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Chapter One~ Stacie Andover Files

  Author:  48689  Category:(Discussion) Created:(6/13/2003 9:30:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (951 times)

**~~**HOPE YOU LIKE!**~~** It didn't have any of the tabs or anything on here becuase I just copied it off of word...so bear with me! It's going to be a series called the Stacie Andover Files, but I haven't really decided on the name for the book...I have about...3 11/pg chapters so far...


My feet made a split-splat sound on the recently rained-on sidewalk. The temperature was at least 70 degrees, which was normal for Graveton, Rhode Island, but the icy feeling inside me shiver. Darn you, I thought, if only you hadn’t gone over to his house…. I jumped as a car behind me squealed its tires. I continued walking. It’s my fault, I thought again, my mind persisting, if you had understood your parents decision…if only. I recalled the night’s events. The fight with my parents, my dad leaving…. my mom going to her room, crying, telling me that I was grounded. And then the cold walk to Bright’s house. The crying. He told me I was all right. That it wasn’t my fault. I took comfort in his words as I continued the three-mile walk back to my house. I rounded the corner facing Milan Street, the street my father was to move after the divorce. I shuddered at the sight of the apartment with the Real Estate sign with a sold sticker slapped. Not wanting to see it any longer, I took a sharp left to where my friend Diana’s house and rang the bell. The lights were on, so I hoped she was still awake at this late hour. A few minutes passed. I rang again. No answer. That’s weird, I thought, Diana loved company. Normally she would be dragging me upstairs by now. Maybe her parents came home early? No, they weren’t do back until next week. I turned the handle. It was unlocked! That was also a strange occurrence. Diana was very particular about safety. She would never leave the door unlocked. I walked up the stairs and looked into the living room. The TV was on. I slowly tip-toed into the kitchen. No Diana. “Diana? Are you here? It’s Stacie!” I called. No answer. “DIANA?” I screeched, beginning to panic. I ran into her bedroom and turned on the light. She wasn’t there. “DIANA MARIE!” The house was silent. I went into the bathroom. When I turned on the light I drew a sharp breath at what I saw. There was red-stained water flowing out of the bathtub, creeping up on the sides of the floor. A well-manicured hand hung out of the tub, curled in a fist. I screamed as I ran into the kitchen. I frantically grabbed the cordless phone off its receiver and dialed 911. “911 Emergency.” The operated greeted in monotone. “I…. I…there is…my friend..” I struggled. “Miss, please slow down. I can’t understand you. Take a deep breath.” The operator comforted. I did as she told me. “Ok. Now what is the street address you are at?” “4132 McCarthy Street.” “And what is your emergency?” “My friend...she’s in the bathtub…” “Is she still breathing?” “I don’t know.” “Can you check for us?” “I don’t know…no, I can’t go back in there…” “OK, that’s alright. What is the victim’s name?” the operator asked calmly. “Diana Marcello.” “And your name?” “Stacie Andover.” “Ok, and can I have the phone number of where you are at?” “Yeah…967-4237” “Now I want you to relax, ok?” “Getting there.” I replied. “Alright. Take more deep breaths. A team should be there in about a minute or two.” She soothed as I heard sirens coming from up the block. A minute later the door was being thrown open and I was showing the medics where to find her.

* * * * * * * * * * * * I woke up in a cold sweat. My clammy hands felt my damp hair that was sticking around my face. I was breathing too heavily. Breathe in; breathe out, I told myself. Please tell me that was a dream, I prayed. I looked over to my desk where I had put the phone number of Detective Robertson, hoping it wasn’t there and I had imagined it all. No such luck. My eyes landed on the neon green business card. If only I hadn’t gotten in that fight with my parents, I thought again. But then again, I wouldn’t have found Diana’s body. I shuddered to think of my best friend… her life that was lost. Why? I had no idea. I hated the fact that I was a suspect, being the person to find her. Last night the cops had interrogated me: Had I seen anything suspicious? Had I planned on coming over that night? Did Diana have any enemies? I gave to answers as well as I knew them. I knew that there would be more of the questions until Diana’s murderer was found. I slowly climbed out of bed and looked at my alarm clock. 11:34. It was Friday. I should’ve been at school, but it seemed that my mother didn’t wake me as usual. I rubbed my eyes; trying to remember what time I had gotten home last night. I didn’t even remember coming home. I just remembered flashing lights and the frantic voices of my parents. As I struggled to pull on my bathrobe, a strange thought occurred to me. I remembered thinking how Diana never left the door unlocked. But ALL of the doors were unlocked. When I went into the kitchen, the slider door was partially open. Someone else must have known that Diana’s parents were going to be gone.

“Good morning Stacie.” My mother greeted as I shuffled my way into the kitchen. “Hi mom.” “You sure slept in late.” “I had a good reason to, didn’t I?” I snapped at her. “Well, yes, you did. Anyway, speaking of last night, Detective Robertson called. He wants you to get a hold of him immediately.” “I have to go to school.” “Oh no you don’t. It’s all right. Winter Break starts next week and today’s a half-day, remember? Schools out already.” “Right.” I remembered that I had been looking forward to winter break because of a certain someone that would be flying down. Keith Michaels, older brother of my friend Tommy Michaels. Tommy and I had been inseparable when we were kids, and were practically inseparable now. And two years ago, I found myself crying in his older brother’s arms. Tommy had spent the weekend in Brooklyn, and found himself walking in the middle of a shoot-off between two gangs. He was shot once in the head. Amazingly, he didn’t die, but suffered serious brain damage. He was now recovering in an institute in New York. But that night, Keith and I clicked. And we had been seeing each other before his mother had a mid-life crisis and he went to live with her in Brooklyn. And he was coming to live here starting winter vacation. I heard someone buzz at the door. My mother went to answer it, and then brought our guest into the kitchen. It was Detective Robertson. “Sorry, miss, but we couldn’t wait for you to call. We need you down at the office.” He apologized. “Give me a few minutes?” I asked him, looking at my reflection in the hall mirror. “Sure. I’ll just sit and chat with your mom.” He said, smiling. “Yeah, sure you will.” I mumbled, catching the flirting gaze my mother sent him. Not two days after announcing their divorce, my parents were already hooking up with other people. Actually, my dad had been doing it while they were still married, which was probably a main factor in the divorce. I walked into my room and threw on the first thing I grabbed out of my closet, and then I decided to re-think my outfit. I needed to look more like a sophisticated 17-year-old today than a pre-historic baby like I did last night. I chose a black skirt and a navy blue cashmere sweater. I applied a little lip-gloss and mascara to perk up my face. I flipped my hair over and brushed it to give it a little volume, and I was ready. When I walked into the living room Detective Robertson was obviously shocked at how I had changed so fast. I figured that he was probably the kind of guy that under-estimates the power of women. “Well, Miss Andover, you look ready to go.” “I am, Detective Robertson.” I replied firmly. “Then we’re on our way.”

* * * * * * * * * * *

“Please state your name for the record.” Detective Robertson said. “Stacie Leigh Ann Andover.” I replied. “Birth date and current age.” “July 04, 1985. Age 17.” “Miss Andover...” He began. “Stacie, please.” “Stacie….” He continued, “Please state your whereabouts beginning at 6:00am on June 22, until 3:45am June 23.” “Well, I was asleep until roughly 6:30 am that morning. I ate breakfast at home and then drove to school..” “What make is your car?” Detective Robertson interrupted. “A midnight blue 2001 Ford Mustang.” “On record.” He confirmed with another detective. “Please continue.” “I drove to Lake Shores High School, and attended school until 1:45.” “School ends at 2:45. Explain why you were released early, please.” “I am released early for work.” “Acknowledged. Please continue.” “I drove home once more, changed into my uniform, and went to work at 2:15.” “Where is it that you work?” “Montgomery’s Academy of Fashion Design. I am a high-school intern there.” “And you have someone that can account for your presence there?” “Yes. I began working at 2:30 until 6:30.” “And you went straight home after you got off work?” “Yes.” “Can your parents/ legal guardians account for you being there?” “My mother, yes.” “What happened when you got home?” “My mother told me that my father was coming home for dinner.” “Coming home? Where was he before?” “At his office.” “Was it unusual that he would be home for dinner?” “Somewhat. He usually spent dinner with us at home once a week.” “And why was that?” The other detective asked. His badge said his name was Detective Thomas Whitehall. “My father is a workaholic. Lately he had been staying at the office overnight.” “I see. Proceed please.” “I was shocked to hear that he was going to be there. He hadn’t been home long when my mother called me into the living room where they had been talking. They told me that they were getting a divorce.” “Was this a shock to you?” “They had been fighting for a long time. I just didn’t expect them to get a divorce. I asked them why. It was because my father had been having an affair with one of his clients.” “What are your fathers’ qualifications?” “He’s a criminal defense attorney with Simon and Andover.” “What happened after that?” “I started crying and yelling at them, and they yelled back. I finally got fed up and I left.” “How did you leave?” “I walked.” “Why didn’t you drive?” asked Detective Whitehall. “My car was in the garage…my dad’s car blocked the door.” “What kind of car does he drive?” “I’m not sure of the year, but it’s a black T-Bird.” “Where did you go when you left?” “My friend’s house.” I replied. “Your friend? Male or female?” Robertson asked suspiciously. “Male.” “His name?” “No comment.” “Miss Andover, we need a name for an alibi.” “Detective, it’s confidential.” “You could refuse if you want, but it won’t help your case any.” “So I am going to be tried for the murder of my BEST friend?” “You’re well aware that you are a suspect.” “Yes.” “Miss Andover, we want to prove your innocence. But we need an alibi.” “Brighton.” “Brighton?” “That’s his name.” “Brighton what?” “Montgomery.” “Where does Mr. Montgomery live?” “N. 1904 Chariot Avenue.” “Which is approximately…7 blocks from your residence on North Hampshire?” “Yes.” “And you arrived there at..?” “About 8:15.” “After leaving your house when? “I’d say around 7:30.” “Does Brighton Montgomery have any relations to the Montgomery’s on charge of the Fashion Academy?” “His father owns it. His mother is President.” “And so you know him from work?” “And school.” “He’s a student at Lake Shores High?” “Former.” “Former?” “He left to go to college last semester.” Detective Robertson’s cell phone rang. He walked to the corner for privacy. “He is how old?” “He’ll be 19 next month.” “And what are you relations with Mr. Montgomery?” “No comment.” “Miss Andover, we need more information-“ “Lay off her, Tom.” Interrupted Detective Robertson “She may be our only suspect at the moment, but I highly doubt she’ll be one for long. Stacie, we need you in Labs.” “Okay.” I agreed, following him out into the hallway. “You were keeping your word choice to the minimum in the interrogation.” He told me. “My uncle taught me that.” “Your uncle?” “Sergeant Andover. He’s with the Charlestown Police.” “Sounds familiar. What did he teach you?” “Well, he said that if I ever have a run-in with the police, and I am innocent, I should keep my speech in the middle. If I am too cooperative, it’s suspicious. If I say too little, it’s suspicious. He told me to answer the questions with the least words I can use, but keep them well-informed.” “And no comment was one of them?” “I didn’t want to answer.” “You do know that anyone’s names that you mentioned will be thoroughly checked.” “Yes.” I answered as he led me into the door marked “Labs”. A man sat at a desk with a black light and a sketch board. “Stacie, this is Matthew Peterson. He’s a minor- 20 years old. He has just been hired to lead this case in the Lab Department.” “How do you do, miss?” Matthew greeted. “Ok. I hope you don’t mind me asking what I, a suspect, is doing in the lab department?” I asked them. “We brought you here to identify some pictures from the crime scene.” Explained Detective Robertson. “Shoot.” I agreed as Matthew laid at least a dozen snap-shots on his desk. “Do you recognize any of these?” asked Detective Robertson. I looked at the first picture. “That was her promise ring.” “Diana’s?” “Yes.” I confirmed. “And this is her charm bracelet.” I said, continuing to the next picture. I was able enough to confirm all the pictures except the last one. “I don’t recognize this.” I said, pointing to a picture of a Diamond ring. “It’s not Diana’s?” “Well, Detective Robertson, I have never seen it before, but it still may be her ring.” “Call me Mitch.” “Ok, Mitch.” “So you’ve never seen it before in your life?” he asked me again, peering curiously into my eyes. I studied the ring. It was a round cut diamond surrounded by at least a dozen tiny square cut rubies. It looked awfully expensive. Then I remembered something. “Mitch, you don’t mind me asking where you found the ring, do you?” “I suppose I could tell you. It was in the bath water.” “On which side of her?” “Right. Why do you ask?” he looked at me. “It looks familiar….” I said, thinking. “Familiar? So it was Diana’s.” “No, it wasn’t Diana’s. I just remembered seeing it. Maybe at a jewelry store or something?” I brainstormed. “We’ll check into it. Now, you need to go check out with the front desk, and then you are free to go. That is, until we call you back in.” “Sure, Mitch.” I murmured. “See ya around, Stacie.” I left the lab and walked out to the front desk, signing my name out on the sheet. There was a little memory nagging at the back of my head, but for the life of me I couldn’t pull it out. I started to walk out of the police station when I was hit by a wave of dizziness. My stomach turned inside out in pain as I crumbled to the floor.

It was the night before my 17th birthday.. I knocked on his apartment door. No answer. I knocked again. “Bright! It’s me!” I yelled, pounding once again. I heard footsteps behind me. Someone put their hands around my waist. “A little late for a walk, isn’t it Stace?” Bright’s warm breath tickled my neck hairs. I spun around. “You scared me! Where were you?” I asked him as he unlocked the door. “The store. I needed some caffeine.” He said, holding up the paper grocery sack as if it was proof. “What are you doing here, anyway?” “I needed you.” I confessed, stepping into the living room. “You needed me? Good. I see you’ve finally found me.” He said, smiling. “Seriously, Bright.” “Oh, Charish , do you finally love me?” “I have asked you not to call me Charish.” “But it’s true. I cherish you!” he said, pulling me down beside him on the couch. “I am having problems.” “What kind?” “Oh, Diana and I just got in a fight.” “Really? What about?” his soothing hands led their way through my hair. “About my boyfriend.” His hands froze. “Boyfriend? You have a boyfriend?” “Well, he’s a really good friend of mine. But Diana confessed her un-dying love for him, and POOF, he was hers. She knew I liked him.” “You’ll just have to find a new guy.” He suggested, taking my wet coat off of me. “It’s not that easy. I really liked him, and she betrayed me.” “Then we’ll just have to make her jealous, now, won’t we?” He pulled his body close to mine. “Wait.” I stopped.” We are just good friends. You know that, right? “Sure.” He got up. “I just bought some new wine. You want some?” he offered. “Okay.” He went into the kitchen. About five minutes later he re-entered the living room, a bottle of wine in his hand, his shirt off. “Here’s to us. May we be more than just friends.” He kissed my cheek before giving me a drink. He picked me up and brought me into his room. I began to feel dizzy. Right before I fell asleep, my eyes saw a Diamond and ruby ring on the nightstand.

**~~**~~**~~***~*******HOPE YOU LIKED! JENNALUV**~~**~~**~~**~***~**~*~*~**~

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