The seashore's full of seaweed.
Gnats and black flies biting-
Sugar sand and pelicans-
The sun's about to rise.
Water's clear, (for this side of the river)
Baby blacktips in the shallows-
Glass minnows by the millions,
add their shimmer to the sea.
High-tide with an offshore breeze-
Gotta swim to get to the first bar.
Reaching for the bottom-
Wow, but it's deep today!
Fourteen feet of fiberglass-
Swing right to load the rod.
A half a pound of hardtail
splashes down, forty yards away.
Wade back in and set the drag.
Now it's time for some munchies.
Halfway through my breakfast,
the reel begins to howl.
Yeee Hawwww!!!
The water is finally warming enough to do a little surf-casting. Please..Nobody mention bull
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .