Have we finally found an explanation for why men don't change toilet rolls and why women can change the topic of their conversations five times in the space of 10 sentences?
Brain researchers are finding some very interesting differences in how the brains of men and women function. Men's brains are bigger,but women's have more connections. Men tend to use one side of their brains, while women use both.
New brain-scanning technology has demonstrated that when undertaking a thinking task, women seem to activate more brain cells, with their brains lighting up in multiple areas like a Christmas tree. Performing the same task, men's brains light up more like a beacon, with activity concentrated in selected areas.
This helps us understand why women appear to be more comfortable and able to do many things at once. Numerous research studies have shown that when given a range of different tasks to do in a limited time frame, women are able to complete more.
Men can find the process of rapidly switching from one thing to another, and doing several things at once, very frustrating.
This discovery helps pave the way for a greater understanding of some of life's little mysteries and frustrations. It means that a woman is likely to be telling the truth when she says she can read, listen to the radio and plan her day in her head all at the one time.
It helps us understand why many men will prefer to finish one task before contemplating the next; why they cook in such a methodical, one step after another way and refuse to paint a second room until they have fully renovated the first.
Perhaps it also adds ammunition to her argument that he's not really listening to her when he's watching TV!!!!
Now you guys out there!!!! this is not necessarily my views but it does give us something to think about!!!lol!!!
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