okay, well i was at work, tonight and it was going well, until like an hour before we closed.
well these two boys came up, and one was black and the other was hispanic. well they ordered a funnel cake or something, and they were like really rude about it, so naturally i am rude back, i know i shouldn't had been, but i was. this other girl was standing there the hole time, and they were rude to her too.
well then these two girls come up, that work with us, they are both black, and said, 'man why do yall always scream at the customers when they're black' i said yah, i just love to scream at all of the customers that are black. i mean, i'm nice to the customers, unless they're mean or rude to me. then i was talking to that girl that was standing by me, and one of the girls that said that, said 'i don't care if you're talking about me, you know it's true' so i make the comment 'yah you're what i want to talk about day and night'
okay, they're both my friends, but it really makes me mad that they say stuff like that. it's not like i target the people and say yah i'm going to scream at them. regardless of their race or sex or anything else if they were rude to me, and screamed at me first, i'd treat them the same way.
okay i think this post isn't makeing sense, i just needed to vent, andi felt like typing so...here it is.
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