen a better file sharing program. This probably is the end of Kazaa, but it won't be the end of downloading free music. If anything it might make people download even more, and start using proxy servers to change their IP more. ![]() |
Date: 6/29/2003 12:06:00 PM
From Authorid: 10722
Do they think they can win this way? You get a drug dealer off the streets for selling dope, 10 more will take his place in a week along with him being back out. Same thing with this only in a quicker and larger scale. The courts will likely grow tired of wasting time and money on something as sensless as busting little jimmy for downloading the latest "Pink" video. But it won't even go to that because technology moves quicker than the court system. Modifications for file sharing programs to regulate the number of files one can post available to share can be made. This can be set to change every day and would smash the music industries ground for lawsuit in a snap. Add to the fact of what will they do if the large file sharers are based in mexico, canada, south america, or china? ![]() |
Date: 6/29/2003 12:37:00 PM
From Authorid: 53900
I feel like they (RIAA) see a large "cash cow" that they cannot set their teeth into while their are so many sources where you can d/l for free. I side with the users of Kazaa. I mean people have been recording music off the radio for years and years. hey have been recording movies off television for just as long. I dont see a problem with it. I personally will not buy a cd until I have listened to a few songs off of it and know that I like them. Besides they make so much money off the cds already what are they worried about? ![]() |
Date: 6/29/2003 1:16:00 PM
From Authorid: 3321
Screw RIAA...I am dead serious. Not only are they going to screw over the consumer market they choose to alienate us as well. I refuse to purchase CDs ever again. I don't care how I get my music but it certainly will never be by putting cash into their pockets ever again. ![]() |
Date: 6/29/2003 1:24:00 PM
From Authorid: 54987
Well the music industry should reduce the cost of CDs. They are making 9,999% profit. The cost never comes down only goes up even when the cost of making the cds in the first place are going down. It was understandable when cds first came on the market, but now there is no excuse. When cassettes came out, they had the same problems but it didn't happen. People still bought new tapes. ![]() |
Date: 6/29/2003 3:07:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 57105
Well it seems everyone so far has sided with the Kazaa users. Interesting. Anomaly X, i thought you wrote a really good point. Technology moves much faster than a court. -fantasy/reality ![]() |
Date: 6/29/2003 9:29:00 PM
From Authorid: 15070
KaaZa users. Just like I backed Napster users. RIAA needs to get a grip.....go Persephone. I agree. ![]() |
Date: 6/29/2003 9:57:00 PM
From Authorid: 37900
IMO, the RIAA is correct on this issue. The larger issue here is the protection of created material. If we allow the piracy of copyrighted material to continue, we face the prospect of diminished output in the arts and in other areas. Illegal sharing is not the solution to the problem. Corporations follow the money; if enough people complain that music costs too much, and support that claim by purchasing fewer CD's, I'm convinced prices would fall. Right now, the RIAA has the law and money supporting its position. Any other effort seems futile. ![]() |
Date: 6/29/2003 10:41:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 57105
You have a good point there.. -fantasy/reality ![]() |
Date: 6/30/2003 1:42:00 PM
From Authorid: 22080
i think this is stupid those in the music industry who call it art arent artist when they make a big fuss about people listening to their music which they wanted in the first place, im in a band and i would love to have people "steal" my mp3's if i had some ![]() |
Date: 6/30/2003 1:47:00 PM
From Authorid: 22080
also i thought that copywrite protected people from getting their ideas swiped i.e. if someone claims it was them who produced the album or something along those lines then id see grounds for a lawsuit, but i dunno, im so glad i use kazaa lite ![]() |
Date: 6/30/2003 5:18:00 PM From Authorid: 49959 Are they sueing people that are downloading stuff off of Kazaa or are the sueing those that are putting the musics and videos up for grabs? This is stupid, people are right, just like there was napster, another free music thing is gonna pop back up in a few weeks. |
Date: 7/1/2003 2:40:00 PM
From Authorid: 62141
As an independant recording artist this to me is an issue that I feel deeply about. I spent 35 years learning to play guitar and other instruments...my whole life learning to communicate through words. I insist on the right to disseminate my music as I see fit. I do take my copyright very seriously, and like to be paid for the use of my songs By businesses who profit by my labors, or people who desire to own my music. What is particularly galling to a performer is when after the show you see that someone is about to buy a cd and his buddy waves him off saying "I have that one at home! I'll burn you a copy." In this case the person had heard you perform and desired to own your music, but his buddy cost you a sale. This is not morally right, in my opinion. Also, I run into others who brag about having downloaded 2000 cds from the net, and tell me to my face "I'll never buy another cd again." Those people are truly stealing, just as if they'd shoplifted a cd from a store. All that said, give my music a listen for free at: http://www.mp3.com/Graylen_Cook_Project Buy it or steal it should you choose to do so. |
Date: 7/1/2003 2:44:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 57105
Wow thats a really good comment you wrote, it truelly shows why taking music off the net can actually be a pretty bad thing to do. I'll be sure to check out your music by the way. -fantasy/reality ![]() |
Date: 7/1/2003 2:51:00 PM From Authorid: 62141 By the way, in looking around my living room/studio right now, I see $25,000 worth of musical instruments and recording equipment. Over the years I've have owned lots more. Then you have to factor in those marriages and divorces, heartaches and headaches into the cost of music production! LOL |
Date: 7/3/2003 2:02:00 PM
From Authorid: 22080
how can you honestly turn an art into a buisness? charge only enough for the cost of the cd getting pressed, thats all my bands ever done and it works out great, all our money is made from shows when they want to pay us, its an art form that you shouldnt make money off of, it should be for the love of it, guitar is not hard to learn how to play, infact i can outplay almost all the people i went to for lessons and poetry and songwriting is twice as easy, yes my poems and songs come from internal pain but ya know the gift of music is alot better than putting a price on YOUR emotions ![]() |
Date: 7/3/2003 2:42:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 57105
That is very true, but there are some people who want to use their art as a way to support themselves. Just like a painter sells his paintings in order to continue his art. It just depends on how you look at it. -fantasy/reality ![]() |
Date: 7/3/2003 5:42:00 PM From Authorid: 62141 Jester, I'm sorry to have to disagree with you one this one, but you must e reasonabbly happy with your day job. Most artists never really fit into "normal reality" knowing that they aren't doing what they should be doing. If you don't value your art no one else will. It's not about techinical profiency either, some of the bpeople who do best are not very talented. I just read a biography of the late country singer Ernest Tubb. He was technically not hardly even a singer, but he had the most loyal fanbase of anybody, and was very mcuh a part of many of the good things that happened in Nashville. Matter of fact, if you looked at all ETs accomplishments you might say that he made Nashville into Music City. The concept that an artist does not deserve to profit by his art is totally unfathomable to me... |
Date: 7/3/2003 10:14:00 PM
From Authorid: 22080
i understand we artist dont fit into "normal reality" and thats because i eat,sleep,breathe and live music but i just dont see how you can honestly say you love doing something if you must make a profit off of it ![]() |
Date: 7/5/2003 12:49:00 PM
From Authorid: 62141
OK, Jester, I have looked at your profile and figured out why you still have the point of view that you have expressed. It is quite simply age. You are 16, I am 47. I have worked in all those jobs that were very much the wrong thing for me to be doing. I have lived to experience the emotions that I have. You still have most of that in your future. Many people are content to play music simply because they enjoy it, but there is another class who view music as being the career they chose from the beginning. We have bills and families to support, and our time should be spent in creating, rather than flipping burgers or whatever. My problem isn't with someone downloading a song or two. My problem is with someone downloading whole cds without paying anything to the artist. |
Date: 7/5/2003 7:24:00 PM
From Authorid: 22080
lol talk to a couple people around here about my age, you'd be surprised some of the comments, age dont mean nothing so dont bring that in, also i already have a spot as an apprentice lined up with one of the top 50 tattooist in the nation, i would rather be doing music but drawing is my second hobby, i have learned threw the 2 years of my music learning that the only way to get a deal is to GIVE OUT cds not sell them and if you really wanna look at it on my level, most of my songs are angsty, i.e. deal with my depression, the same kinda music that got me into music and saved my life, now i want to help someone else later on in life, thats why i dont agree with it, if you understand ![]() |
Date: 7/6/2003 6:14:00 PM From Authorid: 62141 Jester the fact that you desire to have "deal" proves that you wish to make money with your music. Which was my whole point all along. Society cannot expect people to create music or any other atrform for free. Artists deserve to be compensated. Thank you for proving my point for me. |
Date: 7/7/2003 8:25:00 PM
From Authorid: 22080
ok did you know that you make lil if any money off your cd's? it all comes from live shows my friend, and i plan on putting most my money into charities and helping out people, i mean if i have that much money there's no excuse why i shouldnt help ![]() |
Date: 7/16/2003 3:35:00 AM
From Authorid: 34814
I have mixed feelings but if I was everyone I would stay off Kazaa lol ![]() |
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