Marissa sat in her hole in her own personal hell how could love make someone this insane with pain. All she could think was how bad she wanted to fade away how badly she wanted to let go and cry. Marissa use to love to sing all the time her voice was all you could here radiating from her 2 bedroom apt but now the walls have closed in and she has become irrational. Marissa thought about suicide but that's to selfish for her so she thought about killing but she knew she never could all she could do was sit there in a corner and hum humming a tranquil song until she would fall asleep and dream of Calvin all night long. At the other end of the USA Calvin sat at the end of his bed his girlfriend asking him what was wrong but he seemed not to hear her or just not to care that she was speaking. He knew what was wrong though his heart felt pain not the pain of a physical problem the pain of a breaking heart Marissa knew just how this felt but Calvin thought she left because she hated him he was so very mistaken. He didn't deem himself man enough to call her. All of the sudden the swirls of voices telling him to love again stopped and he looked at his girlfriend and told her to leave that he didn't really love her and he wanted her to never look back. She did as he asking saying nothing as she left but strangely his heart didn't ache for her only Marissa. The bond these two have can't be expressed with words only with a true heart full of life and love. Yet these two seemed to not be full of anything but shattered dreams and crushed hopes. from Florida to California it seemed as if these two people lived one life they sat in there apartments all day and did nothing but cry over one another neither knowing the other had this same pain. Months passed neither picking up the phone long enough to call just to dial a number hang up and cry. Marissa's mother realized her daughter needed help so she sent her away on what her mother called a vacation but really it was a hospital for Marissa to get better. Soon after Calvin checked himself into the same kind of hospital. Over two months passed and the Marissa checked herself out she was deemed safe to people but not harmful enough to herself to stay in the hospital as she went to grab a cab someone ran up and asked for the cab Marissa told the man she would share it with him but the man explained it was for a male patient who was leaving. Marissa didn't really care if the guy rode with or not after she packed her stuff in the trunk and sat in the back. Soon after the door opened and a man crawled in it was Calvin he bumped her leg and said excuse me. Marissa jerked her head up and say her love the man she has always wanted and dreamed of . He smiled and hugged her. The two then kissed a passionate kiss and I would swear that you could see their hearts grow whole again and the life find it's way back into there eyes. They exchanged stories then realized it was meant to be soon after they married and haven't been apart once since.
True Love Can Happen!
Love and Hugs Sweet Vixen You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 17156 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .