Part 1: The Letter
Dear Roger,
Hey big brother, this is your little sister. I know we haven’t spoken to each other in almost two years, and I also know that it’s my fault we aren’t as close as we used to be. I miss you so much Roger, and I need you in my life again. I was really screwed up there for a while… and still am for that matter. But I am sober now, and the crowd I was hanging around with (the bad crowd you warned me about) is out of my life. Since are argument I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about what we’ve went through… and I came to the realization that you were my strength. I shouldn’t have done what I did to you, and I’m living with the consequences everyday of my life since then. You were lucky enough to know mom and dad before they were killed, but I was lucky enough to have you as a brother. You raised me, took care of me when I was sick. Do you remember the summers when you used to take me down to the pond out back of grandma’s house, and you taught me how to swim, and then when the sun began to set we would sit on the dock, and sip grandma’s lemonade, and you would tell me about mom and dad.
And there was that time that kid was picking on me at school – I guess I was in seventh grade – and you came to my school and stuck up for me. He never bothered me again. It’s strange… I hated that kid for the torment he put me through in grade school, but it seems that that’s the type of person I fell in love with later in life; guys that beat me, and threatened me. There were many nights, and I’m not telling you this to make you feel bad, but there were many nights I wished you were there to stick up for me, to protect me from my boyfriends. I know I sound really pathetic, but that’s the way I feel. Even through this time we haven’t talked to one another your still, and always will be my hero. I’m so proud of you (I don’t know if that means anything to you or not, but you are my hero). The reason I’m writing you now isn’t because I want a relationship with you, it’s because I NEED a relationship with you. I know your wife, Jamie, probably hates me – taking money from you and your wife was a horrible thing to do, yet I was really messed up when I did that – and I understand if she hates me, and I’ll do anything to gain her love too. But I need your love again, and I beg your forgiveness. I need you more then I’ve ever needed you. I’m going through a really tuff time right now, and I have nowhere to turn. I’m not asking you to protect me anymore, I’m not asking for money… I’m asking for LOVE. Love has a tremendous power that’s unseen. It took me a while to realize that, and I hope it’s not too late.
I hope that you can forgive me for all the turmoil I put you and Jamie through, and hope you can love me again. I really need… I really need my big brother right now. I need your arm around me, with a pitcher and two big glasses of lemonade next to up, on a dock, while we talk about happy things. And I hope we can get together before summer is out, and we can do this. I don’t know where my life is going but I know it’s not good, and I know a call from you can give me that needed direction. If you can find enough love in your heart for your little sister please, please get in touch. It’s been two years too long.
With as many ‘I’m Sorrys’ that I can give, and more LOVE then you can imagine, You’re Little Sister, Callie
Part 2 Roger's Reaction
Roger, sitting on old boxes in the basement of his home inventorying his collection of old magazines, folded Callie’s letter and put it back into its envelope. Roger had subscriptions to many different magazines (mostly news, and sports). Usually he received a magazine a day in the mail, and it had been that way for years.
The postmark on the envelope, that contained Callie’s letter, was dated 1997; the magazine in his lap was also dated 1997. The envelope had been within the pages of that magazine for six years (put there from a careless post officer). His eyes were full of tears. 1997 was a bad year for Roger… it was the year his little sister walked into the pond out back of his grandmother’s house on a cold winter day, and she never came back out. She didn’t want to come out. Roger had been to the funeral – in fact he was the only mourner there – and he didn’t have a clue about the desperate letter she had written him, though it was in his possession (in between the pages of a magazine in the basement of his house). He had never stopped loving his little sister, but she had died thinking he had stopped loving her. And that was something he couldn’t live with… but that’s another story.
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