During intermission, Mrs. Mommie Nealy's youth group aced through a one act play focusing on peer pressure. Summer break started soon and MMN felt compelled to send out a message about the importance and gains of saying No!
The judges were preparing for round two, when Jessica offered up a sigh.
Jessica (luv4tupac): This isn't as easy as I thought it would be!
BabyCakiez: Yeah, let's hope this round has a few duds or the winners will be impossible to decide!
Lady Luck: Well, what did you think of the boys' reunion?
BabyCakiez: I wish I was you!!
LL: Why on earth would you say that?
BabyCakiez: Because, I would just die if I had King Caspian to sing me to sleep every night!
Jessica: No joke, what a life!
LL: But then you'd also have to watch him prance around in a tutu and crash into everything in site including the highly publicized water fountain incident!
BabyCakiez: Sounds like a world of fun to me!
Sage: I'm feeling a lil' sick Cage!
Cage: Don't tell me!!
Sage's eyes were watering as she took off running for the near-by port-o-pot. Cage took off running after her.
Moongirl: Let's give MMN's Players another round of applause...thank you Heather!! Our next performer has been dancing since she was just a little tike. But she's all grown up now and wants to show you what she's got! Please give a warm welcome to Love One Another!!
When LOA walked onto the stage you could hear the crowd's shock at her choice attire. When Christina Aguilera's "Dirty" began playing, she got down right dirty and mothers were busy covering their childrens' eyes. When she was about to rip off her bikini top, Moongirl rushed SpaceCase upstage to handle it.
SpaceCase quickly and roughly escorted LOA of stage.
SC: Just what were you trying to pull....you know this is a family function. Get out of here!
Moongirl: Sorry about that folks...you think you know a person...Well how about a good ol' fashion poem by Man of Asgard to make up for that little incident.
The crowd generously welcomed the famed children's poet onto the stage and he began a string in the most soothing voice. After reciting a few of his favorites, he left the stage and passed a USMer violently vomitting behind the dressing rooms.
Crystal Peak and Alpha Zero wowed the crowd with a few magic tricks and after that, Vadia hypnotized a willing Mettaliman into hopping around the stage like a frog. Penny knew that she was next, but couldn't get her knees to stop knocking!
Moongirl: And now, for our final contestant of the night, give it up for Penny!!
When the song started, Penny kicked it into to gear to "Do You Love Me" from the Dirty Dancing soundtrack and showed the crowd a thing or two about the Mashed Potato, Twist, the Pony as well as the Charleston, flashin' those jazz hands and workin' her stuff!
When the song ended, the crowd yelled for an encore!!
She nodded to sk8r, who was sitting behind the soundboard, and sk8r cued the CD. "Shake, Rattle, and Roll" had Penny on fire, burnin' the stage down with her fancy foot work!
Meanwhile Paranormal Blizard's mom reached the young girl and started cursing her right in front of the youth group and Mrs. Mommie Nealy.
MMN signaled Kelsey77 who was posted near-by.
Kelsey77: Are you troubled, miss?
PB's mom: What's it to you?
Kelsey flashed PB's mom her badge and the begrudged mother released PB's arm and turned away, disappearing in the crowd. Paranormal Blizard in turn gave both Kelsey and MMN a big hug and thanked them both profusely!
After a brief break the votes were tallied and Korngurl finished singing "Spiderweb" by No Doubt just in time for Moongirl to announce the results!!
Moongirl: Thanks Amanda, I always appreciate you taking time off from your studies to sing for us! Isn't she great guys?
{roaring applause}
Korngurl: Thanks! Ok, so I'm dying to know...so who won?
gotta love it, those darn cliff-hangers!!
I hope you enjoyed this installment of The USM Soap-O!
Created by: Moongirl
USM Soap-O © 2003 All Rights Reserved
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