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I hate it when people stare as if I'm a freak! *PunkStarChik*

  Author:  53909  Category:(Discussion) Created:(6/15/2003 11:14:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (1518 times)

Ugh, this is so annoying!....

God only knows how many times I get stared at as if I'm a freak. Sure, I like being a freak, but not the way they stare as if I'm a freak... Eh, does that make sense? It's not that checking out stare, it's that What are you stare type of thing...

I hate it when people just stare at me and won't stop looking. I see a lot of children do this. I don't get it!! What is it?? Do I smell? Am I that ugly? Is it the blue hair? It's it my clothes? Am I that weird looking??

I had some little kid staring at me and I said to the kid, "It's not nice to stare" And the parent stares at me also and glares.

I'm just a normal human being! Don't you hate having these stares also?

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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .

Date: 6/15/2003 11:18:00 PM  From Authorid: 15675    I hate stares too! But for me its usually from guys and girls round my age...and like the *god shes ugly* stare....I hate it its never the good stare like ya say   
Date: 6/15/2003 11:28:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53909    Queen....I've had young teenager girls give me that weird look also.  
Date: 6/16/2003 12:01:00 AM  From Authorid: 36766    now I have seen your picture before and I don't think you're ugly at all...if I seen ya walking on the street and ya had blue hair, I wouldn't stare and be like "omg what are you?" I'd ask you where ya got the blue dye because I would want my hair that color lol...last year, I dyed my hair purple, well it turned out all crazy, it was half brown, half blonde, and the rest was purple (it was suppose to be just purple streaks but it ate thru the cap and went where ever it wanted to lol) but I loved it...anyways, ppl would look at me all the time and be like "why did you do that to your hair?" I'd say "uhm because it's my hair and I've always wanted it purple...is that alright?"...ppl already think that I'm a freak because I just randomly scream things w/o warning (can't say what I scream here lol)...I look at it this way, if ppl want to stare at me and judge me, then they're just close-minded idiots that don't even know me for me  
Date: 6/16/2003 12:06:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53909    Baby....I have purple dye also, not in my hair yet. Gonna wait until the blue dyes out.  
Date: 6/16/2003 12:10:00 AM  From Authorid: 36766    I'd like to dye mine purple again but I didn't like how it started to turn gray after a few weeks...do ya know if they make a baby blue colored dye? now that would definetly look nice  
Date: 6/16/2003 12:12:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53909    No I didn't know they made that color. Mines a dark blue.  
Date: 6/16/2003 12:15:00 AM  From Authorid: 36766    I think dark blue would probably look almost black in my hair...well maybe not, I have some blonde in it so it might look alright...maybe I'll dye it pink lol  
Date: 6/16/2003 12:26:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53909    the blue in my hair shows a lot easier in the sun. I loves the color blue and black   
Date: 6/16/2003 12:48:00 AM  From Authorid: 13897    ok, kaja and punk star chik- neither of you are ugly, so i don't know what those stupid teeny bopper girls were thinking if they thought that! but i get certain stares.. they're strange, blank stares.. and i don't understand them.. but i just kinda glare back... what else could i do? sometimes i wanna go smack them a little, to make them realize how rude they're being, but that wouldn't be too nice, huh? lol  
Date: 6/16/2003 12:58:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53909    Magneta Blue....I would want to do the same thing to them also. LOL  
Date: 6/16/2003 1:07:00 AM  From Authorid: 4887    Are your pictures recent? If they are, there is nothing wrong with the way you look. People just want to see people look boring and normal. They don't like the fact that people are now changing and being their own person. Do i make sense?  
Date: 6/16/2003 1:23:00 AM  From Authorid: 13897    oh, but if a child is staring at me, i usually smile real big at them. children are curious, so i don't hold it against them if they stare. though.. if the kid doesn't smile back at me, i get a little irritated. hehee...  
Date: 6/16/2003 1:35:00 AM  From Authorid: 3125    I checked out your pictures and I think I may see what the problem could be. You have such pretty eyes and a very pretty face. You probably are the type that could attract attention just walking down the street. You must admit that most people do not dye their hair purple or blue. This attracts attention and people will stare. I know just recently my hubby and I were on our way to an appointment in a nearby town. We were stopped at a red light and I looked over and there was this teen with purple and orange hair and with earrings all over any place that could be seen. He looked like a person in a costume ready for a Halloween party and even a Christmas tree all lite up. I didn't stare but I did looked twice. You know..In my world I try to make sense out of everything. There's always a reason for most everything. But..For the life of me, I cannot understand this generation. What is going on? Why is it so necessary to dress as if you are dressed for Halloween,etc ? Why the different colors of hair? Why the earrings stuck every place you look? Why clothing that is either falling off and exposing private body parts or such a lack of clothing that the little worn may as well be nothing whatsoever? Where has common sense gone? Where has decency gone? Where has morals gone? What happened? I am not asking these questions to be smart aleck. I am really interested in hearing what some has to say about it. I would really like to get an idea as to what is going on.  
Date: 6/16/2003 2:23:00 AM  From Authorid: 13546    Kids are just naturally curious! I just smile at them, and stare right back.. *hehe* .. yeah I get those stares sometimes too, not much you can do about them though, so I just.. smile.. nod, and carry on with whatever I was doing. If people choose to have a staring problem, so be it! Hey, they don't know you, I bet they are just.. curious like the kids! And NO you are not ugly at all!  
Date: 6/16/2003 2:31:00 AM  From Authorid: 30747    Hon, you're going to have to expect some people to stare when you got blue hair. lol. It's not that you're a freak, it's that you are unique and interesting. I don't think they do it to be rude but lets face it...if you saw someone with a different kind of look you would check it out too. Everyone is going to have an opinion on how everyone else looks and dresses so don't take it personal. You're alright.  
Date: 6/16/2003 5:23:00 AM  From Authorid: 62136    Honestly, I am a starer BUT its not because I think the person is ugly, its interest. I check out detail on a person. How they did certain things to get the look they have. I admit, some things have shocked me but its never a stare to intentionally make someone uncomfortable. Alot of times I think "wow! Now that's creative!"

dont take offense all the time, we arent all mean or intentionally rude

Date: 6/16/2003 5:40:00 AM  From Authorid: 18527    I hate to say this but you reap what you sow... you have blue hair, people stare at you. That is life. If you don't want the attention, tone it down. I had blue hair, I know what i am talking about...  
Date: 6/16/2003 6:06:00 AM  From Authorid: 35720    If you have blue hair, expect stares! I'm sure you didn't dye your hair blue to "fit in with the crowd" did you? Heck no.. chances are you did it for shock appeal! If you can't handle staring, maaaybe blue hair isn't for you..   
Date: 6/16/2003 6:24:00 AM  From Authorid: 24924    An awful lot of people get stuck in a certain time; a particular era, therefore forgetting just how weird or strange THEY might have appeared to others in THEIR era. Go back in history ; the 50's when kids who wore black leather jackets and ducktail haircuts and rebelled; elders screamed about what-is-this-world-coming-to, and protested and stared just as much. I remember in the 60's, of how weird and strange the Woodstock hippie's looked and acted, but looking back now, it wasn't so bad. And, oh good grief, the 70's Disco people. I can't stand to look back at those looks people had then! Yuck! EACH era has its shocking; DIFFERENT look, fads, trends and flavor. Some day YOU will look back at your blue hair and say to your grandchildren some of the SAME things people are saying to YOU.....and you can bet on it. I heard the other day a story about a woman who did not want her daughter getting all kinds of body piercings (knowing that she would regret it later on in life) but needed to get the point across in a way other than just simply saying no. She got together a bunch of grandparents who went through the beatnik and or the hippie generations, and who dressed up in Retro to their respective era's and made a video. She showed it to her daughter with some of her daughters friends. The daughter and her friends sat on the floor looking at these "Old" farts with their weird and ugly tattoo's (which looked cool when they were young) and howled with laughter at the Afro's, the language, dress and mannerisms of these "old" people. It worked. Sometime later, the daughter said she couldn't see herself at 50 yrs old one day with a big ole hole or holes in her nose, eyebrows, or tattoo's she had to cover up, because kids would point and laugh at HER in the same way. To me, as long as kids do not do something PERMANENT, they can wear anything, and look anyway they wish. Body piercings, and tatoo's are PERMANENT. Blue hair is not.  
Date: 6/16/2003 6:33:00 AM  From Authorid: 25828    i looked at your pix and you look really cute 8-) maybe they truly are just checking you out - stares - sometimes i've gotten them when dating older men, you simply DON"T stand for it. you stare back, just for a bit, give them a chance to change their ways - if not, you keep looking them dead in the eyes, while you raise your voice loud enough for the whole room to hear, and, as if speaking to your buddies say something like " I DON'T KNOW WHY THAT FAT OLD LADY WITH THE BAGS UNDER HER EYES AND FAKE JEWELRY FEELS THE NEED TO STARE MY WAY - BUT IF SHE DOESN'T QUIT SHE'LL BY &* GOD WISH SHE HAD"......but then, i tend to go a little crazy sometimes *-) ..suffice it to say, i don't get stared at 8-)  
Date: 6/16/2003 6:42:00 AM  From Authorid: 25828    (the reason i throw in a few truthful insults, is because i like to make clear to whomever it is REALLY quick that one should not cast stones - we all have issues - and should respect others - i love shattering someone's own view of themself when they don't respect my space ..)  
Date: 6/16/2003 6:52:00 AM  From Authorid: 42515    If they are staring, they must like what they see lol. Tell them to take a picture...it lasts longer too :P  
Date: 6/16/2003 8:52:00 AM  From Authorid: 60018    Hehe I think people stare because they're interested. Usually that's why I might feel pulled to stare at someone. It's not cause you smell or have blue hair lol :P  
Date: 6/16/2003 9:00:00 AM  From Authorid: 24732    Yesterday people were staring at me in the grocery store; but I think it was because I was in the express line and the only one not buying beer and cigarettes. I was buying watermelon, pineapple, ice, and some sandwiches. Anyways if you don't like the wandering eyes the only thing that might make them stop is to conform to conservative hair styles and clothing.  
Date: 6/16/2003 9:06:00 AM  From Authorid: 53284    People are just not used to seeing an individual. You stand out and are therefore "stare worthy". I got the stare last week. I was riding my bike to work and came up to a car that had the stero blasting and the windows down. The driver had on some rap tune but I could feel the base from a block away. He was stopped at a red light. So as I came up to his car and the red light I was kind of making my bike dance to the beat of his rap. With a MF this and a MF that I was dancing on my bike when the driver looked over. He just wasn't amused to see some middle aged guy in a Hawaiian shirt dancing on his mountain bike to his music. That's when I got the start of death from him. It made me laugh. The light changed and he peeled out.  
Date: 6/16/2003 9:56:00 AM  From Authorid: 27046    You know, there are valid people in this world that get stared at because they had horrible accidents and have scarred faces, are missing limbs, or have some kind of natural birth defect that they cannot change. Then there are people like yourself that make the choice to purposely stick out from other people by wearing the different clothes, different colored hair, tons of earrings and tattoos all over the place. You made the choice, don't sit here and complain about it like you deserve the chance to be treated like a normal human being when those that should be aren't because of unavoidable circumstances. The whole "It's what's on the inside that matters" is garbage. It may very well SHOULD be what is on the inside that matters but face reality here, you are a book and you are judged by your cover. Appearance whether anyone likes it or not makes the FIRST impression.  
Date: 6/16/2003 10:14:00 AM  From Authorid: 56927    Yes I have noticed this about you too. But you know you're not a freak. Its something you know in heart. The worst thing is if you're near a lake, with hard greene reeds lining the sides, with a boat and your oars, with swans and thy're swans who wait for you to row by, like they were at a bus stop, and you have not the bread. But they look anywawy. Same applies to much of animal life. Except cats. Roads and trees, though. they make you feel like proper silly beggars. As if almost you're a stalk of beady eyes.  
Date: 6/16/2003 10:30:00 AM  From Authorid: 39258    i was at roseland theater last night and my friend got stared at cause she dresses kinda preppy (even though she doesn't act that way) and she felt really uncomfortable. I felt really bad, but told her "if they're gunna judge you before they meet you, then screw them. they're not worth your time" .. so yea.. don't let it get to you. it's their own loss for being ignorant  
Date: 6/16/2003 11:16:00 AM  From Authorid: 54987    Well if you want to stand out from the crowd, that is the payback.  
Date: 6/16/2003 12:47:00 PM  From Authorid: 24924    Ok, I hadn't seen your picture, so I also checked it out. You really are very beautiful; and are someone who would just naturally stand out even without blue hair. You know what? I don't have blue hair, but I am stared at all the time. I also know why. It isn't a conscious effort to stand out or be different either; it is but for the virtual fact that I try to always dress really stylish, wear nice jewelery, and am always well-groomed, have good posture and carry myself with confidence, and have a great outgoing attitude. THAT really stands out today amongst so many flip-flops, cut-offs, T-shirts, fatigues, and extremely casual, laid back, let-it-all-hang-out world. Many times I know it is envious stares, and take it as a compliment; even though there are those who for what ever reason ASSUME I am a "snob". If YOU are looking; and or wearing what makes YOU happy; then it shouldn't be that big a deal. Think of the starer as someone who wishes THEY could do the same, or they perhaps are backward and ignorant; in which case, you should just blow em off as just another nut job and be on about your business.  
Date: 6/16/2003 1:16:00 PM  From Authorid: 53052    i find it happens mostly in small towns.. i used to get stared at ALL and i mean ALL the time back in my home town... but now that i live in a city it's hardly ever(i don't mind not getting stared at or the honks anymore*LOL*)  
Date: 6/16/2003 1:37:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53909    Dina...Yea, the pics were takin a couple months ago.  
Date: 6/16/2003 1:38:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53909    Magneta Blue...I just got off work a bit ago and I had a lil girl staring at me so I smiled and she backed away. LOL!  
Date: 6/16/2003 1:41:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53909    Resure...I do know what you mean. Some people can go a tad bit crazy with too much hair dye. As for piercings, I love piercings. I've only got 8 piercings...so little. But I'm going to get my eye brow pierced soon. Anyways..My hair is naturally black blue. My hair is just so boring looking so I added dark blue into my hair. Black and blue are my favorite colors.  
Date: 6/16/2003 1:42:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53909    Rainbow Angel... Yea, kids are curious lil buggers. LOL I wish that parents would teach their children not to stare like that or whatever. heh...  
Date: 6/16/2003 1:44:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53909    Rika...Gonna keep the blue in my hair. Everyone knows me as wearing blue and black...clothes, shoes, shoe laces, jewelery. I wear a lot of blue flame clothes. They're so perdy.  
Date: 6/16/2003 1:46:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53909    Thinker...I love tattoos and peircings but I wouldn't go over board on them though.  
Date: 6/16/2003 1:48:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53909    Heather...I remember I was walking with my friend down town and there were some teeny booper teens staring at us as we walked by and I growled and barked at them. I don't usually throw insults out or whatever..but I let them know that I know that they are staring sometimes.  
Date: 6/16/2003 1:49:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53909    Super Princess...LOL My friend used to say that all the time.  
Date: 6/16/2003 1:51:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53909    Paranormal...Heh, yeah I hope that it isn't if I smell. I hate thinking that I could be smelly.  
Date: 6/16/2003 1:52:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53909    Alien...I don't think that anything is wrong how people dress, dye their hair, tattoos..etc etc. I wish that everyone would see everyone as equal and know that nothing is wrong with them..er.. does that make any since? We is all normal!! lol  
Date: 6/16/2003 1:54:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53909    Wild Bob....LOL!!  
Date: 6/16/2003 1:58:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53909    Azairyia....Yes, I know that there are others that have gotten in accidents, born with or with out stuff and they get the stare as well which I feel is pretty sad. I just feel that it's cool for othere to judge each other on how they look. To me, the outside doesn't count but the inside. That's how I've always felt and wish everyone were to be that way as well. But, thats just life...  
Date: 6/16/2003 2:00:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53909    Helpful Bill...I understand what you're saying there.  
Date: 6/16/2003 2:02:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53909    Tasha...I know how that is. I don't really let it get to me. Usually I just ignore them. Yesterday it just got annoying and it gone overboard and I wanted to vent. LOL. My brother does extremely crazy when someone stares at him. He's one of those types who thinks that everyone and everything likes him and has a crush on him. He freaks out on the stares but he says he enjoys it.  
Date: 6/16/2003 2:03:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53909    Koolaide...I don't care much for standing out in the crowd.  
Date: 6/16/2003 2:05:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53909    Thinker...I'm pretty comfortable on what clothings I wear and how I express myself. But I dislike how I look cause I feel that I'm extremely ugly but all that really matters to me is how I feel happy on how i dress and express myself.  
Date: 6/16/2003 2:07:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53909    Midnightly...LOL. I live in a pretty big city and not too far from down town. When I visited my friend in Wisconsin, we were in a real small down and everyone looked at me and my friend as if we were aliens or witches. We kept laughing cause we would point out who would stare at us next.  
Date: 6/16/2003 3:28:00 PM  From Authorid: 52746    I absolutely detest the stares my son gets when we're out and about. He's disabled and clearly has had brain surgery. But very rude people stare and it bothers me. Oh, they've had many a sarcastic comment off me but they don't even bother to apologise so now I'm changing tack... My son is learning to talk and is doing quite nicely, so I've taught him to say, "It's rude to stare." Using Pavlovian techniques, I'm working on him saying this when I touch his right shoulder which will be as soon as I see someone staring (he won't be aware of them doing so). The idea is that when he says this, they'll be so shocked at their own rudeness and hopefully will be too ashamed to do it again.  
Date: 6/16/2003 5:32:00 PM  From Authorid: 53052    i used to have people hooting and hollering and whistling becuase i dressed with real style as a teenager...but it doesn't bother me i don't get that anymore it was great self esteem booster*LOL* i must admit when a logging truck drives past you and they are honking and waving it makes you feel attractive*LOL* but i got a great guy and that's all the self esteem booster i need now  
Date: 6/16/2003 5:54:00 PM  From Authorid: 54987    If you really want to stand out, wear hair curlers and flip flops. I have heard so many posts about girls who say "I have blue and yellow striped hair, but I don't want to stand out!" Yeah right. "Why do people stare?" Yeah right. "Why can't I just be looked on as normal?" Yeah right. If people didn't stare at you, you'd be worried. That's the whole point of it all.... getting noticed.  
Date: 6/16/2003 7:14:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53909    Sam Spade, I would love to watch the people's reaction after hearing your son say that. I used to be friends with this one girl that was handicap. I knew her since grade school thru high school. Her speech wasn't too well but it kept improving. She was at first in a wheelchair, those handle things that some old folks use somethings, then to hand braces type things and she finally learned to walk on her own. People used to make fun of her all the time and that would just drive me mad. I haven't talked to her ever since graduation. She's such a strong person and doesn't let anyone or anything get to her.  
Date: 6/16/2003 7:17:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53909    Midnightly...A couple years ago, I was walking home from school because it was such a nice day out I decided to walk instead of riding the bus. A couple guys in a truck drove by me and yelled "You're Freakin' (word changed) ugly!* I never really get anyone hooting at me. Sometimes when I'm driving a lot of mexican guys would stare, try to get my attention and that junk.  
Date: 6/16/2003 7:19:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53909    Sam Spade....I used to have a really bad speech problem when I was younger. When I would talk or read something out loud, I would get those stares. I would feel so ashamed and embarressed when people would stare at me then. After a while, some how I ended up ignoring them.  
Date: 6/16/2003 7:22:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53909    Koolage...As for me, I don't really care too much if I'm noticed out in public. I've had a lot of people tell me that my hair looked really good as well. A bunch of customers and old ladies love my hair. My hair isn't all blue. It's mainly a dark blue high light. You can still see the blue pretty well without the sun, but not as much. It shows a lot more in the light.  
Date: 6/17/2003 12:48:00 AM  From Authorid: 53052    i was one of those people who pushed the limits and.. well i'm very large busted... that tended to get attention... i looked alot older then i actually was and was quite on the ball with alot of things(i wore heels to school... well they were platform chunky heels but heels none the less) i was quite the stylish person... i guess that explains why i started dating a guy who was 3 years older then me(out of high school who had already taken college and some univerity) and got along with his friends far better then people in my grade  
Date: 6/17/2003 1:48:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 53909    Midnightly...People have always looked at me as if I were younger. They still do. I get a lot of people thinking that I am between the ages of 16-19. I guess that's a good thing.   

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