Please send me some cheese and crackers to go with my wine, i love you so much i miss you all the time, i know you don't think so-but i just can't let go, so here i sit again-complaining cause i can't be where you are, so just send me some cheese and think of me tonight, before you go to bed say a little prayer, for me--for us, please send me some cheese and crackers to go with my wine, my mother says i need to get a life-cause i only talk about you all the time, she doesn't understand my luv-she thinks i just wine, i cry for you-she knows i love you, she always jokes if i want some cheese to go with my wine, so if you we're to send me some cheese and crackers- it'd be kinda funny to see her face, but i just wanna know-do you really love me or am i just a boy you see, just a face you know.. i want to be happy-but i just don't know, she's asking me if am alright- i try to hide the pain but it just leaks through again, so please send me some cheese and crackers..i'll be fine, would you like some cheese and crackers to go with your wine, they don't understand...WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME, i was fine but now am feeling weak- it must be love playing with me, please Dawling send me something to let me know you care, it doesn't have to be cheese and crackers-that's just a little joke, it could be something as simple as a Love note, at least i know you care, at least then i'd know someone loves me somewhere, Please send me some cheese and crackers.... just something, anything-so i can say it must be love... and i'll forever be yours..only with the grace of Heaven above. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 42703 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .