Summer walked along the beach with Clark. Holding hands. "Ahh life is so wonderful. Me and clark are married and I'm gonna have twins" she thought to herself. She was about 9 months pregnant. FAST FORWARD 2 YEARS: "Summer this party is absolutely wonderful" Ann said not really meaning it. "Thanks ann I can see your really enjoying it" Summer said saracastically. Summer turned around and saw Clark talking to a guy she never met before. They shook hands and the man walked out. Summer came up to Clark. "Honey who was that?" summer asked. "Who" Clark asked innocently. "That man you were just talking to. I never met him before" Summer said with more emphasis. "There was no man" Clark said sounding more as an order then a statment. "But you were just talking to him" Summer repeated. "Are you calling me a liar" clark yelled. He grabbed her arm and took her to the garage. Everyone in the party looked at them strangely. "Um we'll be right back people. Enjoy the food and drinks" Clark said reassuringly. He took to the garage. He beat her until she was black and blue all over. Her eyes were black and puffy. She couldnt see. Her stomach was all red and bruised. Her arms were also bruised badly. Clark ordered her to go upstairs. She solemnly went. As she was limping up the stairs she wondered when she would leave Clark. This had been happening too long now and she needed to get out. She fell onto her bed and cried silently. She took tissues to wipe her nose and mouth. Ann slipped into the room while she was crying. "Oh my god SUMMER!" she rushed over to her sister. "Summer, what the heck happened?. Clark did this didnt he? Come on we are leaving get your stuff I'll get the kids" she yelled as she started packing for Summer. Summer didnt move. "I cant leave him. He'll come after me and hurt me or the kids. Ann get out of here before he finds you!" Summer said with urgency. "No screw that your either leaving or I'm calling the cops!" Ann said. "ANN DONT! Stay out of my buisiness and my family!" Summer yelled. "Your family are those kids and you have to think about them!" she finished packing summers stuff. "Now come on!" she grabbed Summer and pulled her with her. They slipped into the kids room and and walked downstairs out the back door. "Hey Clark what happened to Summer?" Mr.Smith, a neighbor asked. "Oh she wasnt feeling well and needed to rest" Clark replied. "Then why did she just leave with the kids?" Mr.Smith asked again. Clark turned around just and ran out the back door. He ran into the driveway just as they were pulling away. "SUMMER! YOURE GONNA PAY I SWEAR GET BACK HERE!" he yelled. "Your gonna pay" he said to himself. And summer would pay the ultimate price. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 54532 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .