Well, my last post
explains most of it.
Well, i got my tennis racket back, but not my combination lock.
Well, at least i got something back. Today was the last day of school, well next year, (my mom and sister agreed to this) i will secretly follow her to her locker and see if she has my combination lock, and just take it from there.
I mean, my dad payed 6.00 for it and to say the truth, we arent 'first class'. Well, i am going to get it back, even if it takes all year!!
Heres the story of how all this happened.
The first day to pick out lockers i picked mine. She didn't have a lock but she put her stuff two lockers from mine.
Then when i forgot about it, my locker got stuck and stuff, so i moved my stuff two lockers from the locker i was in. I mean the locker was empty and no one was using it so i used it.
It went well for a week then the girl asked if she could put her stuff in my locker because she has a cell phone, so i agreed. She said that her mom will buy her one this weekend.
Well, a weekend passed and then another and etc... but nothing.
I thought she might be trustful so i trusted her. It is VERY rare when i do that. Well, the doctor said that i couldn't play in tennis anymore because of my foot so i had to quit. I took all of my stuff but left the racket there to show my mark that i still come.
It was one day before the Christmas vacation and i went to the gym to get my stuff back, but the coachs were missing, and so i decided to just leave my stuff there because i didn't want her stuff to get stolen so left disapointed.
Well, beyond chance, she was in my Theather Art class in January. Well, i still kept checking my stuff at the lockers.
Everything was there, until last week, just when i thought that she should of taken her stuff, i should too. So when i went, EVERYTHING WAS GONE! It was a freaking shock! My tennis racket that cost 20.00s and my lock which was 6.00...gone!
I got sick over the weekend because my parents paid a LOT for those things, so i didn't say anything to them.
Finally the last week, i got sick a bit because what if she didn't bring them, she was the kind of sneeky person that don't say anything when they have something of another person and keep quiet so they won't remember to get it back.
Well, i had it written down and in the back of my mind nearly everyday to get them back.
So i told her on Monday and i nicely asked if she could bring them, she said okay.
Well, the next day, Tuesday, she forgot, i thought that maybe it slipped her mind so she might bring it on Wednesday.
Wednesday, no mercy, so i asked her again this time making-up that my mom was angry, (moms to the resue) and so she said that she would bring it. Earlier that morning before all this, i finally told my mom about it and i felt a bit better that for once she was on my side, she just gasped and called her the name for a female dog, i felt better.
Thursday, still nothing, i got sicker inside, i was afraid that she may never return them. This time i was talking to this person (thank God) and she asked why i never wear make-up.
So i said that people stoled it and that people ALWAYS still stuff, i said it in a way that the girl who had my items would hear. The bell rang and i got my autograph book and asked if the girl wanted to sign it (so i can get her name), but she said, "right now?" i said okay tomorrow, but are you going to bring the stuff, and she screamed 'yes'.
I think that since all her friends were there, she didn't want me to embarrasse her about it.
Finally Friday, i had given up ALL hope, all week i had been praying to God to get them back, (i respect that my parents paid a lot for them, that is why i went to all this trouble, alas, we are not all that rich). Well, like i said, i got my tennis racket back, but no combination lock.
This person next to me asked that i lended it to her and i said, "Yes, i had too." What i should of said that she took it home and i had to get it back.
I asked the girl if she brought my combination lock and she said she doesn't have it. What a lair... She is the only person to know my combination.
Well, after that, i laughed secretly in my head to get revenge by following her (like you already know) and see which locker she has next year and when she isn't there, i will take back my lock and buy another lock so she won't steal mine back again and fool her.
Well after all that, i went to the libary, (today was the last day) and i asked the librains if i could leave my racket there and she said yes. They are friends with me.
Well, after school, we weren't allowed back in the building after what some loser BVV gang did some years ago. So i couldn't get my racket back AGAIN.
Well, i am going to have to wait till Monday, hopefully the school will be opened, after all summer school isn't until next, next week.
Well, with my plans, with my summer school, and with my vacation, my future is pretty much planned out temperoally, just don't tell anyone lol.
Thank you all for reading, it has been a stressful week.
Remember, my mom and sister agrees about me following her, after all, she was the one who stole it...
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