Beautiful Angel
Guardian angel, From heaven so bright, Watching beside me, To lead me aright, Fold thy wings round me, O guard me wth love, Softly sing songs to me, Of heav'n above.
Beautiful angel, My guardian so mild, Tenderly guide me, For I am thy child, Beautiful angel, My guardian so mild, Tenderly guide me, For I am thy child.
Angel so holy! Whom God sends to me, Sinful and lowly, My guardian to be; Wilt thou not cherish The child of thy care? Let me not perish My trust is thy pray'r.
Beautiful angel, My guardian so mild, Tenderly guide me, For I am thy child, Beautiful angel, My guardian so mild, Tenderly guide me, For I am thy child.
O may I never Forget thou art near: But keep me ever In love and in fear. Waking or sleeping, In labor and rest, In thy sweet keeping My life shall be blest.
Beautiful angel, My guardian so mild, Tenderly guide me, For I am thy child, Beautiful angel, My guardian so mild, Tenderly guide me, For I am thy child.
Angel, dear Angel Oh, close by me stay; Safe from harm shield me, All ill keep away Then thow wilt lead me When this life is o'er To Jesus and Mary To praise evermore.
Beautiful angel, My guardian so mild, Tenderly guide me, For I am thy child, Beautiful angel, My guardian so mild, Tenderly guide me, For I am thy child.
I loved sing this hymn as a child the word are so beautiful
Great big hugs. Take care.
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