Date: 5/27/2003 11:39:00 PM From Authorid: 36901 You bring up some very good points. Thanks for posting. Even though I'm always joking about it, I really needed an eye opener! I never once stopped to think about how this effects boys and young adult males. |
Date: 5/27/2003 11:41:00 PM From Authorid: 13119 I agree totally that it would be incredibly hard to grow up as a boy now-a-days. I have taught my son to respect women and men but there is so much hatred for men that it is disgusting. Little girls are hitting the boys and the boys are taught "never hit a girl" well sorry but when some snot nosed little girl starts wailing on my son I hope he does subdue her.(not hit, subdue) I hope that my son has enough self-confidence to realise that it is a great thing to be a man and to never give in to this male bashing society we live in. |
Date: 5/27/2003 11:45:00 PM From Authorid: 20956 a very interesting post Azairyia ... it definately makes you look at it from the other side of the coin |
Date: 5/28/2003 2:28:00 AM From Authorid: 15070 Az=this is a very deep, very well-written post. Thank you for you insight. As a single Mom, with an 11 year old son, man, I worry. He's a good kid, and I can teach him alot. What I cannot do, is teach him to be a man. Thank goodness I have a Bro-in-aw, a Son-in-Law, and my Dad. We are a tight family. Glad to see your posts, they are always so thought provoking...... |
Date: 5/28/2003 3:35:00 AM From Authorid: 59418 wow, very good post! |
Date: 5/28/2003 5:04:00 AM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 27046 I didn't write this. This was written by a man, in his own perspective..... |
Date: 5/28/2003 6:21:00 AM From Authorid: 33517 Thanks for sharing this with us Azairyia..You just jump-started my brain this morning...**Big Canadian Hugs** |
Date: 5/28/2003 7:49:00 AM From Authorid: 15228 Great Post. I couldn't agree more with this. I think another problem is the lack of male role-models. Only 33% of African-Americans are married, so the young men are raised mostly by woman. How can they learn to be good fathers and good men when there is no one to set an example?? |
Date: 5/28/2003 8:12:00 AM From Authorid: 53900 I can agree with part of this post but the men who are beating their wives are not just 20 some year olds they are 30 and 40 and 50 even 60 years old. This female equality does not go back that far. When my mother had children she stayed home with us and my father beat her all the time. Where does the male's role come in how men and boys act nowadays? They are half the population after all. I myself try not to say anything negative about my children's dad in front of them but when my youngest does not see his dad for 3 sometimes 4 months at a time do you think I really need to say anything negative about him? He says it all himself. He never wants to go see him and when he does he cannot wait to come home because he does not really relate with his dad anymore. I mean he only lives 10 minutes from here and yet he always has an excuse as to why he cant take him for the weekend or even a day. As for the message sent out to boys at school I get that totally. Things that would be acceptable and overlooked for a girl like if she were to cry if she was upset is not overlooked or accepted for my son's at their school. If they start crying at school I get a phone call from my son's teacher and the behavior specialist. It is like they are saying boys should not cry...maybe that is intentional maybe they do it for another reason I just find it strange that they make such a big deal out of a boy who cries. Now on the other hand if my daughter starts crying at school they deal with it and move on. As for the hostility towards men and the things being said about tehm how about you go look on the humor section and tell me how many dumb blonde jokes are on there...I guarantee without even going off the first page you would find at least one or two. Those are not directed towards men they are directed towards women and those are not even all the women jokes. You said this article was written froma man's perspective right? So how could he possibly even begin to say he can understand how a woman feels or what effect teh things she hears has effected her self esteem? What about the effect of what women and girls see everyday? The role models little girls have nowadays? Why do you think there is such a high rate of eating disorders? I am not going to deny that the things mentioned in teh article are true alot of them are but girls suffer from teh same afflictions you mentioned in your article. Females have low self esteem, low self worth. They are abused, molested, raped, etc. We need to work on society as a whole not focusing on either boys OR girls. This was defenitely an eye opener but it could apply to both sexes to some degree |
Date: 5/28/2003 8:27:00 AM From Authorid: 53284 That is an interesting post. There are a lot of males growing up today that are successful in spite of the things that you pointed out. How can that be? I think that many of the accomplished young males today have a close relationship with their fathers. Fathers are extreemely important in the developement of both boys and girls. They teach the boys how to become men and they teach the girls what a man should be. |
Date: 5/28/2003 8:46:00 AM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 27046 Jessica the post was not put up to point the finger back at the other sex, or downgrade women. THIS is what a man observes as a man and what you talk about is what a woman observes as woman. It's about being open-minded and not just taking things on a one sided basis. What the person meant about this site is not joke posts. It's the my husband is the biggest idiot in the world and then all the subsequent comments like "Men are idiots, they are so insensitive, they are liars, dogs, cheaters, scum." I have seen it happen time and again and I have also seen a man get his head tore off for trying to defend his position as a man, not for his individual actions, but just as a man. Instead of nitpicking what the person had to say apart realize the WHOLE intent and the whole focus of the situation is to realize that this is based on society as a whole, not the actions of a single individual. You also explained the situation with your son's father perfectly, you don't need to tell him what his father is all about, he knows because of the actions of his father, but reality most single mom's with their bitterness, anger and resentment towards the father's of their children say that they don't have to tell their kid's that their father is an idiot, but they do anyway because it's something they themselves cannot get past. It's true girl's suffer from the same afflictions, the person didn't negate from that fact at all, what he is saying is the focus in dealing with these issues is on female's and while working on these issues with females, in the process there is huge degradtion of males in trying to achieve that. |
Date: 5/28/2003 8:51:00 AM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 27046 Jessica I should clarify that this didn't come from an article, this was a conversation held between me and another male member of this site and with his permission I posted it. It's rather interesting to point out that he prefered that I, a female, posted it than risk getting his head tore off by a bunch of angry women that were going to see it as a dig against them as women instead of something to open up your mind about and step out of the me box of thinking. |
Date: 5/28/2003 9:12:00 AM From Authorid: 19092 I red something cute yesterday. It was an unpunctuated sentence an english teacher put on the board and asked her student to punctuate. The sentence was... Woman without her man is nothing. The guys punctuated it as ... woman, without her man, is nothing. The girls punctuated it as ... Woman!!! Without her, man is nothing. LOL |
Date: 5/28/2003 9:16:00 AM From Authorid: 53900 OK let me say this for the most part I agree with what he had to say. I can also understand why he would not want to post it himself. I know that he would catch alot of slack for it. The same as I proabably will for what I had to say. I can see alot of what you say in kids I deal with everyday. I am not saying this did not need to be brought up...it did. It was very well written and it made me think about alot of things I may be doing. I am going to say that for teh most part I do agree with what he had to say but tehre are points in there that I do not agree with and that would be the case if it were reversed I am sure. Thanks for the post. I am sure it will open some eyes |
Date: 5/28/2003 9:23:00 AM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 27046 LOL King that is cute! |
Date: 5/28/2003 9:24:00 AM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 27046 Jessica when he sent me the message it did the exact same thing with for me and made me think about a lot of the things that I may be doing also. |
Date: 5/28/2003 10:24:00 AM From Authorid: 47699 Thank you, Az. This is a fantastic post. |
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