Date: 6/16/2003 10:27:00 AM
From Authorid: 25828
i'm glad you endured 8-)  |
Date: 6/16/2003 10:28:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 47699
Heather, you knew that I would. I'm a chameleon and I can blend in anywhere.  |
Date: 6/16/2003 10:34:00 AM
From Authorid: 53284
I found your posts most interesting. Kind of like an anthropolgist studying a recently found civilization. It is definitely not the world that I live in, but if I changed my lifestyle, I sure I could find my way in. (Don't worry, I'm not changing my lifestyle.) Thanks for your reporters perspective about jail life. Too bad you had to experience this first hand, but I glad that it doesn't seem to have had a negative impact on your personality. Take care of yourself Frank. Bob  |
Date: 6/16/2003 10:35:00 AM
From Authorid: 22852
Well Frank I am glad you survived your ordeal and if anyone has learned anything from this then it was worth it.  |
Date: 6/16/2003 10:36:00 AM
From Authorid: 22721
The series was wondeful! Never stop writiting.  |
Date: 6/16/2003 10:38:00 AM
From Authorid: 25828
me too, what i noticed quickly was that everyone was in a 'group' of some sort - most of them were grouped by race, but others by age - or , mates. I'm an observer - and can get a really good don't muck with me face on - they didn't mess with me - and several groups tried to get me to 'sit with them'....i did, then went to the next group, and the next, and the next - making myself aligned with noone - yet being disrespectful to no truly was fascinating 8-) i loved observing, just wish i'd done it with a camera instead LOL - - - so, did the guards try to get inmates to fight with them so they could beat them up where you were? they did when i was there - constantly, coming up and knocking off a hat - (that was before they were changed to prison clothes)...coming up and slapping them and smiling and waiting to see if they'd do anything - - it's no wonder to me guards get treated so TERRIBLY if ever they go to jail or are found out in public/private, by an inmate - you know what good came of my short stay? There was one guard in particular, that always watched the women's showers, and came into their cells when they weren't decent - he also went into the sealed ward, where the young mental patient was - sealed from sound, but you could see through the glass ---8-( poor one will believe you if you say you're raped in prison - especially not a teenage state mental hospital escapee ---i wrote to the newspaper and turned his name in - and all that he did - i hope he got some justice sent his way -  |
Date: 6/16/2003 10:42:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 47699
Thank you, Bob. No, only God can make me not be who I am anymore. I'll maintain my intellect and sense of humor no matter what. I've survived both jail and cancer so I think that's your evidence of the fact. It is my hope that someone can benefit from all of this. Thank you, everyone.  |
Date: 6/16/2003 10:49:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 47699
No, Heather, the guards weren't like that at all but they were serious at times. I mean, they were very serious. Where I ended up, in C4G, smoking was no big deal. A guard walked in there on my first day and said, "If you're going to smoke in my pod, you're going to pay my room and board fee. Put one in the door!" English rolled one and stuck it in the hole in the door. That was the last I heard of it. I started out in the medical ward for some reason. I suspect it was due to overcrowding. I smelled something odd two times one day coming from the cell next to us. It turned out that a guy in there had been smoking the library books. About a dozen cops hauled his butt out of their and dragged him down the hall. He was gone for a long time. I shudder to think what they might have done to him. I know that they have a chair which had chains and leather straps attached to it. I'm certain that his fate wasn't pretty.  |
Date: 6/16/2003 10:56:00 AM
From Authorid: 55970
This has been a great series, Frank! Keep up the good writing. *hugs* Love always, ~Tara~  |
Date: 6/16/2003 10:58:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 47699
Thank you, Tara. I'm glad that you enjoyed it.  |
Date: 6/16/2003 11:20:00 AM
From Authorid: 46069
I knew that you would be ok... and going in, as much as i hated the thought... I knew that you would have great stories to bring back to us  |
Date: 6/16/2003 11:23:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 47699
SK8R, I promised you stories and I delivered them. I always try to keep my word and I'd like to think that I do what I do well.  |
Date: 6/16/2003 11:38:00 AM
From Authorid: 58611
I am glad you hung in there Frank! Glad to have you back! Take Care!  |
Date: 6/16/2003 11:44:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 47699
AR, I'm a survivor. You knew I'd be back. There was never any question of that.  |
Date: 6/16/2003 11:53:00 AM
From Authorid: 35720
Well, you made it! I knew you would! Great series Frank!  |
Date: 6/16/2003 2:16:00 PM
From Authorid: 54570
Yep my friends used to do that to each other. Every brother knew the others drivers license number and by the time they were 22 only one had a valid license. And thats because he was in prison when the DWI and the speeding tickets were issued. They had warrants out for him and when they did find him and found out where he was at the time they had egg on thier face. Not only did they dimiss his tickets but they also found out at the same time that two other tickets had been issued as well and were paid off. While he was incarcerated. They dont do that anymore they have already found out the need for validity.  |
Date: 6/16/2003 5:20:00 PM
From Authorid: 45948
Well Frank, I'm truly glad that you are through with this awful experience and that you can take it and learn from it. That's the best thing! I have enjoyed reading this series and thanks for the insight. Love,  |
Date: 6/17/2003 7:46:00 AM
From Authorid: 53558
You could write a book, Frankie, one day maybe? I am glad you came out of this okay. Great big hugs. Take care.  |
Date: 6/17/2003 10:32:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 47699
Thanks, Rika. Thanks, everybody.  |