Ok this isn't my computer I am on, its a long story. See me and my step-bro share a connection so we are connected by a cable to a router and then the router connects to the modem. Well about two weeks ago Saturday we had a really bad storm and that night I was at the movies with a couple of my friends but I noticed the next day I had no more Internet, it said I have a firewall (but I detect none) then I checked his computer and the same. The router and stuff says hey your are online but I can't get to any websites or anything, so I'm gonna try to call tech support and get that fixed sometime this week (I think its the cable but my step mom wants to make sure its not just some setting before she has to go out and buy anything....she knows nothing about it but hey what can you do :-/) but I can get the Internet to work on his pc by directly connecting his pc to the modem. Now on my computer I have some software that blocks about 98 % of the pop ups and it downloaded itself so I don't know how I would get it on his computer but I am in MSN explorer on his pc and these pop ups from IE are driving me crazy. Do you know of anything, preferably free, that will block them????? thanks You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 60792 ( Click here )
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