They say God is dead the war has begun thats what they said a pitiful song to be sung
They say God dosn't live here he dosn't love us he walked away its time to choke back a tear its us that turned and walked the other way
Whats wrong with all of you have we already died life is more important to go through then death, thats a lie
I'm not righteos or full of grace I'm a sinner and human at most but I don't want to be a disgrace but ya'll do and you boast
what has our world come to No more law, no more rules anything you wanna do as long as its cool
I miss you God, I still love you Why'd we have go astray You never left us, we left you some of us are still here, listen to us pray
Never forsake us, we're too weak we all need some guidence we're at your feet, so little so meak sorry about those filled with defiance
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .