A woman working in a pharmacy needed help. Her husband was the doctor and very very ill, she did her best at doing the job for him, without being a doctor herself but the fact was she needed help. He was getting worse and worse and she needed to be with him, suffering his cancer with him. This is where Dr Holmes entered her life. When a lady entered the store and wanted a perscription that she was unsure of, she handed it to Dr Holmes as she didnt want to disturb her dying husband. Dr Holmes promptly pulled bottles and jars off the shelf as he arranged the ladies needs. The Employer was impressed and hired Holmes on the spot, not knowing that he had killed a woman shortly before through poison perscription, nor did she even look at his credentials.
Holmes was young, incrediably handsome and soon attracting business to the womans little pharmacy. Holmes had a way with the ladies and made them come back too often, while the owner got to spend more time with her sick husband. Holmes was doing the accounting in no time and becoming quite popular.
Finally her husband died and Holmes approached her to buy the business off her. She didnt want to leave as she felt her husband was still there somehow so he agreed to let her hang around and he would pay her a monthly wage even though she didnt have to work. The business, he insisted, was all he was interested in.
She didnt get her first monthly pay and tried to take him to court. Before the hearing, she dissapeared and her body never found. Holmes said she moved to California, upset from her husbands death.
Holmes married shortly after that to a young woman with an innocent, shy way about her. In no time she was working with him at the pharmacy. His wife soon got jealous of him flirting with customers and Holmes sent her to her parents, pregnant and upset, she moved in with them and he was free to do things his way.
In 1889 Benjamin came into Holmes life. He was young, good looking, married with many children. He wasnt good at keeping jobs but when he met Holmes he adored him. He followed Holmes around like a lost puppy and did everything he was told. It was said they may of met during Holmes castle being built. It was three stories high and who ever asked questions was fired and quickly replaced. Over 500 workers in total participated in building the castle. He would often use the workers for a week and before their pay day he would sack them. Some tried to take him to court but he had a way of getting out of things. The workers eventually gave up and Holmes wouldnt pay a cent.
When he didnt pay for a safe that was installed, the company tried to remove it but Holmes was smart. He built a room around the safe and said "if it was damaged - I will sue". The safe stayed. Holmes also had kilns, cages, acid pots, secret passages and stairways that led no where. Not to mention sealed rooms with gas jets on the walls, torture devices and even machines that could stretch a man to double his size. It was a castle for Frankenstein.
He closed down the pharmacy and reopened it in his castle a year later. He also had a restaurant, a jewellry shop and many more shops. The town was delighted at something new and something so elegant. Soon he needed more employees as his wealth grew and another man entered his life, Ned, who was exactly like Benjamin.
Neds wife introduced her sister to Holmes and he fell for her immediately, wined and dined but when he expressed his love and said he would divorce his wife, the lady was distraught as that wasnt the done thing back then. She fled to another state. After she fled Holmes focused on Neds wife. It was clear that they became lovers. Ned wasnt aware at first but his friends soon told him. Ned confronted her and eventually left her when she became pregnant to Holmes. He married someone else.
Holmes was too confident and cruel to think he was ruining lives. He didnt even care. Holmes wanted the baby aborted shortly after that but she didnt want to... eventually it came to the point where Holmes had no choice. Both his lover and her daughter were killed.
A new employee entered Holmes life several months later who had a talent in articulating skeletons. Holmes soon offered him a job in doing just that. He was led to a room and asked to do his job, that involved skinning a corpse of a woman that lay in a room upstairs. Holmes sold the skeleten for $200 to the local medical school. No one knew who it was or how they died.
Benjamin was meeting women too. He met a striking young woman and told her all about his boss, Holmes. Interested to meet her, Holmes then offered the woman a job and she accepted. The love affair soon began. Her family came down and hinted that something was odd about the building, she ignored them and the marriage was arranged.
The lady had a rich background but it was lust that Holmes wanted. Only in death could he truely reach pleasure. He planned to kill her right from the beginning. A few nights before their wedding he summoned her, He managed to lock her in his safe and as he heard her screaming and banging he was at a place he was never at before. The pleasure of power excited him like no other. Several weeks later, the medical school bought another skeleton off Holmes. A young female.
Another young woman met the same fate and was also sold to the Medical school. He also met another woman and learnt of a large amount of money she had. After refusing to let him put it in the safe, she was burnt to death in one of his kilns and cremated.
Shortly later another employee admitted of an affair and was in a horrbile situation as the woman threatened to tell his wife and had already told her sister. He approached Holmes and they agreed that they must die. He used his gas room to kill the two sisters and the wife was left till last. This opened the door to so much more for Holmes.
The castle became a tourist attraction fast and with kilns and gas jet filled rooms and even the safe, it became a haven for killing tourists and stealing their money. More than 50 tourists never came home, most were young women.
Holmes fell in love again and decided to wed again. The debtors were banging on his door, wanting money from years ago and his wife was fed more lies too keep her there. He soon grew tired and fantasised about killing her too. He fled with the new lady and tried to claim insurance by setting fire to the first floor of the castle. They caught up with Holmes however, and refused to pay up.
He then spoke to Benjamin, and Ben agreed to take out life insurance and sign it over to Holmes. Holmes said they would find a body double and pretend that Ben had died to collect the $10,000. Ben was told to go into hiding and not tell his family but he couldnt. He told his wife who begged him not to but he didnt listen. Holmes was his life. He disappeared and was never seen again.
Holmes moved to Texas and met Benjamin there. He was infact, still alive then. He stole horses and moved back to Chicago but the law was catching up on him. Holmes landed in jail but his wife bailed him out. While in jail, Holmes met Marion, a celebrity criminal and a very bad man. They together set up Bens fake death and a dodgy lawyer to do the business for them.
When out of jail, Holmes met up with Benjamin Holmes did the unspeakable. He drugged Ben, threw chemicals on his face that blew his face up then dumped him in the sun for easy decompisition.
Holmes went back home to find Bens wife in hysterics. He told he it was all a scheme and she must play along, that he wasnt dead at all. He then tried to collect the money but Ben had used another name, they needed more proof. They sent dead Ben down for examining and his daughter identified the man as her father, Benjamin. Holmes also said it was definately Ben. The scheme went through and the wife got $500 out of Holme's $10,000. He conned her and left her with nothing.
Holmes forgot someone though. Marion was still in jail. Waiting for his money for his help. Marion sent a letter to the insurance company, explaining the fraud. Private investigators were hired and a lot of information was dug up on Holmes. He was arrested within months and so was Bens wife for participating in the scam. Holmes had actually taken Bens children away while the scam was happening, when the wife found out he was a fraud king, she screamed for her children. They were found dead.
At 10.30am May 7 1896 Holmes was hung. Over 133 murders under his belt and a string of lives ruined because of him. A compulsive liar, desperate for fame and riches, he was sentenced to death after the children were found. Ironically his coffin was vandalised and flipped upside down in the grave spot.
He was said to be worse than Jack the Ripper and all this happened BEFORE Jack the Ripper. How it changed my life:Horror\\\\Buff. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 60162 ( Click here )
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