Date: 5/29/2003 3:38:00 PM
From Authorid: 37449
Uh, Stop Smoking. |
Date: 5/29/2003 3:41:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 55297
its hard! |
Date: 5/29/2003 3:43:00 PM
From Authorid: 37449
Whats more important to you?? Your health and your boyfriend?? Or screwing up ur lungs, increasiong your chances of dying at an early age, almost killing yourself? Its a challenge I bet, but once you accomplish it ; it will be worth it. Notice I didnt say IF you complete it, because I know you cant do it. Go on the patch or something, USM is here for ya too. |
Date: 5/29/2003 3:49:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 55297
i will try, i want my health and ,my boyfriend, its so hard though! it was since december, but i cracked... *sigh* u dont think i can quit? it is hard, but if i want to, i will. |
Date: 5/29/2003 3:50:00 PM
From Authorid: 37449
Date: 5/29/2003 5:01:00 PM
From Authorid: 6915
If you love them so much, then QUIT. it'll be harder later on |
Date: 5/29/2003 5:19:00 PM
From Authorid: 44960
Is the boyfriend more important than the cigarette's? If not, then I hope you get a good job, cause smoking is an expensive habit. |
Date: 5/29/2003 5:30:00 PM
From Authorid: 53052
what is more important... cigs what will eventually make you age and make you ill or the love of your man and your friends?? you can quit.. just don't have them around you |
Date: 5/29/2003 5:33:00 PM
From Authorid: 60945
aww you know what's right for you. Health and a bf that loves you or possible cancer and damaging your lungs?? I'd go with numba one! but it's your decision, you can do it! |
Date: 5/29/2003 7:49:00 PM ( Admin-DNL )
My dad started smoking when he was 15, I am surprised he hasn't had more health problems and I think he is very lucky he is still alive and well. Please consider stopping before its too late, you could still be smoking in 20 years and looking back to now you'll be wishing that you quit. Good luck |
Date: 5/29/2003 10:15:00 PM
From Authorid: 26452
Yup, what everyone else said.Good luck, its best if you stop sooner than later, better for your health, and getting everything straightened out. |
Date: 5/30/2003 3:22:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 55297
thank you all, its ok Cujo... typos happen |
Date: 6/3/2003 6:06:00 AM
From Authorid: 39887
I think she is trying to help you, aren't they worth more than a cigarette? Do you know whats in a cigarette? There are more tha 4000 ingredients in a cigarette,some of them being,Ammonia,arsenic,butane,angelica,benzene,DDT,Formaldehyde,lead ,methoprene(insecticide), and so many more! I posted all these things before, check it out under my postings. You would not eat these things if served on your food, so why would you smoke it? Be glad your friends care, stop now before it gets too hard to quit. Besides all this, it makes your breath smell bad and your clothes and body! I'm sorry but I am against smoking. Its bad enough to die from a disease that you have no control over so why self-inflict one on yourself!! Investigate the findings on smoking for yourself, start with the American Heart Association at 1-800-242-8721 and THANK your friends for caring!! |
Date: 6/3/2003 9:23:00 AM
From Authorid: 62184
Get your boyfriend to help you quit. That's what i did. I still smoke, but i'm getting my boyfriend's support throughout it. Since he was pretty upset when he found out that i did to begin with. He's having her do detective work? Ehh.. can you run that one by me one more time? Message me and i'll help if you can rephrase it a lil better. ~EndlessDreamer~ |