(This neighbour lived one door away to our left in the opposite row of houses in our lane)
Okay, we used to have this mad old man as a neighbour. He's been suffering from mental illness for only God knows how long. Quite often we would hear him fighting with his wife and at one time the fight actually happened outside their home. And often the wife would spot bruises on her arms from being hit by him. One day, a couple of years back, the old man finally kicked the bucket. And as Chinese customs go, the body would be placed in a coffin in the living room for a few days so family, friends and relatives can come and pay their last respects. And also the porch light must not be turned off until the person is buried. On the evening he died, there were a few family members keeping vigilance out on their porch and all that, nothing unusual. Our dog, of all things had been barking like mad and acting anxious the whole time since the old man died. That evening, she somehow got loose from our gate and dashed towards the old man's house and stopped short of a few yards from their main gate - the fur on back of her neck bristling. My husband panicked and ran out after her. As soon as he reached our dog, which was frozen at the spot, the dog cocked its head as though looking up at someone who is standing right in front of her (like near enough to bend down and pet her head) and began growling and barking and whining. There was nobody in front of her... Half spooked and half embarrased by the commotion the dog was causing, he whispered an apology to whatever it was the dog saw and also apologised to the family before pulling her back into our gate. The old man was buried the next morning. How it changed my life:Not much. 'cept that whenever I come home from work at 2am everynight, the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end everytime I get out of my car and fumble with the gate lock trying to get in as quickly as possible. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 51671 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .