63B. EXT. ARRAKEEN - DAY Through a brownish-orange haze appears the dusty valley of Arrakeen. 64. INT./EXT. THE ATREIDES SHIP - DAY ARRAKEEN The Atreides ship has landed at Arrakeen. The door is open - the family walk down the steps - DUKE LETO with his dog - PAUL and JESSICA. 64A. through 64C. (Deleted) 65. EXT. GROUNDS - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY ... clusters of troops standing at attention around the enormous dark, cool doorway as the Duke, Paul and Jessica enter the Palace. 65A. through 65B. (Deleted) 65C. EXT. PALACE - ARRAKEEN - DAY The Atreides banner is raised on the top of the Palace. 66. (Deleted) -- 67. INT. MILITARY SUB-BASEMENT ROOM - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY Atreides army soldiers milling, YELLING noisily. 68. INT. PASSAGEWAY - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY. In a darkened passageway, fans turn, casting deep, slow-moving shadows. SOUNDS ECHO in the distance. 69. INT. COMMUNICATIONS ROOM - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY A room of technicians and electronic gear. The SIGNALS are being heard and interpreted. ATREIDES TECHNICIAN Harkonnens. 70. EXT. BLACK ROCK - ARRAKEEN - DAY Far in the distance in deep black rock, Harkonnen spies move, carrying strange electronic equipment. 71. (Deleted) 72. INT. PASSAGEWAY - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY Thufir marches down a hallway with a squad of TROOPS with electronic gadgetry, LIGHTS and SOUNDS going constantly. THUFIR (into a radio microphone) Why isn't the shield up yet? 73. INT. GENERATOR ROOM - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY Down in the basement, Atreides engineers are removing a complicated device from heavy machinery. A MAN radios back to Thufir. ATREIDES RADIO MAN We found and removed another sabotage device. I think it will go up now. -- The engineers activate a series of atometric Holtzman generators. Suddenly SOUNDS begin. The machines start; at first low, then they WHINE upwards to a high pitch. When the pitch is steady, a series of levers are pulled. 74. EXT. PALACE - ARRAKEEN - DAY Just after the second set of levers is pulled, a huge house shield is seen going up in a box shape, encompassing the Palace with SHIMMERING protection. 75. EXT. WINDOW - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY From a small window, Thufir observes the shield with a critical eye. THUFIR (inner voice; worried) We found these sabotage devices too easily... 76. INT. GREAT HALL - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY Two giant glowglobes drift into the Great Hall where Jessica and Dr. Yueh stand watching a giant bull's head is being hung above the massive fireplace. The MOVING TROOPS are unpacking crates and organizing furnishings. Jessica watches them. Distant SOUNDS reverberate inside an elaborate air vent beside them. DR. YUEH Listen here.... You can here the people of Arrakeen outside.... Can you here the cry "Soo Soo Sook" of the water sellers? JESSICA So many reminders of the scarcity of water. DR. YUEH Have you noticed the line of palms along the wall... the Harkonnen put them in... to flaunt their water wealth in front of these people.... Each day those palms take enough water to sustain the life of one hundred men. JESSICA The way you say Harkonnen... I didn't know you had so much reason to hate them. DR. YUEH (swiftly) My wife... you didn't know my wife... they... -- JESSICA (out loud) Forgive me... (inner voice) ... His wife was Bene Gesserit too... the signs are al over him.... They must have killed here. Jessica sees a droplet of sweat break out on Yueh's cheek. DR. YUEH I'm sorry I'm unable to talk about it. Above them a series of iron curtains begins to open over deep rock window slots, sending narrow shafts of light down across the room. TWO ATREIDES WOMEN in uniform approach. ATREIDES WOMAN #1 (referring to several robed figures standing in the room) My lady... the local people... the maids and servants await your inspection. Hawat has cleared them. Dr. Yueh turns to Jessica. DR. YUEH The Harkonnens may have tampered medically.... please wait. He turns a yellow light on a moves it over the crowd. The yellow light beam plays over the blue- within-blue eyes. One of the women, the Shadout Mapes, watches Jessica continuously. Yueh's hand shakes slightly. JESSICA (inner voice; noticing Yueh's hands) He's hiding something -- holding something back. (She studies his face closely.) It's not just his wife... He's a good man though. He's probably trying to save my feelings... (We see her mouth.) I could use The Voice... make him tell me... It would only shame him. (We see her eyes.) I must place more trust in my friends. (We see Yueh turn toward her, fearful.) -- 77. INT. PASSAGEWAY - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY Paul wanders through the darkened passageways alone, his footsteps echoing as goes. He takes pleasure observing the details of the rock Palace but all the while he feels an uneasiness -- a feeling of fear builds in him. 78. INT. PAUL'S BEDROOM - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY Paul enters a small bedroom and sits down on the bed. He opens the filmbook, and activates it. 78A. INSERT - FILMBOOK We SEE a gigantic carryall lower down above a spice harvester and pick it up off the desert floor as a narrator speaks over. NARRATOR (V.O.) One carryall handles four spice mining teams; however, it will fly only two harvesters at a time. Today, we have nine hundred and thirty harvesters and nine hundred and eighty-one carryalls.... 78. BACK TO SCENE Paul looks up. Across the room he sees a tray of small pastries which have been laid out. He goes to them and scans them with his poison detector, which he carries on his belt. A pleasant tone SOUNDS and the word "safe" appears in green light. Paul takes a pastry bites it and turns back towards the bed. Suddenly he stops. He looks at the pastry. PAUL (inner voice) Spice... As he continues eating he notices the sunlight through the slates over the window begins to GLOW white hot. Paul's eyes are intense as the light GLOWS brilliantly. PAUL (CONT'D) (whispering inner voice) Terrible purpose.... What is it? 78B. INSERT - RED DROPLETS Some red droplets appear rushing through the white light. Three images follow: MENTAL IMAGES: 79. INT. CONTROL ROOM - EMPEROR'S PALACE - DAY A blurred Guild Navigator. -- 79A. INT. MAKER ROOM - SEITCH TABR - NIGHT Paul dead on a stone floor. 79B. EXT. ARRAKEEN PALACE - NIGHT Fire burning. 80. INT. PAUL'S ROOM - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY The LIGHT decreases and Paul stands trembling. As he moves to the bed he sees a portion of the headboard slowly folding down and he sees a chrome sliver of metal glide out from within the dark opening. He freezes. PAUL (inner voice) A hunter-seeker!... It can't get me if I don't move... It's too dark in here for it to see clearly... The hunter-seeker begins to lift and swing across the room and back-- searching. PAUL (CONT'D) (inner voice) I've got to grab it -- the suspensor field will make it slippery on the bottom -- I must grip it tightly. The seeker drops a little, circling around the bed. A faint HUMMING sound is heard. PAUL (CONT'D) (inner voice) Who is operating that thing?... It has to be someone in the Palace. I could shout for help but it would kill whoever opened the door... Just as Paul finishes this thought the other door to his room begins to open and the Shadout Mapes peers in. The hunter-seeker arrows past Paul toward the motion. Paul swiftly reaches out and grips the deadly thing. It HUMS and twists violently in his hand. With a powerful turn and thrust, Paul slams the glass nose of the seeker into the stone wall. The seeker goes dead in his hand. He looks up into the deep blue eyes of the Shadout Mapes. SHADOUT MAPES (shaken) It would have killed me... not so? PAUL I was the target. It went to the motion. Who are you? -- SHADOUT MAPES I am the Shadout Mapes... the housekeeper. PAUL A Fremen... Could she be the operator? No... SHADOUT MAPES I must cleanse the way between us.... You saved my life... and we Fremen pay our debts. It's known to us that you've a traitor in your midst. Who it is we cannot say but we're certain of it. PAUL (inner voice) A traitor... Before he can speak the Shadout Mapes is gone -- running off down the passageway. Jessica enters. PAUL (CONT'D) (looks to Jessica) There is a traitor among us. 80A. (Deleted) 81. INT. PASSAGEWAY - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY Running TROOPS storm down the hallway with electronic gear and big stun guns. -- 82. INT. PASSAGEWAY - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY Thufir walks quickly toward SEVERAL TROOPS. THUFIR Set up a sonar probe immediately! 83. INT. AUTOPSY ROOM - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY Dr. Yueh sticks his head out the doorway as SEVERAL TROOPERS run past. 84. INT. OBSERVATION ROOM - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY Duke Leto is calling on a radio phone. GENERALS surround him, as well as Gurney. DUKE LETO (on phone) Thufir?... anything?... keep looking. (Inner voice) ...and a traitor... God help us. 85. INT. SUB-SUB-SUB-BASEMENT - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY TROOPS come off an elevator. The glow-span indicates the very bottom floor of 18 sub-floors. The ground is uneven rock and the ceiling is low. The troops fan out shining chemical lamps here and there. A soldier suddenly stops. Ahead in his light is a dead Harkonnen -- bloody vomit dried around his mouth. He lies beside an electronic device. 86. INT. AUTOPSY ROOM - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY Dr. Yueh covers his face with his hands in a darkened room... sobbing. 86A. EXT. WALL - ARRAKEEN PALACE - NIGHT SEARCHLIGHTS sweep over the faces of City Fremen who are sitting or moving solemnly around the outer wall of the Palace. Some are chanting "Mahdi" and "Lisan al-Gaib." Others hold up one open hand as a sign they feel the messiah is near. A slow-moving spike- backed dog sucks ants up out of a small anthill; he snorts. 86B. INT. GREAT HALL - ARRAKEEN PALACE - NIGHT In the darkened Hall we can HEAR the distant sound of the Fremen reverberating. -- 87. INT. OBSERVATION ROOM - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY Duke Leto sits with Paul, Thufir, EIGHT GENERALS and SIX SUB-LIEUTENANTS. The Duke's small dog wanders under the table and rests his head on the Duke's boot. In front of Thufir is a device FLASHING brilliant light bursts over his face. The others are all talking among themselves. Suddenly Thufir's face turns brilliant red (as red as his sapho-stained lips) and he begins speaking rapidly into the machine in code using a strained high voice. -- THUFIR (Mentat voice) Sector 6 - 80 -- copy the sixth -- the summit -- the eight the quadrant over the ninth plus eighty -- four circles -- weave the eighty and call the fourth copy -- enter nine -- seven by seven a seven the seven call seven B seven -- enter the circles call the sixth copy the sixth over the summit.... eight. The machine FLASHES several bright irregular SIGNALS. Then it stops and HUMS. The blood leaves Thufir's face. THUFIR (CONT'D) (very fast and casually) Eight.... Thufir Hawat... Mentat... Master of Assassins. The hum stops. Thufir turns to Duke Leto. He looks up. Everyone is quiet now. THUFIR (CONT'D) The Palace is now secure. The city of Arrakeen is under martial law... we have troops here headquartered underground on sub-floors six through ten. The rest of the troops are stationed in Arrakeen and we have some on the airfield. Our new army is still training, but everything is shielded.... With the shielding, we are impenetrable. Dr. Kynes is waiting, Sire, for your inspection of spice mining operations, but since the attempt of the young master, I am against your leaving the Palace. DUKE LETO (very angry) The attempt failed... Harkonnen captives have already been taken. We must crush the Harkonnen machine on Arrakis.... You all know what to do. (Turning towards Gurney) ...Gurney! We desperately need more spice miners... many are threatening to leave on the next shuttle. We need spice drivers, weather scanners, dune men ... any with open sand experience. You must persuade them to enlist with us. -- GURNEY They shall come all for violence: their faces shall sup as the east wind. And they shall gather the captivity of the sand. DUKE LETO (squints at Gurney) Very moving, Gurney. On your way... and take care of Dr. Kynes until Paul and I arrive. We will not be prisoners here in this place. GURNEY (artfully easing the Duke's anger) Behold as a wild ass in the desert go I forth to my work. Gurney strides off. Thufir sits, contemplating. Paul and Duke Leto smile at each other and shake their heads. 88. INT. JESSICA'S CHAMBER - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY Jessica is sitting in a small room, smiling, reading a note. It reads "I miss you. Leto." She sets the note down. She begins to tremble. She becomes fearful. In her mind she SEES quick images: MENTAL IMAGES 89. INT. CONTROL ROOM - HEIGHLINER A blurred Guild Navigator. 89A. INT. MAKER ROOM - SEITCH TABR - NIGHT Paul dead on a stone floor. 89B. EXT. ARRAKEEN PALACE - NIGHT Fire burning. 90. INT. JESSICA'S CHAMBER - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY Jessica continues to tremble. JESSICA (inner voice) I must speak with you Leto! -- 91. INT. PASSAGEWAY - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY Outside in the passageway, feet suddenly move quietly toward the door to Jessica's room. 92. INT. JESSICA'S CHAMBER - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY Jessica HEARS this and looks up just as the Shadout Mapes silently enters her room. JESSICA (staring at the blue-eyed woman -- waiting for possible danger.) Yes? SHADOUT MAPES I am the Shadout Mapes, your housekeeper, Noble Born. What are your orders. JESSICA You may refer to me as "my lady." I am not noble born. I'm the bound concubine of Duke Leto -- mother of the heir designate.... "Shadout"... that's an ancient word. MAPES (strangely asked) You know the ancient tongues? JESSICA I know the Bhotani Jib and Chakobsa, all the hunting languages. MAPES As the legend says. JESSICA (inner voice) That's it! The Missionaria Protectiva has been here planting protective legends against a day of Bene Gesserit need. And that day has come. I must play out this sham. (out loud) I know the Dark things and the way of the Great Mother. Miseces prejin. Mapes takes a step backward to flee. JESSICA (CONT'D) I know many things. I know you came prepared for violence with a weapon in your bodice. -- MAPES My lady, I... the weapon was sent as a gift if you should prove to be the one. JESSICA And the means of my death should I prove otherwise. (inner voice) Now we will see which way the decision tips. Slowly Mapes reaches into her dress and brings out a sheathed knife. She unleashes it. MAPES Do you know this my lady? JESSICA (inner voice) It could only be one thing.... (out loud) It's a crysknife. MAPES Say it not lightly... (very slowly) Do you know its meaning? JESSICA (inner voice) Here is why this Fremen has taken service with me, to ask that one question. Delay is as dangerous as the wrong answer. Shadout is Chakobsa... knife, in Chakobsa is... maker of death. (out loud) It's a maker... Mapes SCREAMS with elation and grief. JESSICA (CONT'D) (inner voice) Maker?... Maker is the key word... the tooth of the worm? That was close... (out loud) Did you think that I, knowing the mysteries of the Great Mother, would not know the maker? MAPES My lady, when one has lived with prophecy for so long, the moment of revelation is a shock. Mapes sheathes the blade... slowly -- JESSICA (inner voice) There's more here... yes! (out loud) Mapes, you've sheathed that blade unblooded. With a GASP Mapes drops the knife into Jessica's hands and opens her blouse. MAPES Take the water of my life! Jessica withdraws the knife from the sheath and, with the blade, scratches a line just above Mapes' right breast. MAPES (CONT'D) You are ours.... You are the one. Jessica's eyes stare ahead. She knows these words ring with truth. 93. INT. TUNNEL - OBSERVATION ROOM - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY The Duke, Paul and SEVERAL ARMED GUARDS enter a tunnel to a `thopter landing pad which is illuminated by a shaft of light coming from a chimney-like exit above. DR. KYNES and his Fremen guard are standing next to Gurney. KYNES (to Gurney) So, this is Leto the Just... GURNEY (sharply) I hope I made myself clear. You may call him "The Duke," "My lord," or "Sire." And there is a more ancient term you might keep in mind -- "Noble Born." KYNES (inner voice) Play out your little comedy while you can off-worlders... Gurney turns and activates a device... 93A. INSERT - ORNITHOPTER OPENING ...which causes the ornithopter behind to fold open ready for flight. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 2335 ( Click here )
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