Recently my husband and I were in a large electronics store, looking at laptop computers. I have a computer at home but knew nothing about laptops except that my best friend bought one and watched a movie on it while we were camping. Therefore I decided I also had to have one. You know, a keeping up with Jones's type thing. Anyway, the salesman was explaining to both of us how it worked when I noticed it didn't have a mouse like my comp at home. So I asked the salesman if the laptop came with a mouse. He told me I could use a mouse with it if I wanted to. I asked him where the mouses were that I would use with the laptop. So he pointed me to the nearby aisle which had every kind of mouse a person could ask for. My eyes scanned the rack carefully, looking for the special dime-sized mouse I would need with my new laptop. But all of them were about the same size of my regular mouse at home. So I walked back to where he and my husband were still talking and told him I could not find a mouse small enough for the laptop. Finally the salesman asked me what I meant. I pointed to the tiny square space on the opened laptop and announced seriously that I would not have any room to move the regular mouses around on that space. Suddenly my husband and the salesman began laughing hysterically as they explained to me that the laptop space only required fingers for moving the curser around. Needless to say I was red with embarressment. However, the salesman, still trying not to make me feel foolish by laughing too loudly said. ''That's okay! You made my day.'' You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 12411 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .