GEEEEEEEEEZ June has not been a very good month so far let me tell ya. So far these are things that have gone wrong in June of 2003. My kitchen sink has started leaking something HORRIBLE. Every time I turn the water one 1/2 the water never even makes it to the spout, it drains into my basement! So I dont use that sink much. The bathroom sink leaks too, I have to keep a bucket under it. The showerhead, while I was taking a shower popped off! I mean the whole thing popped off and hit me in the head! My vcr took a dump and my daughter fell and broke a prong off the plug to the TV. The prong stayed in the outlet, so its taped off now. My personal favorite is, I picked my kids up from school on their last day and went to pull out. I managed to back up, but my car wouldnt move forward. Here I am stuck in the middle of the school parking lot with other parents getting angrier at me by the second. There was a man there that stopped being mad at me when he realized there was a problem and I wasnt just being a jerk by parking anywhere I wanted. We did this and that to the car, so he could hear what was going on. On its own the car started to move forward, so he said he would follow me home. The car made it home, thats a good thing, but the bad part is my 2 front tires are now pigeon toed!!! Something snapped inside so I have no working car. All this and its only June 8th! AWWWWWWW :(
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .