I just took a bunch of names randomly, and paired them up: whoever I paired you with, they were once your family, perhaps in your past life or something (of course it's not, it's just a game..but you know for fun and stuff..) so..here are your past life families..
frankenstein & Release me (once brothers and sisters who fought with each other everyday, frank turned into a monster after drinking a mysterious potion in chemistry class, then he ran off into the atlantic coast and disppeared forever)
Magenta Blue & Midnighty (once sisters who got separated when midnighty went crazy and moved into the mountains to live with the lions and monkeys)
Blizzard & Becky Dewdrop (once cousins who robbed a bank together, then got caught and arrested, thus they got separated)
Baby Cakiez & Kiki (once friends who watched "friends" together everynight)
Snow princess & Princess of light (snow princess was Princess of light's mother, Snow princess was a bad mother and abandoned POL)
DreamerPoet & Korngurl (once sisters who hated each other, once korngurl broke DP's neck with a 2 by 4)
Cujo & Grey Eyed Girl (once sisters who went to elton john concerts together every year)
Aromatics & Radman (Radman was Aromatics' little brother, Aromatics always forced radman to eat his peas from dinner)
Fayes Eyes & Medusa (poor friends who were bums, but then found a dollar under the bridge, bought a lottery and won 6 million bucks)
Moongirl & Aeris Vampire (Aeris Vampire was Moongirl's stepmother, Moongirl didn't like her stepmother so she stole her car and took off, only to realized she didn't know where else to go, thus driving back home. when she got home, Aeris Vampire left home herself, they never saw each other again.)
Flame-on & Badgirl169 (Flame-on was an abandoned baby whom was picked up by Badgirl169, Badgirl raised flame-on as if he was her own.)
Vampire Gerbril & Rika (At 15 years of age, Vampire Gerbril mysteriously grew interested in bats, eventually turned into a bat himself...Rika was so frightened of her brother that she left home. they never saw each other again..)
Crystal peak & gentel breeze (On a hot summer afternoon in July. 12/1835, Gentel Breeze was eating icecream with her sister cystal peak..when all a sudden Gentel breeze got struck by lightning and fell into a time loop, she fast forwarded her life to June. 19/2003)
Italian Princess & Linda (Linda and Italian Princess' lived in london england in 1805. Linda was Italian princess' grandmother who read fairytale stories to her everynight. During one of those nights, Linda chose a scarier story to read to Italian princess, princess got so scared she dug a hole in the sofa and dove in it. Hours later Linda knew something was wrong when princess was still in the hole, she later found that princess had suffocated. Linda regret reading the scary story to princess.)
DMK & nobody (DMK lost his family years ago..feeling deprived of a familiy, he build people out of cardboxes and gave'em names, calling them a family. even now, if you go to DMK's house, you'd hear voices, but you only see DMK himself..and his cardbox "family" )
Breathing body & me (breathing body was a girl obsessed with corpses. One night she decided to rob a body out of a funeral home. the body was me.) You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 15904 ( Click here )
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