Night falls softly on my small hometown. The lights are all out and there's no one around.
The babies are all asleep in their beds Little pillows pillowing their little sleepy heads.
The puppy's snoring and the cats gone out. There's hardly a sound to be heard about.
And inside me glass shatters where my heart used to be. There's screaming and crying Deep inside of me.
There's anger and fighting Deep in my soul Someone has a hold and wont let go.
The baby tosses, gently in her sleep She doesnt wake up doesnt hear me weep.
And I wonder how long I can last again I wonder how long will I ever win.
Silence surrounds me on this peacefull night Silence to be broken. And nothing is right. ***************************************
What would you say, If I came to you tonite? Would you turn me away? Would you try to make it right?
Would you be surprised that I still pine for you. That I look for your approval in everything I still do?
How can I live without you? How can I sleep at night? How can I live my life Without you to hold me tight?
How can I move on? How can I survive this all, Without your arms to comfort me Each time I fall.
I know we said forever And forever was what I meant. I never meant to break that promise Though I knew when it got bent.
Broken vows and broken dreams I fell like an eagle flying on broken wings.
Broken home and broken memories, Baby there was so much more to us Then these.
How can I move on? How can I survive this all, Without your arms to comfort me Each time I fall.
Broken vows and broken dreams I fell like an eagle flying on broken wings.
You come to me In my dreams at night Your lips so soft Your words so right.
You come to me and I wait for you. I want those dreams I want you.
You have so much to say When I'm asleep at night. Your soft spoken words Just making it right.
You hold my hand and I can feel your chest When you wrap your arms around me in the way that you do best.
You come to me In my dreams at night and while I sleep all the world is right.
It's over It's done We've both lost Neither has won.
The battle our marriage Has been faught and lost. We're the casualties. Was it worth the cost?
We'll walk away soon The judge will call us quits And in the end it'll be over The battles and fits.
ANd there's nothing left for me to do Not much left to say Except, *I* *L**O**V**E* *Y**O**U* You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 21137 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .