The moon has come and gone since about a year now, Still I have seen nothing of your beautiful eyes. I drive my cruiser to the top of the hill Where the water tower stands guard Like an eternally vigilant knight Overseeing the world he protects,
From the top of the hill, The world seems so peaceful. Thousands of lights twinkle on the ground Leaving me quite unaware of the events transpiring below. I look up and see millions of stars twinkling down on me. Maybe these stars are trying to tell me something I stand there in the cool winterish night. I intensify my gaze upon these celestial bodies And almost believe that I am on the verge of hearing something Something that had been cast into space for an eternity just to meet me at this precise moment in time, at this exact spot in the universe. The wind caresses my ears ever so slightly I concentrate because I can almost see it in the breeze. I can almost hear it in the stars Echoing in the far off cosmos like a memory of a dream. Every cell in my body trying to decipher The encrypted code the heavens have sent me. I start to feel that I am falling Falling thousands of feet through darkness. My heart starts to pound Memories rush into my consciousness From the forgotten recesses of my heart. The message is now roaring in my soul So loud that I cannot hear it. It has become so crystally clear That I can’t even see it. The world set in fast forward now passes me I am caught motionless. Then, just as suddenly as it first started,
I watch over the world that I protect, From the top of my hill I can only hear the wind once again. I strain to hear it again, only the soothing sound of the night air can be heard. I turn to walk away, I hear a whisper in my mind A whisper that engulfs a fire inside my heart and soul My soul stirred as if an angel had come down from heaven To speak the only word that ever meant anything to me. An angel came down to whisper The one thing that could possibly keep me strong The only thing that could bring a tear to my eye The only name that could ever take my breath away As if I had fallen into the icy depths of the Arctic itself.
Your name.
I turn and quickly look At the stars once again before returning to duty. A small ray of sunlight pierces through the grey place inside my heart revealing a brilliant shade of glimmering scarlet hope.
Hope guides me,
It is what gets me through the day and the night. The hope that after you had left from my sight, It would not be the last time I look upon your enchanted bluish grey eyes. I love you more today Than anyone has ever loved someone Combined for an eternity. As the moon shines bright through the trees The branches dance in the wind casting eerie shadows on the ground. I still see your face In the moonlight of my imagination. Always hold me close in your heart. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 62150 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .