They needed a 10-year study to figure out this one
Woman do more housework: official May 15, 2003
A STUDY has confirmed what most women already know - they do most of the housework.
Whether it's cooking, cleaning, washing or mowing, women spend longer than men doing household chores, said University of Queensland sociologist Associate Professor Janeen (Janeen) Baxter.
Her 10-year study explored gender equity, particularly relating to the division of labour within the home.
"So far I've found that in terms of housework, it's pretty clear that men don't do it and women do about 70 per cent of the work," Dr Baxter said today.
Women not in the paid workforce do at least 18 hours of housework a week, including cooking, cleaning, gardening and mowing, washing and household maintenance.
This did not include caring for small children.
But men did just six hours of housework each week, even if they were unemployed or retired.
Dr Baxter believes women may just have to put up with the situation ... and keep the home clean and family fed.
"Women have always been in the workforce," Dr Baxter said. AAP
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