I never could have guessedthat such sorrow and elation
could coexist
-as if slow dancing on my heart-
until the day we met.
We were as one,
from the day you were
placed inside my womb,
I was your only home.
Such anticipation for the day
you'd enter this world,
yet dreading the day I'd have to share you.
Such terror in your voice at that moment.
The quiet and protection that you
had always known were swept away!!
Gasps for air!
Stabbing shards of light!-
Then gently placed in my arms,
You slept.
Pure, white happiness that you were given
to me!
Cold, gray sorrow that you were never truly mine.
Only a gift I'd have to return someday.
I'll give you my heart, my soul.
I'll give you care.
I'll teach you with all my will.
I'll cry for you-
that you cannot learn from my mistakes,
though you will be watching,
perhaps immitating all I do or say.
Seconds, minutes, hours, days,
quickly pass and slowly take you
away from me-
as you grow.
You were given to me,
but you are not mine.
You belong to time,
you belong to the world,
you belong to everything that is
I'll always be your guardian, and
for that role I am grateful.
You belong not to me.
You belong to God.