"You know?" josie asked. She and Zack were extremely confused. "Well if you know then why haven't you done anything?" Zack yelled. "Well why don't you two sit down and I'll tell ya all about it" Mr. Lewer said. Josie and Zack gave each other the same look as they sat down. "You see about 40 years ago when I became sheriff I swore that I would protect the people of this town in any way possible. I would keep them from harm and evil no matter what it took. So imagine one day when I'm out at the lake arresting some teenagers for shooting some ducks a huge monster comes out of the water and eats one of them. In fact he takes a liking to the taste so much he eats all of them. Now I did try to stop them but I mean please a man like me go against a monster? Lets get for real. So anyways I'm wondering why I'm not dead yet. Then I realize it only eats teenagers. Now nothing against you teenagers it's just that your the perfect ages for a good feeding to that monster. So I made a pact with the monster to bring a couple of teenagers to the lake every year if he leaves the town alone. And for 40 years its been working perfectly. Yea I mean we lose about 5 teens every year but compare that to a whole town. Its a sacrifice I'm willing to make". Josie and Zack stared at him with terror in their eyes. They knew what was going to happen. "But how can you do that!!! Your killing innocent people!! Your no sheriff!! Your a disgrace to your father and to the whole town!!" Josie yelled. (FYI Mr. Lewers father was the sheriff before him) Mr.Lewer slapped Josie in the face. "It's a small sacrifice that no one else will make!! I do it because I have to!! Sure I sacrice dozens but I do it to save thousands!!" Mr. Lewer explained. Josie ran to the door with Zack but it was locked. "Let us out of here!" Josie yelled. "I'm afraid I cant do that. See the monster only had three people and it needs two more. It looks like you two are it" Mr. Lewer said. "No!" Zack yelled as he went to go punch Mr. Lewer. Mr. Lewer was too fast for him. Zack ran right into the wooden desk and hit his head. "Zack!" Josie yelled as she ran over to him. She looked up in horror as Mr.Lewer punched her in the face causing her to go unconcious. It was the last sight she would ever see. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 54532 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .