About 6 years ago my friend Kim and I went to 'our favorite' 'getting into rokkin' trouble' club.
This club was 'located' in the back of a 'hotel'. But once inside the club, you were able to 'walk out' into the 'hallways' which led to banquet rooms and guest rooms.
My favorite band was playing that night, PUMPJACK. Well, needless to say we had gotten a couple drinks in us and while waiting on the band, we decided to 'give ourselves a tour'of the hotel.
There was no one around as we wandered down the brightly lighted hallways. We finally stopped at a 'double' door and thought we'd have a look inside.
Upon entering, we discovered that the banquet room was already 'set up' neatly and nicely with plates, silverware and 'centerpieces' for (more than likely) a morning 'meeting' or seminar.'
We took different directions and wandered carelessly through the dark, me picking up a 'drink' that looked like it was a 'shot' and saying, "Look, I think this is a BLACK TOOTH GRIN." (A name of a drink)
I didnt hear a comment from Kim so I casually strolled around the area some more, wondering what else was interesting.
Eventually I wondered WHERE WAS Kim. I didn't see her nor hear her.
Finally I hear a 'throaty gargle' coming from 'somewhere 'down under.' "Helllpppp me. Helllpppp me...."
"Where are you?" I ask.
"I've fallen."
"Down here...." She moans.
I finally make it over to her, to find a 90 pound crumple of flesh and bones, twisted and turned in every direction, so it seemed. On top of her a table had fallen, with 3 or 4 different chairs.
I start to laugh as as I pull the table and chairs away from her skinny little body.
"What happened?" I say through hysterical laughter.
"I... dont know....." She said grumbling through pain. "I fell."
I continue to laugh. "I know you fell!"
Finally I stand the blonde haired waif on her feet and we RUN out of there. Closing the door behind us as if nothing ever happened and RUNNING back to the club.
Kim was alright. I am sure the banquet room was alright except for the overturned furniture...which we felt bad about but could do nothing about it then.
The next morning when 'reliving' our moments over the phone we talked about what happened. We both laughed together this time. But in between laughter she was saying, "Darn I am sore!... Man that hurt!"
Of course we couldnt leave out the part about the banquet room. "Oh man, I feel bad! We wrecked the banquet room!"
The last time I was back at the club there was a WALL up....no more STROLLING DOWN THE HOTEL HALLWAYS! NO MORE DESTROYING A BANQUET ROOM! You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 18506 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .