Well, it's really strange, and you may not believe this but....
My downstairs neighbor and I used to be very close friends. We spent the day together nearly everyday. However, we had a huge fight on Easter. It was devistating to the both of us and our friendship. It was the kind of fight you don't recover from. This fight was my fault. I had done something to her that friends should never do.
We haven't spoken since Easter. However, yesterday, I was trying to carry some akward boxes into my apartment, and she literally ran outside to help me. (You might also need to know that she is disabled and has a hard time getting around.) She spoke to me as if we had never fought. She apologized for hitting me on the day of our fight, and said she wanted to be friends again.
I looked at her in disbelief, and asked her how and why she was doing this. I thought she was playing a cruel joke. She looked at me very seriously and told me that Sam (the ghost that occupies our house) told her to forgive me.
Mind you, I haven't seen Sam in about a month now, but she said he's been with her every night since our fight. She told me that she forgives me for what I did, and that she misses me.
This is a very akward situation considering the circumstances and the reason for our fight in the first place.
I called to Sam last night wanting to talk to him. I felt his presence and I spoke to him, but he didn't respond.
This morning when I woke up, the only picture of her and I ever taken, that I had ripped up and thrown away, was pieced back together and sitting on my entertainment center.
My husband swears he didn't do it, and saw me throw it away the day I tore it up. How it changed my life:Making me wonder if she is buttering me up for something, or if she is for real. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 60052 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .