Donovan quickly stuffed the paper into his jeans pocket. He wiped away his lingering tears with his sleeve and started to walk torwards the door, but paused. He had to tell Julie. She was only fourteen- would she understand? He bit his lip. She'd never talk to him again if she found out that he didn't tell her the reason of her beloved father's death. He walked into the room and was surprised to see that she was awake, huddled up against the wall, tear stains all over her face criss-crossing down her cheeks and nose. "Julie," he began, taking several deep breaths, "I know how father...'died'." She looked up and grimaced, rubbing her forehead. "How?" It was barely a question, just a secondary thing to her, seeing the body just laying on the tile, eyes still open but obviously unblinking. "He isn't." Julie's face lit up with puzzlement, and she stood up so quickly Donovan wouldn't have caught it if he blinked. "What is the MATTER with you, Donovan? What the heck are you trying to do to me? Dad is DEAD! Stop!" She ran hurriedly from the room. He thought, so maybe she wouldn't be the best person to deal with this with. He guessed he could call Cole, the smartest guy in his school whose only reason for not skipping about 3 grades was that he purposefully did bad because he'd get picked on in higher grades. Cole would maybe understand x=ML2, or something else that his father said. Donovan gulped. Why was he so readily accepting that the note wasn't a suicide note? But he knew that his gut instinct was telling him to believe his father's word and not call 9-1-1. Instead he walked back into the labratory and dialed Cole's number. Cole wasn't really a friend of his, but because of the peculiarity of his father and his work her didn't have "friends". Cole answered. "Uh, hi, Cole, this is Donovan Browne. I really need your help." Donovan was lucky that Cole was such an accepting person, anyone else would have told him to beat it. "See, there's this formula, x-ML2...."
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