The door slammed loudly shut behind him. "...all those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die." He heard Roy Batty's last words echoing from the television before the door cut him off from his old life forever. My head really hurts, he thought, I shouldn't have had all that alcohol. He didn't bother to lock the door and never looked back. The rain had subsided, but he almost fell as the approached his car. He got in and turned the key in the ignition. The motor had trouble starting, but soon roared to life. He backed out of the driveway and headed in the direction of the coast. He'd decided to follow it as far as he wanted, eventually stopping and setting up a new life for himself. One he would be happy in. One he would be in control of. The sky was cloudy and the only light came from his car as he drove down the road, slightly illuminated before him. As he drove, the night became darker and the rain returned. He hadn't slept all day, but neither was he tired. He reached the coast and turned left, heading north. It was then that he saw something off to the left side of the road. A person. He'd never picked up a hitch-hiker before, and wouldn't of now, but something made him do it. He pulled over to the side of the road and leant over to open the passenger side window. The figure of a young woman, about his age, approached the car and he saw that she was soaking wet. Well, standing in the rain will do that he said to himself. She leant down to see in through the open window. "Where you headed?" She asked. "I thought I was supposed to ask that." He replied, continuing, "I don't know, just going where my mind takes me. You can come along if you want." "Sounds good to me." She got in. He was able to see her face properly for the first time. She was beautiful. Her dark hair flowed, or rather was stuck, at the moment, down her back and along her cheeks. She had full red lips that reminded him of his girlfriend. He had to fight hard to keep the tears back at the thought of her. The girl pulled her black, wet, woollen jumper over her head, revealing a completely dry white t-shirt underneath. "Don't you have a change of clothes?" he asked her. "No. All I've got is what I have on. I'll pick some up tomorrow, if that's ok with you." "Fine" he said, driving back onto the road and heading north once more.
"We're in room four." she told him, "it's got a double bed, but it's the only room left." He didn't expect there to be much room, but he did expect there to be at least seperate beds for the two of them. He felt slightly uncomfortable about sharing a bed with a girl he'd only just met and whose name he didn't know. Especially one as attractive as this. She obviously saw his discomfort on his face. "If you want to, we can just leave. I can drive while you get some rest." "No, here's as good a place as any." He said, not voicing the I suppose bit.
"So, where you from? And while we're at it, I don't even know your name yet." He said to her, sitting on the bed, facing the door. She called back from the bathroom, where she was freshening up. "My name's Kristy Wheaton. I come from Melbourne." "Melbourne? What are you doing up here near Sydney by yourself with only the clothes on your back?" "I ran away from home." "Why?" he asked, the concern showing in his voice. Had something been done to her? Had she done something? This beautiful woman he picked up on the side of the road. He realised now how little he really knew about her. His mind raced with questions, and answers that were too crazy to be real. "I don't want to talk about it." she said. She walked into doorway, looking at him. "What about you?" she enquired. He turned and saw her, highlighted by the single light bulb hanging from a hole in the ceiling. He turned, closing his eyes. A single tear rolled down his cheek and into the corner of his mouth. He was thinking of his girlfriend, ex-girlfriend now, again. The new girl, Kristy, laughed when he turned from her, then promptly stopped when she realised something was wrong. "What's the matter?" "Oh, it's nothing." He said, "Really." "It's not because of me is..." her voice trailed off. "No" he said, turning once more to face her. "It's just...something in my past. Someone in my past. It's one of the reasons I was on the road tonight. I ran away from home, too."
Woohoo! My second post! lol.
Please note this has been edited from the original version to keep with the G rating of this site. Also, as I am Australian, and the story is set in Australia, we drive on different sides of the road and stuff, just to clear up the bit where he first picks up the girl, in case anyone noticed.
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