There was this guy on the free way, he was driving his pretty fast sportscar. He passes this guy on skates, this man is suppose to be the fastest guy on skates.
So he speeds his sportscar, to 30 mph, he see's the guy on skates, waving at him, so he shifts gears and speeds to 45 mph. Before he knows it, the guy on skates was right next to him, waving at him. So this guy thinks, man this guy is pretty fast on skates, he says to himself, "I know he can't do 65" So he shifts gears and speeds up to 65 mph, and before he knows, the guy on skates was right next to him, waving.
He shifts agian, to run to 85 mph. thinking there is no way this guy can do 85 mph, on skates, lo and behold, he was right there next to him, waving his arms, like a wildman. Wondering what his secret is, he knows he has to loose him, so he speeds up to 135 mph, and guess what, he was right there next to him, his eyes where popping out of his head, fire comming out his nose. He was waving his arms like a madman.
So he is so desperate to get rid of him, so he shifts gears and speeds up to 165 mph. Before he knows it, he sees this guy agian on skates, he was really a madman now, waving his arms, screening, eyes poping out, fire coming out his eyes, ears and nose. He knows he cannot go any faster, thinking that this guy is the fastest person on skates, and even faster than many cars. He sees this stop light and it is red, so he decides to obey the law and stop. The guy on skates also stops too. The man in the car as the skater, what is in those skates, and the skater says "Thank you for stoping, because my sespendors were caught in your bumper."
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