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Planet X -- do you believe?

  Author:  61999  Category:(Conspiracy) Created:(5/21/2003 6:51:00 AM)
This post has been Viewed (11947 times)

I'm just cutting and pasting what I got from another site. Please read it when you guys have the chance and tell me what you think. Me? I'm pretty freaked out, being that I'm in NYC. ~ The DreamGyrl ~


<p>We first broke the news about Planet X in the August, 2002 issue of our newsletter. In our January, 2003 issue we gave our readers an update on Planet X. Due to the many inquiries we have received, in this issue I want to again review the subject and update the information we have about Planet X.


<p>Planet X is a planet that the ancient Sumerians referred to as "Nibiru." This ancient Sumerian word literally means "Planet Of The Crossing." The Sumerians gave it this name because every 3,630 years Planet X crosses Earth's orbit. The Sumerians counted it as the twelth planet in our solar system because they regarded both the Sun and Moon as planets. However, modern astronomers have dubbed it as Planet X, meaning that it is the tenth planet in our solar system, the "X" standing for "ten." Planet X has a highly elliptical orbit, rather than the usual circular orbit, more resembling the orbit of a comet than of a planet. It's orbit carries it far out into space, far beyond our known solar system, but then every 3,630 years it returns to the inner solar system and crosses the orbit of Earth.

<p><b>Planet X is a humongous, giant planet over five times larger than Earth, and having over 100 times the mass of Earth.</b> It has a magnetic core that is so powerful that it clashes with the electromagnetic fields of other planets in the solar system. It was because of this electromagnetic disturbance of other planets that astronomers in recent times figured out that there had to be another huge heavenly body in the outer reaches of the solar system. The search for this unknown heavenly body began over 400 years ago. There is a great amount of literature available on the subject for those who want to research it.

<p>Astronomers finally discovered Planet X in 1982. It was in that year that NASA acknowledged the existence of it. A year later (1983) IRAS (Infrared Astronomical Satellite) actually spotted a large mysterious object in the depths of space. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory also acknowledged its existence. <b>News items about its discovery were printed in the Washington Post and the New York Times. But shortly after these public announcements the great coverup began.</b>


<p>After the discovery of Planet X in 1982, astronomers began to study it seriously. <b>They soon discovered that it was inbound, headed towards the inner solar system again. It was determined that it would cause massive earthquakes, volcanoes, tidal waves, the melting or shifting of the polar ice caps, sudden fluctuations in temperature and climatic conditions, and probably a shift in the polar axis of Earth.</b> This information was passed on to the political leaders in our government, and presumably the political leaders of other nations. <b>After some consultation, it was decided that if the news about Planet X and the worldwide disaster that it is expected to cause was released to the public, the public would react in fear, hysteria, panic, and anarchy.</b> The result would be the total collapse of the world economy. Wicked men will protect their precious dollars at any cost, counting them of more value than the lives of their fellow human beings. So, a decision was made to suppress all information about Planet X, classifying it as "Super Top Secret." Yet, in the years since 1982-83, NASA and other agencies have continued to diligently study Planet X, accumulating a vast amount of information about it. In spite of the best efforts of astronomical and political leaders, working in collusion to suppress all information about Planet X, <b>there have been leaks.</b>

<p>It is now known that the Hubble Space Telescope has been repeatedly used to observe Planet X, but all information obtained by it has been hidden from the public. Only a select few top scientists and government officials have been allowed to view the photographs of Planet X picked up by Hubble. It has also been revealed that the Hubble telescope is equipped with special technological equipment that prevents any interception of its signals by anyone other than NASA. Since it is only taking pictures of things in the heavens, why is it so important that only NASA receive those pictures? Do they have something to hide? They sure think they do!

<p>It has also been revealed that since 1982-83 the government has quietly financed and built eight new observatories, equipping them with the most advanced technological equipment available, for the specific purpose of studying Planet X. These observatories are in various locations around the U.S., with two of them being in New Mexico. But the public was never told about these observatories being built with their tax dollars. Why?


<p><b>During the twenty-two years since the discovery of Planet X, the governments of the wealthy industrial nations of the world have quietly built vast underground complexes (bunkers) capable of housing thousands of people.</b> These bunkers are intended to guarantee the survival of certain wealthy political leaders, ultra-rich bankers, corporate heads, etc., and others deemed necessary for their survival and pleasure. These bunkers have been stocked with enough food, water, clothing, medicine, and technological equipment to guarantee the survival of the occupants for several years. Those "selected" to use the bunkers have also placed various treasures in them (art; money; automobiles; alcohol; etc.) in order to preserve these things for their future use. At the proper time these "special" people plan to enter their secret, reinforced, earthquake proof bunkers, where they expect to "ride out" the devastation caused by Planet X, emerging only after the chaos and danger is over.

<p>But what about the masses of people on Earth who have no bunkers? Too bad! So sad! The ultra-rich political and financial leaders of the world could care less about the survival of the "common man." The only important thing to them is that they survive. They are the "nobles." They must survive in order to rebuild a "New World Order" and rule over whatever "peons" may survive the devastation caused by Planet X. Sic!

<p>BUT GOD.....

<p>As I read these various reports now coming in, I have been made to marvel at the absolute accuracy of God's inspired Word. There is no question that the coming of Planet X is going to cause Earth to tremble and shake like it has never been shaken previously in human history, Haggai 26-7; Matthew 2421; Hebrews 1226-27; Revelation 1618.

<p>Now read Isaiah 210-22, noting especially verses 19-21.<b>"And they shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth, for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of His majesty, when He ariseth to shake terribly the earth. In that day a man shall cast his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, which they made each one for himself to worship, to the moles and to the bats; To go into the clefts of the rocks, and into the tops of the ragged rocks, for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of His majesty, when He ariseth to shake terribly the earth."</b>

<p>And when this happens to these wicked men, "He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh the Lord shall have them in derision," Psalm 24. See also Psalm 591-8 and Proverbs 122-31.

<p>All of these grandiose plans being made by those who consider themselves the "elite" of humanity, are going to come to naught. Not only does Isaiah 2 tell us that their treasures will be left "to the moles and to the bats," but James 51-3 tells us that their "gold and silver" will become "cankered" and will "rust." Glory to God! Folks, these vast underground bunkers that the wicked ultra-rich of the earth have built, may very well become their tombs. There is no way to guarantee that the entrances of these bunkers will not be buried deep beneath the earth, sealed forever by the terrible earthquakes that are going to occur with the coming of Planet X. Neither is there any way to guarantee that the areas of the earth where these bunkers are located won't sink beneath the seas in the coming devastation, carrying their occupants to a watery grave. Someone once wrote, The best laid plans of mice and men often come to naught." This is precisely why Isaiah 222 warns, "Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils for wherein is he to be accounted of?"

<p>Folks, the only security for anyone in view of the coming of Planet X, is to know the Lord Jesus Christ in a personal, saving relationship. Sometime before Planet X (or some other heavenly body) devastates Earth, the Lord will remove His people "from this present evil world," Galatians 13-4. Read again 1 Thessalonians 413-18, and this time believe it. Are you ready?


<p>Is the information we are reporting about Planet X reliable? Is Earth really going to be devastated when Planet X (or some other heavenly body) comes flying past? <p>Where am I getting my information?</p> These are questions that every reader has a right to ask, and they deserve to be answered. Read on!

<p>In our January newsletter I mentioned that some 70 websites (or more) are dispensing information about Planet X. Our readers can check these websites out for themselves. In the "Search" area of your computer, just type in the words "Planet X," then click "Go" and it will bring up several sites. Take your choice or investigate them all.

<p><b>Warning.....</b>Some of the sites carrying information about Planet X are promoting the New Age movement, Humanism, various cults, Occultism, etc. They are taking advantage of the coming of Planet X to promote their own deceptive agenda. There is also a website called "Zeta" that should be avoided. It appears to be a front for government propaganda, and is dispensing a lot of disinformation, trying to make the whole subject of Planet X look like a three ring circus. Beware!

<p>On the other hand, there are websites that are reliable, responsible, and dedicated to informing the public about the coming of Planet X and the danger it poses for all mankind.

<p>I have received much of my information about Planet X from reports issued by <b>Dr. James McCanney</b>. Dr. McCanney is an Astrophysicist that is known and respected in the scientific community throughout the world. He graduated from St. Mary's University in 1970 with a double degree in Physics and Mathematics. He obtained his Masters Degree from Tulane University in 1973 in Nuclear and Solid State Physics. In 1979 he joined the faculty of Cornell University as an instructor in Physics. For several years he served in a consulting capacity to NASA. He also provided copies of his scientific publications dealing with "the electrical nature of the cosmos" to fellow scientists connected with the Russian government. A number of his studies on planetary electromagnetism have been published in scientific journals around the world. He has written at least one book (probably more) that I am aware of on the subject of "The Electromagnetic Componet Of The Solar System." He has also written a 60 page manual for the public on how to prepare for the coming of Planet X. Dr. McCanney has known about the coming of Planet X for several years, but while he was obligated to NASA and other government funded institutions, he was sworn to absolute secrecy. Dr. McCanney no longer has any ties to NASA or other government agencies, and he is now "blowing the whistle" on the government coverup. As far as I know Dr. McCanney is not a Christian. He does not appear to write from a Christian perspective. Yet he is so concerned about the danger to the public, that he has a daily radio broadcast and a website dispensing information about Planet X. I don't know where a person could be found that is more knowledgeable, qualified, and reliable, to speak about Planet X than Dr. James McCanney. Those who choose to ignore his warnings will do so to their own hurt.

<p>I also receive information from <b>Mark Hazlewood</b>, author of "Blindsided," a book about the coming of Planet X. Mr. Hazlewood keeps up with Planet X on a daily basis, and is in contact with other Planet X researchers. His information has proven to be highly reliable.

<p>There are other websites that also carry reliable information on Planet X. The sources mentioned here should be sufficient to convince our readers that Planet X is not just a figment of my overactive imagination. Planet X is real! Its coming is being predicted by some of the top scientific minds living today. The effects of it will soon be knocking at your door. Are you ready?


<p>According to the Astronomers, Astrophysicists, Cosmologists, Geologists, Meteorologists, and various others scientists that are seriously studying the coming of Planet X.....

<p>The Sun.....Planet X is already having a tremendous effect on the Sun. Astronomers and scientists began keeping a record of solar flares (explosions...Coronal Mass Ejections) on the Sun in the 1700's. <b>Over a period of time it became obvious that solar flares reach a maximum every eleven years.</b> Once the peak is reached, then solar flares decline for approximately five and a half years.The the next five and a half years they increase until they peak again in the eleventh year. This eleven year cycle has been going on ever since men of science began keeping records of their observations. But something has changed.....

<p>The last eleven year peak was reached in 2000. After 2000 scientists fully expected solar flares to decline, just as they always have done in the past. But they didn't! <b>Instead, they have steadily increased in both frequency and intensity. The largest solar flares ever recorded have occurred since the eleven year peak in 2000.</b>

<p>What is happening?

<p>Dr. McCanney and other Planet X researchers are convinced that the increase in solar activity is due to the electromagnetic field of Planet X interacting with the electromagnetic field of the Sun. As Planet X comes closer, it is expected that solar flares on the Sun will continue to increase in frequency and intensity. Many centuries ago, God inspired the prophet Isaiah to write, <b>"Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the Lord bindeth up the breach of His people, and healeth the stroke of their wound," </b> Isaiah 3026.

<p>It is an established fact that the Moon has no light of its own, but is rather a reflector of the light of the Sun. But the Sun only gives off light according to the amount of heat being produced by its nuclear fusion electromagnetic generator. <b>Therefore, when the light reflected by the Moon becomes as bright as the light of the Sun is today, and the light of the Sun increases sevenfold, consider the "heat" effect it will have on Earth and its inhabitants.</b> Read Revelation 87 and 168-9 and believe.

<p>The Earth.....Planet X is also already effecting the Earth. The effects of it were recognized by planetary scientists as far back as 1995. Its magnetic field had probably began to effect Earth even earlier. <b>Remember "El Nino" and the 500 year floods of 1993?</b> Weather patterns have changed dramatically, producing "strange" weather. Climatic conditions are changing. The polar ice caps and mountain glaciers are melting. It has been revealed that in 1995 a worldwide "disinformation" campaign was launched by government "insiders," blaming the strange weather patterns on "Global Warming." But a number of highly respected scientists, who were not in on the "coverup," rejected totally the theory of "global warming." Rather, they [rightly] pointed out that the polar ice caps and mountain glaciers are melting from underneath, not from the surface. Why?

<p>Due to the approach of Planet X, solar flares are increasing on the Sun. The Sun is ejecting massive amounts of electromagnetic energy into space. Some of this electromagnetic energy is being attracted and absorbed by Earth's magnetic core, causing the molten iron core of Earth to heat up. The increased heat from Earth&#8217;s core is filtering through the mantle of Earth to the surface, causing the melting of the ice caps and glaciers from beneath. <b>There is no "global warming" being caused by household sprays and fossil fuels, and never has been.</b> Such a claim is disinformation put out by those involved in the coverup. A recent news release revealed that there is now somewhere <b>between 20 and 200 feet of water</b> under the polar ice caps. This amount of water under the ice caps serves as a lubricant, and in the event of a major earthquake and polar shift, could cause the ice caps to suddenly slide into the ocean. When that happens, it will cause massive tidal waves that will wash over whole continents.

<p>In Psalm 462-3 we read, "Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed [out of orbit], and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; Though the waters thereof roar [Luke 2125] and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof."

<p>In Amos 56-8 Israel is urged to "Seek Him that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth the Lord is His name." This is repeated a second time in Amos 96. It clearly predicts that tidal waves are going to sweep across the continents, or parts of them, during the coming Tribulation. Read also Habakkuk 310, carefully noticing the context. Are you beginning to see the picture? Are you getting the message?

<p>The Solar System.....Psalm 10225-26 distinctly states that "the heavens" and "the earth" are going to be "changed." This is exactly what planetary scientists are predicting is going to happen as Planet X passes through the solar system. <b>Planet X is not alone! It has its own moons orbiting it and a long tail behind it that stretches out millions of miles across space.</b> Because of the tremendous size of Planet X, the force of its electromagnetic field, and the huge amount and long trail of space debris that is accompanying it, Dr. McCanney and other planetary scientists are expecting it to cause great destruction and "change" as it passes through our solar system. Isn't this exactly what Psalm 10225-26 predicts? You know it is!

<p>Isaiah 516 also predicts that <b>"the heavens shall vanish away like smoke."</b> When Planet X comes flying through our solar system, it will pass between Earth and Mercury, passing closer to Mercury than Earth. Mercury is a very small planet. Because of the tremendous size of Planet X and the power of its magnetic core, planetary scientists are expecting Mercury to literally explode, and the debris of it to be drawn into the tail of Planet X. Just as the Scripture says, Mercury is expected to "vanish away like smoke." This same thing may also happen to one or more of the other planets in the solar system, depending on how close they are drawn to Planet X as it passes.

<p>The Coming.....Planet X is coming into our solar system from almost directly beneath the south pole of Earth. This position is considered a "blind spot" by astronomers. This explains why Planet X is not already visible in the night sky. But very shortly it will rise high enough in the sky, from our perspective on Earth, to become visible. It can already be seen by the huge telescopes in various observatories around the world. It is expected that by March 15th it will be visible to amateur astronomers using good telescopes or powerful binoculars. Then approximately 45 to 60 days in advance of its passing Earth, it will become visible in the night sky to anyone who wants to look. This will be approximately April 1st, and it could appear even sooner.

<p>The Passing And Aftermath.....As I write I have before me a detailed scientific sky map, drawn to scale, showing the exact route that Planet X is expected to take as it passes through the solar system. According to this map, Dr. McCanney and other planetary scientists believe that Planet X will pass between Earth and Mercury on May 15-16. However, because of the magnetic forces at work between Planet X and other heavenly bodies, the speed and trajectory of Planet X varies slightly. It is possible that its arrival could be delayed until sometime in June, although that is not expected to happen.

<p>Approximately four days after Planet X passes between Earth and Mercury, it will then "cross over" the orbit of the Earth [the orbit Earth follows as it revolves around the Sun]. This should occur approximately May 20-21. <b>But it will take Earth another fifteen days to reach the same point in space. This means that Earth will reach that intersection about June 5-6.</b>At that time Earth will plow headlong into the trail of debris stretching out behind Planet X. Because this trail of debris stretches out across space for millions of miles, Earth will pass through the tail of Planet X every year for approximately the next seven years. Hello! Is God's Word precise or not? Glory to God!

<p>The Dates.....I want our readers to carefully note the dates being predicted by planetary scientists who are studying Planet X. May 15-16 is the date of Israel's 55th birthday as a nation. On that date 55 years ago, May 15, 1948 [Jewish reckoning], Israel became a nation again. <b>God must have taken notice, for on May 16th there will be a spectular eclipse of the full moon; "a blood moon."</b> Coincidence? Hardly!

<p><b>June 5-6, the date that Earth is expected to plow into the tail of Planet X, is the 36th anniversary of the Six Day War of 1967.</b> Didn't God say He would "avenge" the blood of His people, Israel, on the Gentiles? "For I will cleanse [avenge] their blood that I have not cleansed [avenged] for the Lord dwelleth in Zion," Joel 220-21. Glory! Give praise to the Lord!

<p>Conclusions.....Folks, it ought to be clear to any honest Bible student that the Lord is going to use Planet X (or some other heavenly body) to fulfill many of the Tribulation prophecies. But before the Tribulation begins, <b>He who is "faithful" is going to keep His promises to His people, and remove them [rapture] from "this present evil world,"</b> Galatians 14; John 143; 1 Thessalonians 413-18; 59; Revelation 310. The rapture of God's people is at hand! Praise the Lord!

<p>In view of the coming of Planet X, and how it harmonizes with the prophetic Scriptures, I personally feel that the Lord is going to begin the 70th Week of Daniel, Daniel 927, right where the 69th week terminated, allowing for the intervening Dispensation of Grace. The 69th week of Daniel's prophecy (483 years) ended at sundown, Abib 10, 31 A.D. See Luke 1928-44. It now appears that the Lord will begin the 70th week of Daniel (7 years) on Abib 11, 2003 [April 12th], 2000 prophetic years from the time the 69th week ended. Then some thirty days later Planet X will come flying past Earth, literally fulfilling 2 Peter 310, Isaiah 136, and Joel 115. Are you ready?


<p>The preceding Bible study was written by Pastor F. M. Riley, director of the Last Call Gospel Ministry, 3201 N. Kentucky #57, Roswell, NM 88201. It was originally printed in our February issue newsletter, one of a series of three newsletters dealing with Planet X. Anyone desiring to receive our newsletters or Bible Studies can contact us at the above address, or at [email protected] via email. There is no charge for our newsletter or Bible Studies. We depend strictly on the Lord to touch the hearts of those He wants to help us with this ministry. May God bless every reader.

How it changed my life:

I'm NERVOUS! VERY VERY JUMPY. Oh, and I carry a Bible around with me.

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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .

Date: 5/21/2003 7:13:00 AM  From Authorid: 62118    If the Sumerians are right then wouldn't that make the Biblical God and Angels alien? The Anunnaki(people from Nibru) supposely made humans  
Date: 5/21/2003 7:36:00 AM  From Authorid: 59418    oh my gosh, that is scary!!! I wasnt too sure i believed it, but after reading this, i'm a bit less skeptical. I pray to god that this is not true! :S  
Date: 5/21/2003 7:56:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 61999    I have been scared since I read it. I'm like praying and wanting to run back to Texas (since I'm in NY) and get away from the coastal cities... who knows, tho. My job assignment will be done on the 31st of this month so maybe I'll take a little road trip back to Dallas and just stay there until the 10th... thanks for reading it and not thinking I'm insane for believing it. ~~The Mighty DreamGyrl~~  
Date: 5/21/2003 8:08:00 AM  From Authorid: 62118    I used to believe in this but the Sumerian evidence has errors in it, the seal that is meant to show our solar system doesn't match up to other Sumerian pictures of the sun, the Sumerians have a special picture for the sun but the one on this specific seal is just a picture of a normal star, not the sun.  
Date: 5/21/2003 8:13:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 61999    What the --? Well, I don't know anthing about the Sumerians anyway, 62118. I suppose that's why I'm scared and you're not. I hear Sumerians and I hear "Old Stuff". I hope you're right tho. Because I want to be able to have my wedding and I want my 4 kids (That, consequently, will be raised in the church -- that statement was to give God a little incentive for keeping us humans on the up and up for about another 70 years). Well, 62118, read my other post about Planet X; tell me what you think, you're so smart I'd like to hear it (and I wasn't being sarcastic, I was being honest). ~The Mighty DreamGyrl~  
Date: 5/21/2003 8:23:00 AM  From Authorid: 19092    Interesting read, thanks for posting. If it happens, it happens, I'm ready....  
Date: 5/21/2003 9:53:00 AM  From Authorid: 54111    Sounds interesting. Did you read the article on MSNBC about the red dwarf that was found. I don't know if that has anything to do with this though.  
Date: 5/21/2003 10:17:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 61999    Uhm, I don't know anything about dwarfs, LMBO. Sorry. ~The DreamGyrl~  
Date: 5/21/2003 10:28:00 AM  From Authorid: 36967    I will say this, if you are able to map out the orbits of the planets, basically the outer planets. There is definiatly something that is messing up the patterns. This planet is about five or six times the size of jupiter. Something about that size, it's gravity is messing up these planets orbits. Pluto does not even at all have a regular pattern. Pluto, Neptune and Uranus as well Saturn have mess up orbits. This unknown object it's gravity and the Gravity of our sun is tugging on these planets. Needless to say our sun is winning  
Date: 5/21/2003 11:05:00 AM  From Authorid: 38849    My belief, is no this planet doesn't exist. I'll use this source here: http://seds.lpl.arizona.edu/billa/tnp/hypo.html#planetx and copy and paste this paragraph here: "Meanwhile, the spacecraft Pioneer 10 and 11 and Voyagers 1 and 2 had travelled outside the solar system, and could also be used as "probes" for unknown gravitational forces possibly from unknown planets -- nothing has been found. The Voyagers also yielded more accurate masses for the outer planets -- when these updated masses were inserted in the numerical integrations of the solar system, the residuals in the positions of the outer planets finally disappeared. It seems like the search for "Planet X" finally has come to an end. There was no "Planet X" (Pluto doesn't really count), but instead an asteroid belt outside Neptune/Pluto was found! The asteroids outside Jupiter's orbit that were known in August 1993 are as follows: "

I'll leave the asteroid calculations out, as I provided the link to the page from which I obtained the information. --
Date: 5/21/2003 11:20:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 61999    Zayden, I provided a link on my other post re: Planet X. This link takes you to an interview with Dr. McCanney, who breaks all of this down for us. He basically gives us a physics lesson. Check it out, tell me what you think.  
Date: 5/21/2003 1:18:00 PM  From Authorid: 38849    Well, I took the time and read the whole thing. Interesting read, but he wouldn't be considered a professor in my opinion. He was an introductory lecturer at Cornell for only two years is my first complaint about him directly. However, more to the point about the interview, very little was given in the way of "physics" and more about "government coverups" than anything else. I'll provide another link here regarding planet-x by many amateur astronomers(I belong to an amateur astronomer group where I live), who basically refute the claims made about the planet-x existence. The website which should answer a number of questions about this is provided here: http://www.planet-x.150m.com/ It is provided by a fellow amateur astronomer also. --  
Date: 5/21/2003 1:29:00 PM  From Authorid: 62141    Author Zecharia Sitchin wrote a series of books called "The Earth Chronicles" which pertain to Planet X. The first was "The 12th Planet", second "Stairway to Heaven", third was "THe Wars of Gods and Men". Sitchin is considered to be a zealous researcher and if you read and follow the hypothesis you may find some enlightenment about the true nature of Jehovah, Ba'al, and many of the old gods of ancient times. Sitchin ties everything together with scriptures from all the ancient peoples, including the Old Testament and its predecessor stories. A very interesting read.
Date: 5/21/2003 2:20:00 PM  From Authorid: 38849    Here are a number more links, that are interesting reads that refute this:, http://www.badastronomy.com/bad/misc/planetx/index.html, http://enterprisemission.com/zeta.htm, http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/sitchin.htm Each of these is interesting to read. Well, anyway, no I don't believe in the planet-x theory. Is it possible still for there to be more planets in our solar system? Oh maybe, but they would be in more or less "circular" or very slightly "eliptical" orbits. --  
Date: 5/21/2003 2:40:00 PM  From Authorid: 21867    No. I don't believe it for a milli-second. Planets are kinda big...thats what kinda makes them planets. Due to their big size they can kinda be seen from a loooooong loooooong loooooong - did I mention looooooong - way away. Every hour of every day there are telescopes pointing up into the Heavens...LOTS of them. Yet this big Planet is apparently steaming towards us and no-one has seen it? Okay - I'll clarify that...NO ONE who wasn't using crack at the time or trying to sell a book on the theory or just a paranoid nutbag...has seen it, or can provide verifiable photographic evidence they have. Riiiiight. Whats this PlanetX doing? Playing peek-a-boo behind a few other Planets...tippy-toeing around Pluto...ducking behind Neptune giggling *hehehe...Earth can't see me*??? Don't think so. Don't worry about rushing out and acquiring any Planet X House and Contents Insurance...you won't need it...maybe get some aspirin though, coz I'm sure this fairytale will crop up again and again. Peace,  
Date: 5/21/2003 2:58:00 PM  From Authorid: 1799    i'm not sure about my beliefs on this. i want to read up on it more first. but Agent Smith, u did say something that made me wonder. u don't believe it because u can't see it? but, we can't see pluto from here from what i've been told. but its still there. not going against what ur saying or trying to start a debate, i just heard that and found ur comment interesting enough to ask.  
Date: 5/21/2003 3:41:00 PM  From Authorid: 55903    LOL @ Agent Smith!  
Date: 5/21/2003 4:01:00 PM  From Authorid: 53927    What if planet X used to be real but now the only remains of it is the astroid belt. But i don't think a planet can explode.  
Date: 5/21/2003 5:15:00 PM  From Authorid: 21867    Hi Emi,
Actually we can 'see' Pluto from Earth...not a large picture of it though, it is seen (to astronomers) as a minute bright light (reflection of the suns light), that has a measurable orbit of the sun...therefore they know it isn't a star...but a celestial body that is circling the sun...hence, a planet. There is also rumoured to be a 10th planet...but haven't seen any evidence of that one...not that I know of anyway. Peace,
Date: 5/21/2003 6:30:00 PM  From Authorid: 38849    Bart, actually it is possible for a planet to explode. A number of things would probably have to be present, but that is an actual possibility. It is/has been thought that the inner asteroid belt was a planet that was torn apart, probably due to lack of suffcient mass to stay together, or the gravitational forces from Jupiter(and I believe the Sun(I could be mistaken on this) could have torn it apart also. --  
Date: 5/21/2003 6:32:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 61999    Uh, Agent Smith, sir. Planet X is roman numeral for Planet 10 (ten). This IS the rumor of the 10th planet. Did you read this, or did you only read the first part? Zayden, I'm not trying to debate with you (because this isn't the debate forum) but all I can do is read all of these sites, just like you, and hope that the government isn't lying to me, making "matrix-like" sites to throw me off of the truth. We really won't know. I'll get the link for you guys, so you can see where I got all this mess from. Because one article talks about the people that have been KILLED because of their knowledge of such things... but I don't know, it could all be a farce and I didn't pass calculus in high school so I didn't really have math in college...~The Mighty DreamGyrl~  
Date: 5/21/2003 6:45:00 PM  From Authorid: 38849    Hey it's ok. I don't believe there is a Planet-X with the kind of orbit as described. Doesn't mean there isn't another planet in our solar system, just not one with this very eliptical orbit. With that, I myself am not very excited by it and really do not believe there is anything to worry about. My belief is this, when it is my time to go, there isn't a thing I can do about it, so why worry? Life is short enough as it is, live it, enjoy it! --  
Date: 5/21/2003 8:22:00 PM  From Authorid: 54987    I wish it was true. I hope it is true. I can think of nothing better than meeting my makers. Well May 16th has passed... May 21st has passed..... nothing terribly unusual is happening. I can't imagine that all the astronomers in the world have been silenced. If I saw it I would be out there with a megaphone << Hear me! Hear me! The end is nigh!>>  
Date: 5/22/2003 12:33:00 AM  From Authorid: 21867    Hi ~The Mighty DreamGyrl~, yes, I am aware that X is the Roman Numeral for 10. Thankfully college and university Mathematics taught me that along the way. The mythical 10th Planet however is just that...mythical, there is no evidence that suggests one exists...it is so far merely a hypothesis. This mythical tenth planet is also no doubt where the twisted version of the Planet X hoax-drama originates from. Yes...I am aware of a great deal of the literature on this rumoured Planet X...helping run a Conspiracy Website means I'm highly paranoid and like to waste my time investigating reports such as these indepth. Peace,  
Date: 5/22/2003 12:38:00 AM  From Authorid: 21867    "Because one article talks about the people that have been KILLED because of their knowledge of such things..." having been a Conspiracy buff for around 20 years...and Conspiracy researcher as both a hobby and, probably, as a slight unhealthy obsession...if theres one thing I've learnt its that claims 'people are getting killed for knowledge of such things' is pretty much a sure fire clue its all a feed of bunk. Classic Art Bell and Rense stuff. Peace.  
Date: 5/22/2003 2:47:00 AM  From Authorid: 16339    hmm, ludicrous to say the least. Yes i am christian, yes ive read the bible & yes i am somewhat of a science, physics & astronomy nut. Word of the wise - DOnt beleive everything u read. Next we will have someone blabbing about the 'frequency fence set up by aliens" (see abovetopsecret.com) this is what i disliek about human nature. Odds are this is just an overblown game of chinese whispers. all but one of those dates has passed, there has been not paranormal activity, there have been no media leaks (bleive me, the ability of humans to keep secrets is abysmal at best) and i am lookin at a perfectly normal velvet sky with lots of stars. If i rmemeber rightly from my astronomy books, the erratic orbit of outer planets is natural, a comonation of stellar drift, and the limited gravity that the sun can exert upon them due to distance. Look it up, get a telescope & look for planet X. Good luck finding it - ive got more chance finding little green men under my bed (the ones in the petri dish were an experiment - lol. i dont doubt that a lot of the space stuff needs rifining & enhancement, but soemthign this severe - no. And if you look at the bible anyone can twist it to suit. Thats the reason we have so many christian ofshoots (hello Cathlocism,Jehova's Wittnesses,MOrmons,7days,prehysbeterian,protentant,lutherian) And by the way, i mean not to arouse controversy, and i dont want no more sh*t coming at me with unfounded basis. Act wisely,  
Date: 5/22/2003 3:22:00 AM  From Authorid: 1799    Agent Smith... oh. see, i didn't know that. lol. (i'm not a science person, although i do love space stuff.) my mom is a rocket scientist (literally), so i guess i could talk to her to see what she thinks. but, i'm not sure what i think about this. but out of curiousity, what if it is true? then what?  
Date: 5/22/2003 4:20:00 AM  From Authorid: 55653    They said it was supposed to cross earths orbit this year but theres no sign of it, and a Huge planet like that would be seen or caught in the suns gravitational pull and would not move around other planets like that
Date: 5/22/2003 6:19:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 61999    Granted. I understand your position, Agent Smith. I appreciate your view on the subject and this is why I posted it, to get someone to talk me down and give me a logical "What if it's NOT true" thought. Well, you've calmed me down, lol. But it's still scary, lol. I'll be scared until, say, June 10th. Because maybe they forgot to carry the one or something, and then I'll find out they were fricking incorrect about the dates, lol. Thanks again, ~The Mighty DreamGyrl~ (That can be shortened to DG, BTW)  
Date: 5/22/2003 9:57:00 AM  From Authorid: 3508    i think its december or january  
Date: 5/22/2003 5:11:00 PM  From Authorid: 21867    Hi BG,
Firstly...sorry if my replies are dripping with sarcasm...honestly didn't mean any offence with them. Just wanted to apologise, as sometimes my sense of humour can come across as being an a-grade butthole...lol! Great topic though...and one that will no doubt crop up again and again. Just hope too many people don't get wrapped up in the hysteria. Though ultimately, when you consider it, does it matter or not about any Planet X?? Surely it would be good to remember we are all given a 'temporary card' in this life...and one day, for whatever reason, that card will be revoked for us all...so be it because of Planet X or whatever...best we all appreciate each moment, take AND give what joy we can within these brief moments called life. Peace,
Date: 5/22/2003 5:12:00 PM  From Authorid: 21867    ...sorry...DG...not BG...grrr, drats...need coffee...hehehe...  
Date: 5/23/2003 6:40:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 61999    LoL, no, Agent Smith, I didn't take your comments to be condesending or anything of that nature. So no need to apologize. And besides, I actually have found some information that truly negates this Planet X thing for me -- if you follow biblical prophecy correctly, it says the world will be under one type of currency by then. And we're all over the place with that one right now. So, no global currency, no end of the world. YAY! I feel better, being that I'm a Christian and things just make more sense to me when they're like that. Anyways, I had no problem with the way you wrote or what you wrote; you were expressing your views on the subject and therefore I was not offended in any way. :-) Go get your coffee, lol. ~~The Mighty DreamGyrl~~  
Date: 5/23/2003 11:20:00 AM  From Authorid: 18506    this is very interesting. But I wouldnt be scared. I have believed all along in the rapture. Although most people laugh about it all, thinking were an invinsible race. But all this does seem to make some sence about planet x although I have never heard of planet x before. I will have to do a search on that. But there is one thing to say for sure...you can never perdict when god is coming. Only god knows this time. I remember in the 1970's when I was a kid it seemed like every other month he was coming and I remember my crazy aunt believing it every other month. At about 7 and 8 years old I just started to laugh and be like, "you can never SAY when god is coming, alls you can do is be ready!' hugs,  
Date: 5/23/2003 10:19:00 PM  From Authorid: 50249    Heyyyyyy!! Thanks for posting this! This is such a great post! Definetely a bookmark! I believed in all of this but I am not scared. I have faith in the Lord and that He will take me out of this Earth along with other Christians, to escape this time of trials. I am ready! May God always bless you. In Christ...  
Date: 5/24/2003 12:25:00 PM  From Authorid: 59163    well, i dont know about you guys, but i'm living my life in fear from now on  
Date: 5/25/2003 7:38:00 PM  From Authorid: 46184    http://starchild.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/StarChild/shadow/questions/question4.html It tells about Planet X (10) not being a planet at all.
Date: 6/16/2003 11:14:00 PM  From Authorid: 42310    I realy do need to read that book the bible. I need to read somemore to be convinced, but I'm loosing more and more faith in the information that is being given to the general public. I never trusted it but now I'm to the point of looking for their lies. If the end does come I dont think that following through christ will save us. at least not in the widely accepted manor. Christ was a rebbel. Think for yourself and question athority. Live not in fear ans show love and compassion for your fellow man. Thats following in christ and thats all you have to do to escape the evil chaos that will be brought upon the world.
Date: 6/21/2003 9:57:00 AM  From Authorid: 28363    I heard that alpha particles can sometimes affect system memory in denver becuz of the altitude, and i know full moon nights in ER are more rowdy than other times of the month. I think the summation of 1948 and 55 must be flawed in the x'lation somehow, most likely the date is in 2012. Take care  
Date: 9/2/2003 10:01:00 AM  From Authorid: 55546    "Professor McCanney" although his own
biography only shows that he was an introductory lecturer at Cornell University
for 2 years in 1979-80. No where does Mr. McCanney show that he earned the
title Professor. He's apparently been working as a Certified Licensed massage therapist!
He does not seem to have worked in a scientific or academic capacity since Cornell
more than 20 years ago.
His Planet X isn't even a planet, it's a comet! It is nothing like Sitchin's Nibiru
although many Sitchin Nibiru supporters haven't noticed this.

Date: 9/2/2003 10:09:00 AM  From Authorid: 55546    for the whole article go here:

I´m not denying the fact that could exist, but in the other hand, to get our opinion we need to check the other half. =)
Date: 9/2/2003 10:13:00 AM  From Authorid: 55546    OH and I found some evidence that it might exsist!

go here http://abcnews.go.com/sections/science/DailyNews/planet991007.html
Date: 6/24/2005 2:35:00 PM  From Authorid: 16376    I read this was a hoax. not sure though.  
Date: 10/16/2005 11:56:00 AM  From Authorid: 62267    No ... scientists are full of crap.  

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