I haven't been in a romantic relationship for a long time. Recently I started seeing this guy that used to be friends with my ex. Well, now he hates my ex. I can't help being suspicious that maybe he is just with me to get back at my ex because he hates him so much. My ex is in prison and will be getting out soon. He lied to me many times throughout the 6 years we were together, so my trust for people has been very minimal. I just don't want to get taken in and get my heart broken, as this is the first time I've really moved on since my ex, and I really like this guy. Should I risk my feelings on him? I started talking to him about 8 months ago. We never slept together or anything.We basically hung out. Then we stopped seeing each other because of my fear to agree to be exclusive with him. He started seeing someone else, but he came by my house at least twice a month. He broke up with that girl about a month ago. I saw him driving by my house and I yelled for him to stop and he came and sat with me outside and talked with me for about 2 hours. It was nice. Then he started coming over more often. Well, one night last weekend he called me and told me he'd be over "later" and he never showed up. He came over the next day in the afternoon and I told him that what he did was rude. He just gave me this look. He acted normally, but then when he went to leave he said "I'll see ya some other time". I thought that was it. It was over. We never actually said we were dating or anything, but I figured he'd leave me alone, well he showed up last night and everything was great. We talked all night and gave each other massages. It was nice. I'm so confused. I'll never understand guys. Does he really like me? Update:******* I am in desperated need of help here. Everything seemed great this weekend. The guy I was asking about came and picked me up Saturday night after I got off work and we went to the bar. Everything seemed wonderful. The things he was saying to me sounded so sincere. He told me that he's a very "patient person" and that he's been waiting for us to get together for a long time. He even told me that he was in love with me. He was so drunk and I thought maybe his emotions were intensified because of the alcohol, but I believed he was somewhat sincere. That night he stayed at my house with me (we both just passed out) and he didn't leave until 1:00 the next afternoon cuz I had to get ready for work. I didn';t see him that night (Sunday) because I went to party with an old friend who had just come back to town. then he tried to call me twice yesterday (Monday) but I missed the calls. Well, here's the deal. I am in my college biology class with his ex that he was seeing for that time where him and I were no longer talking. Today I was sitting in class and she was telling these girls how she went to the lake twice this weekend. When they asked her who all went I heard her mention this guy's name. The girls asked her if they were back together and she told them that they are trying to work things out!! I'm just wondering what's going on here. He works for a construction company out of town, so he's gone for the rest of the week and I probably won't see him until next weekend. I'm very upset because he knows the awful things I went through with my ex and how hard it is for me to trust anyone again. I thought he valued our friendship more than that. He knows how important honesty is to me. What is he trying to do here? I'm so confused. Please help. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 14752 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .