One day when me and my best friend Kristen and a couple of her friends were walking down the hall to our next class. She asked me to wait up for her cause she had to use the bathroom so i told her ok. She was walking torwards the bathrooms and as i watched her i noticed she headed for the Boy's bathroom and i tryed to call out to her to tell her that's the wrong bathroom but LOL she didn't hear me and went right in! The boy's bathroom didn't have a sign on it lol cause the janitors didn't put one up yet but the girl's bathroom did have a sign so i'm guessing she didn't notice it the missing sign on the Boy's bathroom. When she came out we all started crackin up laughin at her! She asked why were we laughin and I said," You went into the wrong bathroom. The Boy's bathroom is the one with no sign on it." I pointed at it. She looked at it and oh my god she went all red in the face. I tried so hard not laugh at her. LOL it was so funny!! You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 43732 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .