I am the wife of author 62085- Knightmare_Rulez, he wanted to post the pic to his updated story, but had some mixed emotions about it. Anyway the first link is the original pic, and the second link is where he circled the enities he saw, the large one in the center is the octopus-like spirit, to the right of it is something flying towards him , and at the bottom is a small crab/spider like spirit. Its a color picture, but for some bizarre reason i cannot get it to scan in color, it was early morning hours, so maybe it was just too dark. Pics can be seen at http://www.crazydavy.com/emd006.bmp and http://www.crazydavy.com/emd006show.bmp How it changed my life:i had a childhood experience myself, that knight wrote about on here, and by reading the stories on here, i wasnt aware how many people have these types of encounters. I guess alot of people just dont talk about it. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 62086 ( Click here )
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