I went from one end of the spectrum of paths spiritual to the other. I admit I left when alienation starts or things went bizarre. I was raised babtist, I experiences shallowness of other children who thought they could catch deafness like it was a disease. They inturn grew up in to very shallow teens who asociate retardation with being deaf. I had as an adult went to Unity church that said that all faiths are valid to the one who believes. I prayed then to Mother Father God, Meditated to music with groups. Again I had interpersonal problems with people on a shallow level who think that I was after their wives and others thought I was hitting on thier husbands!this was nuts, I was finding peace in meditation and believing that all great teacher Budda, Mohammad, Jesus,and Kwan Yin are channels for the same creative force that validated life in the air,fire,water,earth and human common experiences. I broke from Unity, when the preacher who admitted alcoholism and had a vision of starting his own church with it own christian only church. I then went ot study paganism and wicca. What I had read related to me intellectually and within my gut. I was the odd man out again, because from all that bad experiences I was not allowing my self to trust. The witches on the whole are highly compassionate and have a touch with passion that I was too cold and timid that made people uneasy. I realize that the worst thing to do is to blame people through out my life that were insecure. I feel that Diety, God, Goddess&God, The One, can be seen as a diamond with many sides to briliance. The paths of spirit are the many sides of Deity and each side is a part of the whole. Love is the key to make it real. Stop denying another persons soul passion of her faith. If it disagrees with me, then that is my problem to deal with ;not that person who is not " like me". I feel that an absence of free thought is a death. The violence and intimidation tactics of people with fanaticism to only one viewpoint does not build harmony that the claim to profess. Spriitual selflove is being secure in self to allow and bless someones awsome differece of a path. I believe differences of thought, skin color, culture, and faith are what makes this life with the elements a very non boring experiece. I had found a lot of wisdom in the quote " The mind is like a parachute it functions best when open." I would like to say that these are my life experiences and not a tool to bash anyone. I have been at the recieving end of verbal bullying too many times to do it to others. Blessed Be to all of life agreeable and disagreeable. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 26598 ( Click here )
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