He hasn't hit the bottle,
In the past ten years.
But something now compels him,
To drink away all of his fears.
He stopped by the liquor store today,
And walked out with a brown paper sack.
Inside was a bottle of whiskey,
That he just couldn't wait to turn back.
With each sip of the booze,
His cares slowly melted away.
He wouldn't feel anymore pain,
At least for just this one day.
In his unsteady state of mind,
He drove himself to that place.
A place he wanted nothing to do with,
But always knew he had to face.
He opened his car door,
And staggered across the fresh cut lawn.
All of those feelings beagan to rush back.
Feelings he thought were long gone.
Bottle in his left hand,
And a dozen roses in his right.
He could now make out the words,
As her headstone came into site.
He placed the roses on the grass,
And sat beside the weathered stone.
"I know it's been a long time,
And I'm sorry I left you here alone"
His eyes began to fill with tears,
As he whispered these words to her.
He thought back on the good old days,
And remembered how they were.
He finished off his bottle,
And threw it across the way.
He pulled a few weeds from around her grave,
And on the cold ground above her he did lay.
As his tears of heartache hit the ground,
He whispered,"I Love You!"
The night sky was settling in,
And had soon turned to black from blue.
When the morning came,
The keeper found him lying lifeless,
In what would soon be his final resting place.
His hand was laying upon her stone,
And a smile was across his face.
A smile that hadn't been seen,
Since many, many years ago.
He stopped smiling when she died,
And life had lost it's glow.
His very cause of death,
Was an old and lonely broken heart.
But now he is in heaven with his angel.
And they will never again be torn apart.
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .