dreams of crimson fill my mind everything seems so much clearer the rush of energy that flows through my veins tension just moments before the sweet splitting of flesh a deep scarlet draining out the steel of the blade feels so good ice cold on my quivering skin relief brought forth by the pain happy that i can feel the pure bliss of cutting then come the scars battle scars as i like to call them for they show of a great fight a battle with ones own soul still being alive at the end shows your victory but the tears still run down my cheeks i don't think they'll ever go away even if i achieved what i wanted they would still rush in every night so i place the razor away i didn't cut tonight it will only hurt everyone i love and in the end it will not make me sane instead i light up a cigarette if i must hurt myself then smoking's a good enough way you never have to explain smoking but everyone asks and wonders about cuts no use trying to explain when they do they'll never understand no one ever does only another cutter can understand your pain and they can't even help themselves let alone you or i so i bid thee adu for the night and lest i leave you with one more fact writing and poetry is a wonderful healer but it never lasts quite long enough i shall resist the blade for tonight but tomorrow is yet another war You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 52333 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .