Date: 5/19/2003 2:02:00 PM From Authorid: 4614 I am an atheist...I don't believe in ghosts, but that has nothing to do with my religious beliefs...I don't believe in an afterlife either...As far as sects, I don't know...I only know what I believe... |
Date: 5/19/2003 2:11:00 PM From Authorid: 54826 I concider myself an atheist. I do believe in ghosts and I'm not sure about the after-life thing. I don't believe in any Gods and I don't belong to any religion, that is the reason why I think I'm an atheist. But then again, I don't know if I "can" call myself an atheist when I believe in ghost and stuff. What I think is that Atheism isn't a religion and the only thing that makes us connected is the fact that we don't believe in any gods. But then what is the difference between atheist and non-religius? I'm not sure. |
Date: 5/19/2003 2:12:00 PM From Authorid: 54826 was that confusing? |
Date: 5/19/2003 2:39:00 PM From Authorid: 61912 Your questions have to be answered on a personal basis, there is not an affiliated atheist group that I know of. Rememer Atheism is simply the lack of belief in God. As a nontraditional atheist, yes I do believe in ghosts, whether or not they are conscious beings is questionable, as far as an afterlife I dont think it will be anything that we can comprehend at this point of our existance. I think the "afterlife" is simply a persons energy and consciousness crossing over into another dimension, ghosts could very well be evidence of leaks or cracks between this dimension and another. It all boils down to science, I believe in a few thousand years science will prove and disprove lifes biggest mysteries........ |
Date: 5/19/2003 2:53:00 PM From Authorid: 13897 atheism by definition is not believing in god. that doesn't mean an atheist doesn't believe in the supernatural. everyone is different. |
Date: 5/19/2003 2:53:00 PM From Authorid: 5886 I'm an Athiest, but personal experience with Ghosts has made me a believer in them at least. I'm not sure about there being an afterlife, maybe so because of that whole ghost thing. As for the "sects", there are Hard Athiests who declare there is no God and are about as fanatical as certian kinds of religious people, and there are Soft Athiests, who don't think there's a God but don't get into people's face about it. |
Date: 5/19/2003 3:05:00 PM From Authorid: 24924 NO, I personally do not believe in ghosts, demons, evil spirits or things that "go bump in the night". It makes for fun conversations, and great story telling, especially around Halloween, but that is about it for me. I cannot speak for other atheists. As for believing in an "afterlife", absolutely not. NO, there are not "sects" in atheism. And, please, do not ever think or say that Atheism is a *gulp* religion. We have a LACK of a god belief; an ABSENCE OF religion. There is no difference in atheists and all other people EXCEPT for religious/god beliefs or LACK of. Otherwise, we bleed the same blood, we cry at silly love songs or sappy love stories; we live, love and enjoy the same music; and root for our favorite sports team, haggle over politics, etc, etc. etc. |
Date: 5/19/2003 3:35:00 PM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 52140 Thanks for answering my questions. No, that wasn't confusing |
Date: 5/19/2003 4:43:00 PM From Authorid: 17204 I am not a full athiest...I am more or less agnostic...I question always. But I'll throw my opinion in there anyway,I believe in Ghosts for sure, but I don't know if I believe in a God. It's a nice thought, but how true is it? And I DEFINETLY DO NOT consider athiesm a religion...it's the very oposite of one. Athiests don't believe in a higher power, they don't believe in anything like that...and if they do, then they are not an athiest. |
Date: 5/19/2003 4:51:00 PM From Authorid: 61912 "When a man ceases to believe in God, he does not believe in nothing. He believes in everything." G.K. Chesterton |
Date: 5/19/2003 4:51:00 PM From Authorid: 14407 I am buddhist and a non-theist. I do "believe in ghosts" and I believe in reincarnation and in samsara and nirvana. |
Date: 5/19/2003 4:59:00 PM From Authorid: 24924 ^^^there's just gotta be SOME one that has to preach, and or give an opinion that is nothing at all like the truth. Andy, get a clue. We do not "believe in everything". How can one believe in "Nothing" but believe in "everything"? ummmm...."What logic!"=George Carlin |
Date: 5/19/2003 5:06:00 PM From Authorid: 51979 I never thought of atheism as a religion, but a non-religion. They all believe differantly so it is impossible to put them together into one religion. I am not however an atheist, therefore can not comment on their beliefs myself, only say what I think they believe. |
Date: 5/19/2003 5:06:00 PM
From Authorid: 54987
1) No atheism is not a religion. Not every belief is a religion as you pointed out. In order to be a religion it must have some kind of god belief and dogma, etc. Atheism is a belief, not a belief system and there isn't any systen... it is a belief, not a belief system. 2) Atheists don't believe in ghosts. You say you don't believe in ghosts, and then you go on to say that you believe they are remains of evil. So you're contradicting yourself there. 3) Athesists don't believe in an afterlife. They believe that you just die period. 4) No there are no 'sects' in atheism LOL. You only get those in religions. I don't believe there are hard and soft atheists; there are just atheists. Maybe you are mixing them up with agnostics whose belief is that they don't know. I hope that helps clear it up for you. |
Date: 5/19/2003 5:12:00 PM From Authorid: 61912 Thinker I did not write the quote so back off please and dont get me started. "Everything" means open minded. I guess your the one that needed the clue. huh....... |
Date: 5/19/2003 5:15:00 PM From Authorid: 61912 Sounds like your doing the preaching "Thinker" why dont you live up to your pretentious name? |
Date: 5/19/2003 5:36:00 PM From Authorid: 24924 Everything means openminded?? Geez, louise, how could I possibly mistake that!? *sarcasm* Did everyone else know what he meant; that Everything meant=openminded?? *scratches head* "Preaching"? huh? *scratches head* Whaa? Me? "Pretentious" name?? Whaa? huh? Andy, get that chip off your shoulder, please. And, lighten up a bit...relaaaaax. **resumes non-pretentious Thinking** |
Date: 5/19/2003 5:55:00 PM
From Authorid: 36967
Definition of religion, any kind of a pattern of views that determines how you act or your attitude towards anything. By this definition, I guess you say that almost everything is a religion. |
Date: 5/19/2003 6:09:00 PM From Authorid: 54532 i think religion is really what u believe after u die. Atheism is just a name for no belief. |
Date: 5/19/2003 7:13:00 PM From Authorid: 54987 Where did you get your definition from dkptrs? Websters: religion: NOUN: 1 a. Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe. b. A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship. Wordsmith: a set of beliefs concerned with explaining the origins and purposes of the universe, usu. involving belief in a supernatural creator and offering guidance in ethics and morals. |
Date: 5/19/2003 7:16:00 PM From Authorid: 45630 I don't believe that aethiesm is a religion I do think it is just a thought structure. Religion is based around explaining our existence, Aethiesm is the opposite. It holds no answers to questions it only objects all notions on anti religion grounds! |
Date: 5/19/2003 7:20:00 PM From Authorid: 53314 To me being an atheist means when someone mentions religion or God-My mind draws a blank. I try to think that everything has a logical solution and sure ghosts are plausible? I don't care. The meaning of Atheist like all other words depend on who is using it. I just see it at a way to categorize my way of thinking geared toward that aspect of my life. |
Date: 5/19/2003 8:12:00 PM From Authorid: 22080 yes i believe in ghost, ive seen and been attacked by to many not to believe in them. i also believe when you die you make your own heaven or hell, the afterlife is what you make it. |
Date: 5/19/2003 8:53:00 PM From Authorid: 47296 A more accurate definition of religion would be "organized thought as dictated by a few in a group over the many that are a part of that group". |
Date: 5/20/2003 12:20:00 AM From Authorid: 11240 Well, I am going to throw in my two cents worth. I define religion (and I think most people subconsciously could agree), as a worship system. When one belongs to a religion, then one follows a certain customary, consistent set of procedures in their time of worship. A religion, (alluding to WS's definition) does instruct on a certain set of beliefs, but I do not feel one needs to necessarily believe exactly as a religion teaches in order to be a worshipper in that religion. A person who has a set of beliefs based soley on a religions's teachings, not taking into account personal experiences or "gut" feelings or physical phenomena, is someone I would say has blind faith in their religion. Do I think atheism is a religion? By my own definition I would have to say no, as, at the very least, the criteria of CONSISTENCY in anything deemed atheism cannot be met (evidentiary examination available ^^^). I totally appreciate all of those above who were honest in saying that they had ghost experiences. That sure makes sense, doesn't it? If you EXPERIENCE something, then you have to acknowledge the truth to it. As far as hard and soft core (hey, I know I could put quotation marks on that phrase, but I don't feel the need to attribute it to anyone), I have to tell you about my dad. He would get adament in declaring himself an atheist. He simply could not accept the beliefs his childhood religion tried to get him to "blindly" accept. But as he has gotten older and within the last 18 years or so, he has become to call himself an agnostic. He states his belief as "not knowing whether God exists". I tell him that I know, and he tells me "Good for you," and we share a little wink. God love him for his ability to acknowledge the truth. God Bless. |
Date: 5/20/2003 5:43:00 AM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 52140 Koolade writes: "Wordsmith: a set of beliefs concerned with explaining the origins and purposes of the universe". I know this is part of the definition, but as I know it (unless Im wrong)all atheists believe in evolution, for there's no other way that I've heard of to tell how we got here. So wouldn't evolution and the Big Bang (or whatever) be a "religion" in itself since it explains something |
Date: 5/20/2003 6:22:00 AM From Authorid: 19092 Atheism is Thinker's religion.... |
Date: 5/20/2003 9:19:00 AM From Authorid: 24924 ^^^No amount of discussion; ^^^^ or education will deter SOME people who stubbornly refuse to let go of the myths and deliberate misrepresentation of what atheism IS or MEANS. This old worldish view, this ancient misrepresentation has and is continually adhered to even by educated Christians who have not the excuse for ignorance. KC, you KNOW very well that atheists do not have anything to do with religion, gods, deities; the supernatural. IF your assertion that atheism is my religion; then based on YOUR view, ANYTHING one has a special interest in, would be classified as a religion. Again, A------theists, A-Anti-theists, Anti-theism; theism is any religion/religious belief. Religion, religious, ALL have a God, or Goddess, all have faith, belief in their God; prayers to this God; worship of this God, a doctrine, a Bible, Koran, or the equivalent. All believe in some sort of afterlife. ALL of the tenets, beliefs and practices, of a RELIGION, we atheists LACK; and we reject, sooooo, how can you STILL offer a logical explanation for your simple assertion: "Atheism is Thinker's religion"?? Could it be that you are just irritated by this post, which Jesus Freak has created in an attempt to ask honest questions and wishes to LEARN more about others beliefs? Is it that old "stick in my craw" thing? You would prefer the innocent Jesus Freaks of the world NOT to ask questions; NOT to investigate; NOT to learn? Atheism is NOT a religion; and you can say that all day, every day, anywhere, and everywhere you wish, but it is NOT the truth. |
Date: 5/20/2003 9:37:00 AM From Authorid: 24924 Atheists, as with SCIENCE, answers questions based upon VERIFIABLE, tested, facts; those facts as to what we have learned so far; and keep on testing, probing, asking, learning and progressing. Opinions and facts will or may change in accordance with NEW findings and new discoveries. Religion says: we KNOW the truth; we KNOW the facts; we don't have to learn anything more than what was "revealed" by God. Any evidence or scientific facts or findings are avoided, or thrown out, if it conflicts with their faith. Because these old ways are not working anymore, as more and more people are becoming more educated, those who want to cling to this type of thinking KNOW they have to do SOMETHING to keep the flock, so they have come up with some very clever ways of doing so, by pretending to embrace science, with such things as "intelligent design" and "creation science" and even pay , spend mega bucks for anyone who will claim they are a REAL scientist and put out books which have all sorts of Pseudo "science" within them. They KNOW.....they KNOW very well that the masses will not question; will not investigate; but will accept this so-called "scientific" mumbo jumbo, as the truth. |
Date: 5/20/2003 9:47:00 AM From Authorid: 61928 Atheism is very much not a religion, nor does it mean the same thing to all of us. Whereas theists tend to have books and churches and things as guides for their lives and their moral codes, atheists are guided by logic, sense and an internal need to improve their environment. Straight up atheism, as close as I can estimate from my interactions with them is simply a belief that there was no special "god" creator of life and everything. |
Date: 5/20/2003 9:52:00 AM From Authorid: 61928 As for ghosts and the like, I reserve judgement. While I don't really think that ghosts as the spirits of dead humans exist (although it's WELL within the realms of possibility), I think that ghosts, animals or entities that we don't quite understand very well may exist. As for an "afterlife" it's almost an oxymoron. If we continue to persist in some form after our bodies appear to die, that's simply a continuation of life. Again, no convincing evidence I've seen can support that, so I withhold judgement completely, but I do doubt it. |
Date: 5/20/2003 10:38:00 AM From Authorid: 11240 Afterlife does seem oxymoronish, I agree. To put it more clearly, I would explain it as follows: After life on this earth, there is the possiblity of a continuation of one's individual "make-up" if one's Soul is Judged Saved and Rewarded with a Resurrected Body. Otherwise, one's "afterlife" IMHO is not going to resemble anything we people right here would consider "having a life". God Bless. |
Date: 5/20/2003 11:24:00 AM From Authorid: 19092 I rest my case... |
Date: 5/20/2003 12:25:00 PM From Authorid: 61928 You have no case, King Caspian. You're a troll. |
Date: 5/20/2003 12:48:00 PM From Authorid: 36967 Did you hear, that a group of Athiests, made their own public school for Athiests, and their agenda, I guess they have the right to do that, and not that there is really anything wrong with that, I like to think WHY, i think it is really a waste of money. If you want your kid grownded in the Athiestic world view, just send them to a public school. Save you alot of money. |
Date: 5/20/2003 12:50:00 PM From Authorid: 36967 thinker, today's so called scientific facts, will be tommorrows discarded theories. |
Date: 5/20/2003 12:51:00 PM From Authorid: 36967 humanism is a religion. Why I don't think it should belong in the Public Schools. I would call Athiesm a counter-religion. |
Date: 5/20/2003 12:58:00 PM From Authorid: 19092 And others are Atheist Preachers.... |
Date: 5/20/2003 1:25:00 PM From Authorid: 24924 Slappy, the trolls have arrived in droves. hummmm, wonder why that is....since The title of this post is "Questions for ATHEISTS". |
Date: 5/20/2003 1:37:00 PM From Authorid: 61928 KC, your comments are neither relevant nor helpful, so please refrain from lowering the average IQ in here with your attempts to provoke. |
Date: 5/20/2003 2:19:00 PM
From Authorid: 36967
Another Question to the Liberal Athiests is how can something that you don't even believe in, offend you so much. That is what I don't get, and probably never will. |
Date: 5/20/2003 2:28:00 PM From Authorid: 24924 Drkptrs, Please give an example of that "Something" that we are "offended" by. I am offended by many things. Please be specific. Can I be so bold as to assume you mean a "God" as that something? IF so, then I am not offended by people's belief in a god. It is the things they DO in the name of said "God", and intrusive and legislative or political efforts of said God believers who wish to force, coerce, and or establish those beliefs upon everyone else. |
Date: 5/20/2003 2:31:00 PM From Authorid: 54111 Drkptrs you took the words out of my mouth....... oh and people came in because the title says questions for Atheists. Some people have questions? Do you not invade others posts? .....of course not. |
Date: 5/20/2003 2:37:00 PM
From Authorid: 36967
Like here, people have a problem with the Pledge of Alleigance, because it mentions God. Yet these same people have no problem with reading horoscopes in public schools. Yet an Alabama judge has the Ten Commandments in the Courtroom, which makes certian people protest or demand the takedown, yet these same people are silent when a judge has a picture of a wizard in his courtroom. Looks like there are double standards. that is why it is called seperation of Church and State. Because that is what it is, there is no seperation of Witchcraft and state, there is no seperation of Astrology and State, there is no seperation of Greek Myths and State, there is no seperation of Athiesm and State, there is no seperation of Humanism and State. It is seperation of Church and State. Now I get it NOT. |
Date: 5/20/2003 2:51:00 PM From Authorid: 61928 Can a conservative libertarian atheist answer your question, drkptrs? |
Date: 5/20/2003 2:52:00 PM From Authorid: 61928 If I learned astrology was being taught in a classroom, I'd be outraged. On the other hand, a picture of a wizard doesn't particularly concern me since magick is more absurd than religion. |
Date: 5/20/2003 3:18:00 PM From Authorid: 61928 Also, it's been awhile since I've seen the Greek mythologists in this country petition the Supreme Court to have the story of Prometheus taught along side COMBUSTION since they're both equally valid theories. |
Date: 5/20/2003 3:18:00 PM From Authorid: 24924 Derek, publications of Horoscopes in newspapers or other publications usually have some sort of disclaimer, that it is to be used for entertainment purposes and not asserted as facts. It is something of special interests to a few people who may or may not think of it as factual. It is not a religion. A wizard in a courtoom? Never saw one or heard of one in a courtroom. In anycase, even if there were, it is quite different from the 10 commandments being posted in a courtroom or public office /goverment building. Astrology is about Space, the Solar system, stars ,asteroids, Meteorites, planets, study of all these things that effect our planet Earth, and a part of science. IT is not a religion. Atheism is NOT a religion. Soooo, do some more digging, m'dere. |
Date: 5/20/2003 3:28:00 PM From Authorid: 24924 Oh, and Big Daddi, It is perfectly A-OK, to ask questions, when one wants to LEARN and or offer opinions, thoughts, ideas either to agree or support the topic, or to refute the statements made, but it is NOT ok just to enter and say things like "Thinker's religion is atheism" and give NO rhyme or reason for that statement; or say something like "Atheists are preachers" and give nothing else, offer nothing else to support the reason for such statements; or when someone would come into ANY discussion and loudly proclaim "Atheists stink!" or "Religion ______!" (word rhymes with Ducks); those kinds of emotional vomitus come from trolls. Understand? |
Date: 5/20/2003 3:32:00 PM From Authorid: 47296 Drkptrs, I do have a problem with the Ten Commandments being in the rotunda of the State court building. I do not necessarily have a problem with the Ten Commandments, but with the fact that the judge that put them there did so under the cloak of secrecy and darkness, and has allowed a private religous group to make thousands of dollars selling videotapes of him doing so. That same judge also wrote in a judgement on a case that all homosexuals should be imprisoned or executed. That judge, who is supposed to be a fine upstanding Christian, has even refused to meet with a group of Christians who disagree with him, after they followed the rule of the Bible in setting up a meeting between them. Catherine dear, speak loud and long, for if those who think for themselves do not make their voice heard, then those who wish to silence us will surely see that we are not able to speak out at all. |
Date: 5/20/2003 4:07:00 PM From Authorid: 19092 My, my, Slappy...are we "testy" today??? Your a big "boy", you can handle it... |
Date: 5/20/2003 5:26:00 PM From Authorid: 36967 Thinker, need to do some more research, do you know that there is a difference between Astrology and Astronomy. Astronomy is about the Stars, Planets, Moons, Comets, etc. That is Astronomy, which is a science. Astrology is NOT science, it is basically a religion the worship of the stars. |
Date: 5/20/2003 5:30:00 PM From Authorid: 36967 Warrior Spirit, you obviously shown your case for being against the Ten Commandments, which you are entitled to your opinion. Did you hear about something called Freedom of Speech. Yet, you mention nothing about pictures of Wizards, which wizardtry is a religion. Why are you agianst one religion being on goverment grounds, but no problem with another religion. Can you reason that out? |
Date: 5/20/2003 5:32:00 PM From Authorid: 36967 I have no problem with Conservative Athiests(It may sound like an Oxymoron, but it is not) I have some friends that are Conservative Athiests, which are good people, and they agree with me on many things, I would rather have a conservative Athiest as a friend, than a Liberal Christian(which is an oxymoron) |
Date: 5/20/2003 5:56:00 PM From Authorid: 53052 each atheist is different... but atheism isn't a religion... after reading through SOME of the posts i must say if your not open minded to what people have to say in answering them there is no real use in answering the questions(if your going to turn it into a debate and not even respect another opinion) |
Date: 5/20/2003 5:57:00 PM From Authorid: 53052 i must say that what i said is not directed at anyone specific... it's directed at people in general |
Date: 5/20/2003 6:07:00 PM From Authorid: 24924 I'm very sorry. My eyes failed me; as I read that as "Astronomy". I did a hasty reply without checking back on YOUR reply, but had only relied on my memory after reading it only once. My apologies, I'll try to write it down before posting. I also see that I forgot the last thing you mentioned in that same reply. That would be Humanism, but if I remember correctly, this was addressed several times on several posts where YOU were a participant? It is NOT a religion, but it really would take up a ton of space here to explain it all to you, and I do not want to take over this post with going into it in great detail. You might want to do a search on here for a post on Humanism, if that is possible, or do one of your own. Anyway, sorry about that silly faux pas with "astrology" *bows head*, I am embarrased beyond words....but as many have said "I'm not perfect; I am only human". |
Date: 5/20/2003 6:08:00 PM From Authorid: 47296 Drkptrs, wizardry is not a religion, but a practice. As I said, I am not against the Ten Commandments. Understand though, they are Mosaic Law, and were for the children of Israel who were part of the Exodus. Any who broke those commandments were not allowed to cross over into the Promised Land. Moses himself was denied that honor, for he had broken one of the commandments. I am against the way Judge Moore went about placing them in the rotunda. In fact, I am against Judge Moore totally, because he has shown that he does not care for all his fellow men, only those who follow his type of Christianity. I don't know where you went to school, but if I were you, I would ask for a refund of my tuition, because it is obvious you were robbed of a good education. |
Date: 5/20/2003 6:57:00 PM
From Authorid: 36967
believe it or not, I went to a secular college. Pretty good for a secular college. I didn't go where I wanted to go. Basically I didn't have the grades in High School that were basically required. I even have problems with Judge Roy Moore, I wouldn't bash him on the head with the issues. If you don't want him in, then don't vote for him. Or move into his district or whatever, and vote for the other guy. |
Date: 5/21/2003 8:51:00 AM From Authorid: 12600 I am agnostic. I do not discount possibility of a god or gods. I do not believe in ghosts, spirits, boogey-men, etc...although I will not completely ignore the feasibility of anything. I believe there may or may not be an afterlife and if there is one, I have no idea where or what will take place. I adhere to the concept that there are some things, actually quite a lot of things, that I will NEVER know...ever...and no amount of faith in, belief in, questioning of, reading, researching, or theorizing about any religion...or no religion...will change that fact. Although I am not an atheist, I believe that there are no "sects" of atheism. Because there is no book to guide them, no written code or detailed rules and doctrine, this is why you find that there are "soft" and "hard" atheists and a varying opinions among them regarding the afterlife, spirits, and things of that nature. Just like with Agnosticism, you find "atheistic" and "theistic" agnostics. I do not believe that Atheism is a religion. I believe it is human nature to give names, labels, etc to things, and atheism was just the name choosen by whomever, whenever to describe those who do not believe in god/a god... |
Date: 5/21/2003 9:17:00 AM
From Authorid: 61912
"The United States is in no sense founded upon the Christian doctrine."- George Washington "I do not find in orthodox Christianity one redeeming feature."- Thomas Jefferson "The bible is not my book, and Christianity is not my religion. I could never give assent to the long, complicated statements of Christain dogma." -Abraham Lincoln Quotes as listed in "Salvation for Sale", by Gerald Thomas Straub. While were on the subject of church and state I thought those quotes might make things intresting, you know stir things up a bit.... |
Date: 5/21/2003 10:13:00 AM
From Authorid: 36967
Andy, can I see where you get your info at. |
Date: 5/21/2003 10:37:00 AM From Authorid: 11240 I agree with Thomas Jefferson with the emphasis on "orthodox". (Thanks for your candor, Teep. God Bless. |
Date: 5/21/2003 11:38:00 AM From Authorid: 61912 They came from the book "Salvation for Sale" by Gerald Thomas Straub. Whether or not they are true quotes I do not know, I assume they are. I have more but that would just be redundant. |
Date: 5/21/2003 2:22:00 PM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 52140 There's been alot of mentionings of "scientific fact". I don't wanna get involved in an evolution/creation debate cuz thats not the reason we're here. What I wanna know is, how come everything seems to fit together? To me it just makes more sense that a man's reproductive system is just right for the females. I don't wanna go into detail cuz I of g-rating. It just makes me wonder how something like this can "pop" into being and they are suddenly just right. I dunno, perhaps someone can please explain to me in ENGLISH. JesusFreak hates science and doesn't understand complicated terms. |
Date: 5/21/2003 2:49:00 PM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 52140 I have a question also. People talk alot about proven facts and stuff like that. Well, as evolution was explained to me, it started with abunch of lil stuff coming together and forming a cell etc. Ok, if thats true, wouldn't there be a bunch of stuff popping up everwhere today? Why isn't anything evolving today? Why can't scientists make "new life" in labs today? |
Date: 5/21/2003 3:16:00 PM From Authorid: 47296 JF, evolution does still take place today. Man has evolved with time. At one time our appendix was served a purpose. Today it does not. The process of evolution takes time, and only happens when the situation dictates. |
Date: 5/21/2003 6:10:00 PM From Authorid: 36967 Even today, our Appendix has a purpose. The purpose is to aid the Accending colon in moving the waste product to the intestines. True we can live without it, that does not mean it is without a purpose. |
Date: 5/21/2003 6:11:00 PM From Authorid: 36967 I can live without my hands, does that mean that our hands don't serve a purpose, NO. It would be nice to have our hands. Our hands are like the Appendix. It does serve a purpose. |
Date: 5/21/2003 6:56:00 PM From Authorid: 51173 I would like to expand the question a bit for all atheists here except Thinker -- and I'm particularly interested in Slappy's response, as I think Slappy is a pretty smart guy. --------------- In terms of organization, I can quite agree with you that atheism is not a religion. But in that atheism does place value on science/experimentation, human reasoning capacity, and denial of the existance of a God or godlike being, could these not be concidered core values of atheism, and as such constitute a "religious" system on those grounds? Peace, Tom |
Date: 5/21/2003 7:00:00 PM From Authorid: 47296 Drkptrs, the original purpose of the appendix was similiar to what a gizzard does for a chicken, which is to grind up those food particles that the stomach cannot digest. According to every doctor I ever talked to, today it serves no medical purpose whatsoever. |
Date: 5/21/2003 7:06:00 PM From Authorid: 24924 We don't deny the existence of a god. We just LACK a belief in a god, as we find no evidence or argument that holds water or would give us reason to believe in a god. To DENY something means that one believes it to exist and denies that it does. LACK of, does not mean: denial. Sorry, but the "except Thinker" doesn't work here, Tom. This is a public forum, and as long as I am not being just a troll, I can reply to anything or anyone. Again, Atheism is NOT a religion since we do not adhere to any set doctrine, any ONE set rules or a god, or prayers or worship of a god, etc, etc. |
Date: 5/21/2003 7:45:00 PM From Authorid: 54987 Hee haw! [claps enthusiastically] |
Date: 5/21/2003 7:49:00 PM From Authorid: 51173 Cat, you misunderstand... I didn't say you couldn't post to a public board; of course you can. I added that to show I'm not interested in anything other than what other atheists may think about my question. Sorry for the confusion. |
Date: 5/22/2003 7:34:00 AM From Authorid: 36967 I have talked to doctors, they say it does serve a purpose. I explain to you what that purpose does. |
Date: 5/22/2003 7:35:00 AM From Authorid: 36967 Back to the original topic, I will repost the Definition of religion, any kind of a pattern of views that determines how you act or your attitude towards anything. |
Date: 5/22/2003 7:47:00 AM From Authorid: 61928 Everything seems to have a purpose because things without purpose DON'T EVOLVE! The simplest concept in the world. It has NOTHING to do with intelligent design. PB, atheism is no more a religion than rationality. |
Date: 5/22/2003 10:41:00 AM From Authorid: 47296 Atheism means, according to the individual, "without or no theism". Theism, is the same as religion. I found the following site an Atheism, and it should answer any questions most anyone will have. http://www.positiveatheism.org/index.shtml |
Date: 5/22/2003 11:23:00 AM From Authorid: 11240 Things without a purpose DON'T EVOLVE! No wonder we're at such a standstill on this subject. God Bless. |
Date: 5/22/2003 12:31:00 PM From Authorid: 61928 You might've misinterpreted what I just said right there. If some trait has no usefulness on a reproductive level, it won't tend to be passed on. Like when us humans finally donned some clothes to protect us from the elements, our hair began to dissappear. |
Date: 5/22/2003 4:18:00 PM From Authorid: 11240 Uh, sweetie, you haven't seen me with my "winter coat" (and sometimes I even let it grow out during the summer, too, since the summer lasts from April through October here. God Bless. |
Date: 5/22/2003 6:51:00 PM From Authorid: 54987 Drkptrs! Where the heck did you get that definition of religion? "... any kind of a pattern of views that determines how you act or your attitude towards anything." Is republicanism and democracy a religion then? Was that definition found in a fortune cookie? |
Date: 5/23/2003 4:30:00 AM From Authorid: 36967 Like I said, that would make almost everything a religion. |
Date: 5/23/2003 1:31:00 PM From Authorid: 58681 My father used to say that if its an 'ism' its a religion, we we know that's not true. Atheism is a lack of religion, a lack of a belief in God. I don't agree with the atheistic view but I can understand where they are coming from. I also respect their standpoint. I only care what I believe in. Cheers. GA |
Date: 5/23/2003 8:51:00 PM From Authorid: 60162 Everyone is different, you cant just lump all athiests in the one basket and call them the same thing. Its more complicated than that. And this is largely opinion based this question... there is not absolute truth, so you wont find the answers you are looking for. |
Date: 5/24/2003 2:20:00 PM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 52140 WS, you said that the appedix grinded up food, well, when I was 7 I had my appendix taken out, is that why I got fat afterward (I've lost weight!), because it wasn't there to grind stuff up? |
Date: 5/24/2003 2:25:00 PM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 52140 HorrorBull, you said there is no absolute truth out there. Well, someone stated that atheists believe in what is tested and experimented on etc. Anyway, where's your proof for that? |
Date: 5/24/2003 2:26:00 PM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 52140 sry I haven't commented in a while, I've been at a freind's house |
Date: 5/24/2003 3:46:00 PM From Authorid: 47296 JF, that was hundreds of years ago. |
Date: 5/24/2003 6:02:00 PM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 52140 WS, I wasn't being a smart ellic (sp) its just something I've always wondered |
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