Here are some urban legends about people who should have been more cautious when driving, (insert evil grin here).
The Back seat- A lady was driving home one evening, and stopped at a little gas station. After she had filled her tank a gas station attendant ran up to her. "Miss, would you please come inside for a moment?" She was scared by this and got in her car and proceded to drive away. A pickup truck began following her. She soon began to become very annoyed, because the person in the pickup truck would shut-off their lights. Then flash them really bright. A few minutes later some police cars appeared. They pulled her over and asked her to get out. The man in the pickup truck came out of his truck as well. She reckognized him as the gas station attendant. "Ma'am," he said, "I'm sorry to have scared you but, I saw a man with a knife crouching in your back seat, I flashed my lights everytime he tried to strike, hoping you would see." Sure enough the police searched the car and found the guy in the back with a knife...
Gang Intiation- A man was driving home one evening, and saw a car in the lane next to him without its lights on. He flashed his lights to let it know. It suddenly commenced to follow him. He suddenly remembered stories he had heard about gangs intiating new members by having them drive around at night, without their lights on, until someone flashed their lights, then they would follow them and kill who ever flashed their lights. He turned down a bunch of streets, and the car still followed. He floored it, he came down the road doing nintey miles per hour, and the other car right on his tail. He turned sharply down some streets and finally lost them. Suddenly at the other end of the street the car appeared again. He drove past his house, not wanting his family to be harmed and got out of his car, the gang intiates got out to and killed him...
Parking Lot Stories
Don't always help strangers- A woman had just finished shopping at the mall, and walked to her car. She saw a man near by. "Ma'am, I;m afraid you have a flat tire, would you permit me to fix it?" He seemed nice so she agreed and got the spare tire out of her car. The man put his breif case in her trunk. After he had fixed it, he asked her for a ride to the other side of the mall to where her car was parked. She thought this was odd, so she said she had more shopping to do and notified the mall security guard of this man. The guard called the police and they searched the lady's car, the man was gone, but in the trunk was a breifcase, and in the breifcase was a blood-encrusted knife, duct-tape, and a length of rope...
Version 2- A woman had just finished shopping at the mall, and walked to her car. An elderly woman was sitting in the backseat of her car. "Uh, can I help you?" The woman asked the old lady. "Yes' could you give me a lift to the other side of the mall? My car is parked over there." She then noticed the lady's execptionall hairy and masculine arms. She said yes, bu that she needed someone to point out the way to get out of the parking lot, so the old lady got out and the woman sped off. She later realised that the old woman had forgotten her handbag. She looked inside and found a butcher knife,duct tape, and a length of rope...
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