Zack pulled josie out of the water. A huge Tenticle from the water came up and slammed on the shore. The whole area shook. The tenticle wrapped around Josies foot and started pulling. "Zack help me!!" Josie screamed. "Josie!" zack yelled as he went over to her to help her out. Zack grabbed her hand and started to pull. Josie was crying and her hands were sweaty. "Zack help!! Pull!!" she screamed. He wasnt strong enough and he knew he wouldnt win. He took out a pocket knife and stabbed the tenticle. There was a large piercing scream and the tenticle quickly let go and went back into the water. Zack pulled Josie away from the water again. "Lets go!" Josie yelled as she started to run. "We have to go the police!" Zack yelled. "Good idea. But what are we going to say? A big monster killed our friends!" she said in disbelief. Zack just nodded and they went to the sheriffs office. Josie and Zack banged on the door repeatedly. "Mr. Lewer!! Mr. Lewer!" they called over and over again. Mr. Lewer finally came out of the office. "Whats all the fuss about?" He asked. "We know what happened to Sasha and Alley!" Josie yelled. "What? come in please" Mr. Lewer said as he showed them into his office. "Ok now what do you know?" He asked. "Mr. Lewer your not gonna believe us but..." Josie couldnt say it. "Theres a monster in lake chippy!" Zack finished for her. Mr. Lewer just looked at them. He didnt know what to say. So he said "I know". You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 54532 ( Click here )
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