Once upon a time on the mysterious Isle of Man, located in the Irish Sea, lived a strange creature. This spirit, ghost, poltergeist, or demon ( take your pick...it was called all of these things and more- including a hoax) became known as Gef the talking Mongoose.
The family consisted of a mother, father, and a young girl. The family began to be aware of scratching sounds between the walls. They first attributed this to rats. Although they would set mouse traps no rats were ever caught...and meanwhile the scratching sounds continued and intensified.
Eventually the thing began to make squeeky sounds, which after awhile developed into squeeky vocalizations. From then on the family would converse with the little creature...who by that time was identifying itself as a mongoose.
The family would sometimes ask it to answer questions or to make knocking sounds in response. One time the girl put her finger into a hole in the wall, which apparently disturbed Gef (as it had now become known as) and she promptly got bitten for her intrusion.
When Gef was in a good mood it sometimes would go out hunting for rabbits & then deposit them on the family porch for the family to find & eat. The news of this wonder got around, of course, and the family became famous on the island.
Eventually famed British parapsychologist Harry Price came to investigate which seemed to irritate the tempermental mongoose. Gef urinated upon the bald head of the investigator.
Eventually the phenomenon died away as such things usually do. Gef the talking mongoose is long gone....but not entirely forgotten.
(The above events occurred during the 1930s, I believe).
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