I did a post a while back about pharmacies requiring a childs social secutiy number in order to get medicine like Adderal. My husband made many phone calls and wrote many emails and letters to various people because he knew this was against the law. This is the letter he got back from the Governor of the state of Michigan.
Dear Mr.______: Thank you for taking the opportunity to become engaged in your state government. I appreciate you sharing your issues and ideas on improving the Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH) for everyone.
I have taken the liberty of forwarding your suggestions to the Executive Office at the MDCH for further consideration and review. Please be assured that your concerns and ecommendations will be considered both in my office as well as in the MDCH.
The late US Representative Barbra Jordan once wrote that, "The stakes are too hight for government to be a spectator sport." I agree completely. Thank you for being such an active member of Michigan's team.
Sincerly, Jennifer Granholm
When he got that letter I was actually thinking Yea Right! I thought this letter was just to passify my husband, and that may still be the case. But 3 weeks after he got the letter guess what? Amazingly enough the phamacies can NO LONGER ask for the childs ssn, insead its the parents, even a that each pharmacy can CHOOOSE whether or not they need a ssn.
Ironic isnt it, people that are supposed to know the law passing a law that is illegal.
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